This isn’t much of a story or a book but just stuff I do in my day from my perspective. I’ll upload frequently if I remember but each one is going to be short. At one point I’ll forget for a few weeks to upload because I don’t feel like writing after I drink or party way too much.
I love ordering steaks especially a ribeye. Majority of the time have it cooked rare, medium rare or blue. Mainly the reason for my standard of steak is because I love that slight sour metallic bloody taste that lingers on the tip of my tongue after I swallowed a piece of the meat.
Raw beef doesn't have that taste of blood unlike a semi-cook meat but it is softer and chewier, unfortunately I do have a bloody diarrhoea, quite literally blood everywhere in the toilet once I finish my business just from eating a 5oz raw beef.
Met up with some close friends at an ice cream shop 1.2 hours away from where I live. We had planned to meet up 2 more times before 1 of my friend had to move away to stay at her accommodation up north which I had found out to my horror that it was 7-8 hour drive, yes driving on a vehicle non-stop for that long to get to her destination. I can't believe she wants the rest of us to come visit her for a week, doesn't sound bad to people reading this but for someone that gets motion sickness for being on a car or coach for more than 3 hours. Well this might not be worth it for me despite the fact I did pick her up at the airport just to deliver a bouquet of flowers and a whole salmon on arrival.
At the beach with my close friends that I had met up with this evening, we are here at the beach at night. Well let's hope nothing happens to the others on their way back home on this dark, cold and windy night. As for me I called a cab.
coming soon