
The Weird Little Sister [Mehak’s POV]

[Mehak's POV]

When I was 11 years old and started feeling different kinds of emotions, the one that was dominant was of envy. In the family, I am the only child and since my house is in the rich area of the city most people are only busy with themselves so the concept of neighbours is non-existent and the few friends I have at school are not close to me and their houses are also far away from mine. So most of the time I would feel lonely and envy those friends and classmates of mine who had these luxuries and I got jealous of those who didn't have these luxuries but at least had siblings to play with.

Since those few friends are not going to come here, then the only option is to have a sibling.

So I asked the mother and father that I wanted a sibling and they made an awkward face after hearing it and just replied with, "Y-yes" or "ok". I asked them that every day and every time they had the same reply and just like that a year passed and I became 12 years old on 21st January of 2015. I still continued to pester them about having a sibling but every time the same reply so I got fed up and searched online how to have a sibling and from the internet, I got to know stuff like sex, porn, birth procedure and abusive words like fuck, asshole and stuff like that. I got shocked and very embarrassed as I learned those things and I thought that the world is a pretty large place filled with new and unimaginative things.

As I got my sexual knowledge from the internet for the most part, now I understood why father and mother made that awkward expression every time I asked about sibling and thinking about it I also became pretty red. I mean I was asking them to have sex like every day. But that shouldn't be enough to stop them from having sex then why isn't mother's belly bulging, maybe it's not like they don't wanna have a child but more like they can't have it. Thinking about it if that was the case then me asking them every day probably made them pretty depressed. As I didn't have the courage to say sorry to them about it I mean what am I supposed to say to them that, "Mother, Father sorry for asking you have sex every day so I don't want a sibling anymore" like hell who would say that to their parents so I said sorry to them in my mind.

But I still had that strong feeling of wanting a sibling so I searched more online and found out about this thing called adoption. Discovering this was like a blessing because it can serve two purposes first it can give a child a proper home and family and at the same time, I would get my wish of having a sibling and even if it's not blood-related a sibling is a sibling and it's the thought and feelings that matter. So the next day I asked them to adopt a child, at first they gave it some thought probably figuring out that I got to know the reason why they couldn't have a child and after 30 minutes of discussing between themselves they agreed to the idea.

Ah finally today's the day that my new sister is coming, yesterday I got to know her name which is Mayuri and apparently, her parents abandoned her in the home and after 4 days she was found alone in the house, thinking about it I got pretty mad at those parents and promised myself to be an ideal big sister for her.

OH! she came! she came! she had dark black hair like that of a raven and an oval face with a chestnut like eyes, east Asian type nose and round lips and from all the information I discovered at the internet she had long slender legs and height as same as me which is 150 cm so she would probably grow up to be a tall beauty and her b-b-breasts as they call it on the internet were bulging while mine was still flat and all of this information from the internet, I think I feel pretty knowledgeable by from knowing all this stuff, ok let's search for more things from internet during free time.

After that, for the whole week, I played together with her and oh my god! it was so fun. The feeling of loneliness I felt all this time disappeared and I enjoyed staying at home to play with her and she was just so cute and innocent, she would always come to me with any problem and when I solved them I felt pretty good about myself and the smile she gave me every time I helped her *kyaaaaa* she is like a perfect little sister but a little too perfect as I started noticing her strange expressions and behaviour from time to time like there was a conflict going on in her mind so I went to her room and played like usual and suddenly asked her, "Mayuri I know there is something going through your head right now and if you think I can solve it or listen to it then please say it after all aren't we sisters and family" even though outside I didn't show it and was pretty embarrassed saying this stuff but I meant it.

After that, she told me how she had been acting until now and her real self is different and there I got my confirmation of how she was being just too perfect but I also got her reason for doing so she probably just didn't want us to hate her as this was like her first real family so she probably very scared and thinking about it I also felt hurt that she has been just acting in front of me and how I failed to realize that, I guess these are just new elder sister feelings that were budding within me and thinking that I got very happy inside.

Now I had to think about what to say next to her so that she doesn't worry about such stuff and I couldn't think anything so I got angry at myself and just thought to say whatever came to mind so I told her, "Umm t-t-this is a-a little embarrassing to say BUT! I promise that no matter how you act I would never hate you and would always be your bis sis no matter what happens". AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I said it! I said it! oh my god! it's so embarrassing so followed up with, "so y-yeah t-that's that a-a-and YES! act normal in front of father and mother and other children because I don't know whether they would say the same things as I did. But you can ask the mother and father and they would probably say the same thing". Though I can't say for sure I think they would also understand.

After saying that Mayuri became dazed and seconds after she started crying seeing that I got panicked and quickly hugged her as I thought that was the right thing to do. After some time she said she had to write a diary so I left her and went back to sleep in my room.

During the nighttime, I felt that someone was watching me but thinking that it was an illusion of brain as I have been searching some pretty creepy things on the internet I ignored it and fell asleep. After I woke up and started rubbing my eyes the first thing I saw was Mayuri smiling and yelling, "BIG SIS! GOOD MORNING!" and hugged me.

Huh umm huh what just happened.