
Chapter 2

The diary fell open at this page. As I began to read I remembered why. I’d been so happy that day that I’d reread it constantly, wearing the pages down.

Finally we did it. I’m so happy to be writing this down as I never want to forget it. It was prom night and Eddie had asked me to go. He knew I wasn’t interested in him and it was only so we’d be paired up. Stephanie had gone with Owen. I was happy when it was finally over and then something wonderful happened.

When I came into my room I didn’t realize the curtains weren’t closed. I was distracted as I took off my gown and hung it up. Staring at myself in the mirror had me thinking about Stephanie and what we could have been doing together tonight. I knew some of the girls and guys had booked motel rooms…the girls wanting to lose their virginities and the boys desperate to brag that they had been the first.