
My Disciple Are All Idiot Players

After being isekai'd for four years, He Yi Ming has finally become a Sect Master, activated the Strongest Sect System, and started to receive daily login rewards! What the system is summoning the souls of people from my original world and giving them a body to become the sect disciple! The atmosphere of the whole sect suddenly changed! Dark Soul Players: Although the starter town monsters one-shot us, but as long as we roll skillfully, it's easy to beat without taking a single damage! Chuunibyou Players: If you don't even have a single power seal within your body what even is the point of life!? Come and take my crash course on how to seal power within your body! Tower Defense Players: The swarm of monsters is coming! Protect the Sect Master! Everyone gets in formation, the archer tower, frost tower, and the flying sword formation are all locked and loaded, if we let even one loose then we're all eating shit! ............ Raw Novel Source-https://b.faloo.com/853689.html Cover Art Source-https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0l8O6

Ayanami_Matou · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 65: Challenging the Two-Headed Serpent

"Ah ah ah, it's too powerful!"

"Run! Ah, I can't run anymore!"

"Save me, no don't eat me! AHHHH!"


The 15 Body Refinement Realm Rank 1 players were all unsurprisingly easily defeated by the two-headed serpent.

The players tried to resist, they tried to flee.

But in the end, none of them managed to escape the two-headed serpent's jaw of death, becoming its little snack.

"Isn't this just feeding..." He Yi Ming was a little puzzled after watching this scene.

But soon, a figure slowly walk out and stood in front of the gigantic beast.

ID Indomitable_Panda!

At this time, Indomitable_Panda has the highest cultivation among the players due to dying the least amount of time.

Having a cultivation at the Peak of Body Refinement Realm!

Exactly the same as when He Yi Ming first established the sect!

"A single death will drop my cultivation back to Body Refinement Realm Rank 1? That's what gets my blood pumping!" Indomitable_Panda raised his head and gazed at the Foundation Realm two-headed serpent towering before him.

Peak of Body Refinement Realm VS Foundation Realm!

The power gap between the two sides was more than 100 times!

Indomitable_Panda can even feel the terrifying pressure emitting off of the gigantic beast standing before him!

Just the pressure alone makes his body tremble in terror!

But that's what excites him even more!

Indomitable_Panda can feel the adrenaline pumping through his body as his fighting spirit was ignited!

One word, fight!

"Hissss!" The two-headed serpent saw Indomitable_Panda walking toward it and casually spew out a cluster of frost mist!

The frost mist instantly expanded covering over a hundred square meters leaving nowhere to hide!


"Grappling hook!" Indomitable_Panda lift his hand and activated a mechanism on his right arm, a bone hook quickly flew out and hooked a branch high in the tree.

Immediately, Indomitable_Panda pulled on the rope and soar into the air, dodging the two-headed serpent frost breath!

"OMG, is that a grappling hook? How the hell did Panda Senpai make one? I want one too!"

"I'm so jealous! I wonder if Panda Senpai will teach me how to make one later if I ask?"

"Sasuga ni Panda Senpai! POG!"

(As expected of)


The players watching from a distance were all dumbfounded.

As soon as he landed, a gleam flashed through Indomitable_Panda's eyes and he quickly leap backward!

Almost at the same time, the tail of the two-headed serpent swiped past like a wrecking ball, smashing everything in its path into smithereens!

Missing by a hair, if Indomitable_Panda was any slower, he will definitely be smashed into mincemeat!

This attack of the two-headed serpent was terrifyingly fast! Once you see the attack coming, it was already too late to dodge!

Indomitable_Panda completely relied on his previous combat experience with hundreds of other monsters and his knowledge of the two-headed serpent's attack pattern, in order to dodge this attack!

"Grappling hook!" At this moment, just like before, a grappling hook shot out of Indomitable_Panda's arm and hooked onto the body of the two-headed serpent!

Indomitable_Panda quickly accelerated, circling around the two-headed serpent, before he suddenly jump off the ground.

In the next moment, Indomitable_Panda began to spin around with the two-headed serpent at the center.

The two-headed serpent froze for an instant, and then it furiously open its mouth, trying to swallow Indomitable_Panda whole.

However, Indomitable_Panda swings into the two-headed serpent's blind spot before releasing the hook and quietly landing on its back.

After that, Indomitable_Panda quickly climbs up the two-headed serpent's back and reaches its head.

At this time, the two-headed serpent lost tract of Indomitable_Panda and its two head was searching around for him, flickering their tongue.

Right at this moment!


"Eight Gates!"

Indomitable_Panda stood on top of the serpent head that spew frost breath and give himself all the buff! And then, he grab a sword off his back and stabbed it right into the serpent's eye!

"HISSSS!" Indomitable_Panda's attack made the two-headed serpent let out a cry of pain!

The giant head of the serpent thrashed around trying to shake Indomitable_Panda off.

However, Indomitable_Panda activated a mechanism on his shoe, and spikes shoot out of the bottom of the sole, tightly gripping onto the serpent skin as he hold on to the sword for dear life.

"Gush!" The more the serpent thrashed around, the deeper the sword dug into its eye causing even greater pain.

Suddenly, Indomitable_Panda's expression changed, as he hurriedly let go of the sword and allowed himself to be flung off the serpent's head.

Almost at the same time, the venomous serpent's head bites toward Indomitable_Panda, but not only did it miss, but instead it bit the frost serpent's head, biting off a huge chunk of the frost serpent's head.

Indomitable_Panda rolled across the ground to dissipate the energy of being violently flung off of the serpent head suffering some minor injuries.

Indomitable_Panda's actions clearly infuriated the two-headed serpent, as if going berserk, the two-headed serpent began to recklessly attack Indomitable_Panda!

In the face of these attacks, Indomitable_Panda didn't panic, covering both of his legs in Armament Haki and keeping two gates open!

"Boom!" Indomitable_Panda begins to displayed masterful sidestepping and positioning avoiding all of the serpent's attacks!

The two-headed serpent attack over and over again, but always misses Indomitable_Panda by a hair.

Indomitable_Panda used his surroundings to his advantage, like hiding behind trees or rock to break line of sight or using his grappling hook to get away when he is corner, all his dodging only made the two-headed serpent even more furious as whenever it seemed like it was about to get Indomitable_Panda, he always gets away!

(Doomfist, Shaco, Sombra, Le Blanc, Wrecking Ball)

The chase continue for over ten minutes, and the two-headed serpent was never able to touch Indomitable_Panda even once!

The other players saw this and were left completely shocked.