
My diary system in Marvel

After transmigrating into the Marvel universe, Luke had awaken the Diary Entry System. As long as whoever that holds the diary believes and trusts in what was written, then Luke would be rewarded by his system. The stronger the trust value, the better the rewards. Editor note: Hello guys! I am not the author, nor am I a translator of this fanfic. I am simply a normal guy heavily editing an MTL of the raw "People are writing diaries in Marvel, and the Avengers are all confused". I saw some others on this app who are attempting to edit the chapters, such as "Elephas" or "BlackGoku222" but I find their edits rather lackluster. And since I am interested in reading this further, I thought i'd do the rest of us a favor of putting out my edited version of the MTL. Please note that the characters will be slightly AU. If you think that my edited version is different from the original or other versions, you would be right as I included my own elements and removed some extra information in order to try to make the story as congruent as possible. Honestly guys, the MTL is so confusing. Lastly, I will TRY my best to make this story as readable as humanely possible, but no promises for a 5-star edit as my English language was only a B3. And thanks for taking the time to read this! (Gib me cookies/stones please) (Cover pic by Nariva Amynia on DevianArt. This is not an original work, I own absolutely nothing except my own deviations to the original fanfiction!)

TheWandaShip · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Volume 1 Afterthoughts and Voting on the future of the series!


Well guys, we have come to the end of Volume 1. There are a few things that I want to bring to your attention regarding the direction of this series post the original arc. I know I did one of these maybe 4 weeks ago, but that was before I did the original arc.

First, In this original arc, I made quite a substantial amount of changes from the MTL. The most prominent of them being the early introduction of Luke meeting Wanda and Pietro. I have not read past MTL66, in fact I had to stop at reading MTL66 because I felt a headache brewing. MTL66 was a different kind of cancer... So, I really do not know when they were supposed to finally meet officially in the MTL.

However, I was starting to get tired of the plastic romance in the MTL. But the main reason why I had them meet this early is because I want to implement this cool idea one of my readers had suggested in the past regarding how Wanda would awaken her powers. Once again, this will diverge from how the original MTL did it, which I still don't know how they would do it anyways.

So, in C62, we see that Wanda alone had awaken her powers. And this awakening will cause her to have "flashbacks" or "visions" to her life with Luke from the diary. And this is how I plan to kickstart the romance :D Thanks to the reader who had suggested this on webnovel, I don't remember who you are, but your idea stuck with me and so I hope you got to see it bear fruit!

MANY of my readers may find it odd that in C49, Luke's enhanced powers caused him to have enhanced emotional resonance towards Wanda. This is by design! I had planned from a long time ago to have Luke and Wanda have that "past experience" together, in order to kickstart their relationship, almost akin to falling in love a second time. 

This also explains Wanda's reaction in C65, where she hugs Luke out of nowhere. It's because during her unconscious state, she lived through INITIAL memories of her time with Luke from the diary. Throughout volume 2, she will continue to have flashbacks, which may or may not help her build emotional connection to Luke at the same time as she has actual interaction with him in person.

Now, this whole Wanda thing ties into a much larger possibility that another reader had pointed out. I believe he said something like "If we're talking about the infinite possibilities, then it is possible that the life Luke lived in the simulation is just another parallel universe that exists." And I liked it. AND THAT ties in with the diary Wanda helping Luke from his berserk state.

YES! IT IS CANNON NOW IN THIS SERIES, THE FAKE WANDA IS REAL! But, I'm not sure if I will include her more in the future. Me adding that scene is already stretching it enough. But in any case, Luke will never find out the reasons why Wanda behaved strangely, nor will he know why he had that who interaction in his mindscape, and that is because the higher power that is stopping the system from revealing it is ME, DIO!

THERE IS ANOTHER POSSIBILITY OF HER SHOWING UP, and that is if I choose to go with the whole "Wanda was the one who sent Luke to this new reality". At the moment, I am on the fence with it, so I'll put it up to a vote at the end.

And lastly, to tie up this initial point that has dragged on, DUE to this "Infinite possibilities" trope that I chose to go with, Luke struggled to tell the difference between "Reality and Simulation". YES, once again, the reason why when you read the original arc, especially within his mental scape where he tortures himself, and you ask yourself "Wait I thought Luke knows it's a simulation that he lived so why he is now doubting it and why is it affecting him this much?", it is precisely because of the infinite possibilities' trope.

Second, it may seem like there's too much Drama compared to the MTL. And that's because I want to show character development and also set up pairings. Luke having that huge breakdown in C32 is the first breakdown. After which he thought he's fine, that he won't break down again, but then BOOM! Wanda 'dies' in front of him and he losses it, going into another breakdown in his mental space.

And then we have the mini panic attack experienced by Crystal. I am putting the characters through so many emotional trauma that I'm starting to think I am projecting .-. But in all seriousness, this is likely to be the LAST time we ever see Luke experiencing a breakdown, because I have exhausted the reasons for him to experience one: Meeting Wanda again and watching her 'die'.

Third, I GET IT! STOP ATTACKING CRYSTAL GAHDANG xD I needed her to do that for plot, she won't be doing that again xD Jisaaaaaasssss. . . Unless <.<< p>

Fourth, my original enemies: Marak and True Demon God. I have NO PLANS to have them appear as actual characters in this series. As I have pointed out in C65, Marak will only appear as 'Projections', and would not pose an actual threat to Luke. UNLESS the MTL brings back the Olivia Temple, I WILL NOT bring back Abyssal Covenant. The series will focus mainly on the actual MCU villains. Hopefully. Though I will put this to a second vote down below.

Fifth, regarding Luke's armour, I will now make it CANON that Diary Wanda was the one who DESIGNED his armour, therefore it explains the red outlines of the Red Hood costume! Thanks to Carlos Caballero who suggested it!

Sixth, Luke's "Rage mode". What do you think? Right now, he only has water abilities, and the reason for his "Rage Mode" I have left unexplained. Is it an "Avatar state"? Or maybe just like the rage mode of the Attack Titan? We will never know. Because even I do not know, but I needed it to happen for the whole Diary Wanda appearance plot.

Seventh, AI usage. Yes i have used ChatGPT to help me with this original arc. As mentioned pretty early into the serialization of this series, i sometimes use ChatGPT to help me outline what i want in the chapter. I will read the MTL, pick out the main points, and if i cannot write it myself, i will let ChatGPT try it out just to get an idea of how to write the chapter. 

I do not, copy paste AN ENTIRE CHAPTER from ChatGPT. Sometimes you will see lines and phrases and words, which if you are a common AI user, will definitely noticed the AI-influence. That's because sometimes the AI just says things better than i ever could so i use it. Like "deadly accuracy" or even big words like "Pandemonium" or "Cacophony" or "Symphony". Like i would never be able to think of those without help of ChatGPT <.< < p>

For this Original Arc, the storyline is all by yours truly, me. BUT, the MAJOR AI usage comes in Natasha's fight scene after the encounter with Marak. Yes, if you couldn't tell, that was very heavily AI-influenced. The rest isn't :D

Eighth, and finally, the future of this series. Thanks to this original arc, I have changed SO MUCH from the original storyline. I will TRY my best to zone back into the MTL plot, but there will be many changes from this point forward. For example, there will be more screen time between Wanda and Luke.

Additionally, I know I've spoiled you guys with the 2k word chapters in this arc, but sadly, all good things must come to an end. As I dive back into MTL translations, chapters will now revert back to the 1k – 1.5k word count. BUT, as I have always done, I will be including additional original content within these chapters to enrich the reading experience.

Additionally, up till C79, there will be MORE original chapters than there are MTL-referenced ones because i noticed the MTL really goes downhill from MTL53 onwards. And thanks to my original arc, i NEED more time plan around and ensure that the story remains cohesive. As such, the hiatus may last LONGER if needed, or i may have to revise the uploading schedule. Thanks to that, I have also decided on something else, which will be released in a different upload later on!

LASTLY!!! This series has finally reached 110K WORDS AS OF END OF VOLUME 1! MTL is up to MTL320 i believe, and Volume 1 ends at C66, which is MTL53. There are about 9 original chapters close to 2k words post Volume 1 as well, so the total word count up to C79 is roughly 135k to 140k! Thanks to all those who's supported me thus far and allowing me to bring this series to you!

And, oh yes, WANDA IS 16 AND IS ABOUT TO TURN 17 GUYS! I don't know how many times I have been asked the same question xD But yes, Wanda is about to be 17 and the MC is 19. Volume 2 will officially see WANDA TURNING 17 AND MC AS AN 19 YEAR OLD! SO I DONT WANNA HEAR THE FBI KNOCKING ON MY DOOR NO MORE!!!

That is all that I want to bring up. If you have ANY OTHER QUESTIONS or clarifications, go ahead and ask them by commenting on any of the paragraphs in this afterthough update, and depending on the spoiler level, I will answer to the best of my abilities.

~ Vote section ~

To vote, for webnovel readers: comment directly on the vote paragraph. You can include your own thoughts for whether you agree or disagree!

First vote: Should it be cannon that the Diary Wanda is the reason why Luke was transmigrated to the new reality? Luke will never actually figure out why either, as the system's answer will always be "Unable to respond. Information locked." This will give more room for Diary Wanda to appear for the actual Wanda.

Second vote: Should Abyssal Covenant play a bigger role? I saw some cool conspiracies regarding who the "True Demon God" could actually be, and Khahrahk, also known as Scarlet King or SCP – 001, is a very interesting possibility. If it is a popular vote, the True Demon God can play as the "Last boss" as an original arc AFTER the ending of this series.

Third Vote: Any other things you would like to see can be commented here. Depending on the amount of likes your ideas get, it may get implemented!

Fourth vote: Would you guys prefer Original chapters or MTL referenced ones? My Patreon readers have voted majority for original ones. But here is the difference. Original chapters are more fleshed out and longer, and ties in anything i skipped past from earlier chapters like Fury suspecting HYDRA and Pierce. However, Original chapters take longer to write and may affect my upload schedules. MTL referenced ones are shorter and much faster to upload.

I am learning how to be an editor/translator/author as i go guys, so sometimes things change midway. That's all for Volume 1 guys! If you've enjoyed this story so far, i'd appreciate if you could leave a review of it on my Webnovel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-diary-system-in-marvel_29461955808022505