
My Devoted Guardian Antholgies Case Files

Blitzo Vanitas finds himself the newly appointed guardian of Ruby Seabolt- at the end of My Devoted Guardian... Now he must align himself with Striker Remington to put an end to D.H.O.R.K.S Organization.

Mouse87Mouse · TV
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Case File #1 Sakuari Summerfield:

Name: Sakurai Summerfield.

Age: 5 years old.

Race: Hybrid

Sex: Female

Main Series: My Devoted Guardian Anthologies.

Main Book: (TBA)

Sakurai was born with wolf like appearance and abbilites. And, raised upon the outskirts of a countryroad.

Powers and Abilites.

Natural Abilites.

Claws and teeth



Healing factor


Fur Regeneration


Lie detection


Night Vision


Natural Instinct.

Powerful Bite.

Enchanced Senses.

Enchanced Hearing

Enhanced Smell

Enhanced Speed

Enhanced Durabilty

Enhanced Strength

Enhanced Endurance

Enhanced Stealth

Learned Abilities ( Teeenage years)

Apex Predetor

Predetor instinct

Infectious bite


Siliver (Burns)


Heart extraction


Sakuari's Story

Upon one beautiful mid summer morning A young Sakurai was playing outside around her country home with her animals. When a black sunburn van with tinted windows appeared. The Van crept along her street until it crawled to a stop and two agents: dressed in black emerged from within the van. Offering the little girl, an assortment of candies to tempt her into the van.

Upon hearing Sakurai's sudden shrill cry of alarm her parents sprang into action. A young woman around her thirties swiftly swoops in grabbing the young pup and scooping her up into her arms. while Tsume, her father confronted the agents.

Both the adults were highly protective: their had been a slew of odd disapearances in their cul-de-sac.

Children in Sakurai's neghiborhood have been coming up missing.

Tusme barreled into the agents knocking them off their feet. But the agents seem undetered as more pile out of the van surrounding the aggressive male.

"Run!" Tsume growls blocking their path to his wife and daughter.

"Get back into the house, hide Sakurai and wait for me there" he snarls.

Shifting in front of the agents. Tsuki slams the door closed, her back is pressed up against the wall as she fumbles with the locks. She pushes a giant cedar chest in front of the door. Her eyes are bright and fearful and full of uncertainty. she pushes down the building fear as she clings onto her only daughter keeping her from view of the "bad people" She head up the stairs and rips open a hidden door. She starts to close it, "Stay here Sakurai, I need to help your father, I don't know what's going to happen but you have to be strong, baby- promise me you'll be strong" Sakurai cries "mamma don't leave me!' Sakari reaches out for her mother her eyes bright with tears as Tsuki closes and locks the door. Just as the sound of breaking glass reaches her ears. she transforms.... Sakurai is forced to listen, to the beheading of her mother. as "the bad people ransacked the little cabin-house searching for the little girl.

Sakurai outwits them running and hiding inside a large cavernous cave the looks over the tumbling waterfalls "of Satan's Paradise" A secluded resort for the upper crust. Rifts often appear here. For days she wonders these depthless caravans distraught and grieving over the sudden loss of her parents. She adapts: stealing from the patrons of "Satan falls" using the legend of the hills to spook any curious minds. Hoping and praying that one day someone would find her.

Sakurai: * sniffs, and quietly cries*

They pursued her up the mountainside, with their patience running thin the disgruntled agents return to base empty handed. Agent one: Tyren makes the reluctant call to the Director. Sakurai must now survive on her own. Every night she curls up around a small bonfire eating the meager morsels of food she could find. She survives 8 months alone in the caves.. until that faithful day her devilish Guardians appeared... ripping the necks out of a pack of man-eating grey timber wolves. A pair of imps: caught her attention bathed in moonlight: one was a wrangler a hellish desperado and the other a beguiling Harlequin demon. his eyes were like burning embers, his skin scarlet red. There was something about this imp that drew Sakurai out of the safety of the caverns.

The sound of crunching gravel underfoot divided the boss imp's attention. his amber eyes shone with an unearthly light. He turns away at the wrong moment catching a glimpse of Sakurai. bewildered and caught off guard the mammoth wolf lunges his claws outstretched Sakurai screams as Blitzo pushes her out of the way as a clawed hand rams his fist through his stomach. Sakurai turns hearing Blitzo's piercing cries watching as he crumbles to his knees clutching his stomach as black blood pools around his fingers. Gritting his teeth biting back the rush of pain Blitzo spins around and fires point blankly into the rabid beasts head. Before crying out in pain. Sakurai rushes back to the safety of the caves, skidding across the ground she goes rummaging in her bag for something that might help. Striker grits his teeth immediately dispatches a drooling mongrel that had him cornered. Filling its skull with a fevered amount of bullets. kneeling beside his partner Striker pulls him close to his chest. "Don't you worry none sugar-cube, he says while his fingers hover of the grisly wound "your ace is here and where going to patch you up and you'll be as good as new" he says pressing his bandanna against his wound, his voice trembles. lifting Blitzo's body into his arms he makes his way towards the steep hills and hidden caves of "Satan's Paradise."

A natural void a place where time stand still. The sound of dripping water rings hollowly through the depthless caverns of the enormous cave. The Cowboy place the unconscious imp down near the smoldering remains of a dying fire. regardless in his endeavors Blitzo had lost about a pint of blood during his trek up the hills. Striker's hands were stained with blood. With a shuddering breath the wrangler works diligently to revive the flame.

The embers spark and dance in the dampness of the cave while crystalized stalactites glisten from above. the sound of babbling water from an underground stream reaches the cowboy's ears. In the eerie silence Striker knew if he didn't act fast. He'd lose the only good thing in his life. "this was meant to be a second chance for us sugar-cube- "Maybe I'm not the one, perhaps you should've went with Drake" A sudden sound catches the snake imp's attention. Striker looks up surprised to see a young wolf pup girl staring back at them inside the cave. A bag of medical supplies clutched in her paw-like hands. "Blitzy, look- we have company sugar-cube" This is no place for a little girl" Sakurai slowly appears from one of the many numerous mouths of the interlocking caves. "Are those for him?" Striker asks. the little girl nodded mutely. "I've managed to staunch his bleeding, Would you like to help me suture him back together?" asks the serpent. Sakurai nods. kneeling down before them.

The Cowboy peers into the bag, taking out a large need, tissue forceps, several rolls of gauze Scissors. he gives the little girl a small empty can and tells her to fill it in a nearby stream. he heats the water over the fire and sterilizes his utensils.

To be continued.

A conflict in the Office.

(Striker Remington) "Wolf cubs and second chances"

It had been months since his brother hesitant return home. Striker had to physically push both Remy and Spade out the door. Cyrus and Row were easy they wished him luck with all the brown nosing he had to do with Blitz. Horus was reluctant to leave believing he could smell the rancid scent of a Darling brother nearby. Stryker's shot his brother a dirty look. he was content on staying another two-to three weeks. in fact he was adamant on staying. preying on Blitzo's desire to have a romantic vacation. he volunteers to stay back and watch the "implings" Eventually most of the Remington brothers did disperse leaving Striker and Blitzo to sort things out. it had been rough sailing for the cowboy. not only had he played into Dante's hand. he had made Ryder into a potent enemy.

(Ryder/Remy Remington)

Ryder had challenged Striker to his claim nine times per day over the course of eight grueling months of gunfire. Blitz never felt more further away. an object. A toy. he was never one to easily submit. but he needed a break and Drake's offer still stood. Hang-man Ridge was a mile up from the Helter-Skelter Ranch.

one chilly night, late autumn. Striker came into their bedroom to find Blitzo curled up in a little tight ball his back facing him. the cowboy licked his lips as the bed dipped. Striker reached over peeling back the heavy duvet. "darlin come away with me for the weekend if Stryker doesn't mind watchin, the little hellions. "give me another chance Blitzy- I'll make love to you underneath the moonlight. we can hunker down in one of those caves- naked with just our body heat to keep us warm.

Blitzo's tongue stuck out to the side as he contemplated. Striker grinned nuzzling his neck. his pencil thin mustache tickling Blitzo's neck. the scarlet imp closes his eyes. "your incorrigible" " I know- sugar-cube, let me make it up to you" Striker purrs. straddling Blitzo's hips. Pinning Blitzo's hands above his head. Blitz gritted his teeth their trust had been frayed to the point that Blitz considered sleeping with Striker's twin brother just to spite the imp. With a ton of coaxing from Ruby, and about the Cowboy manages to sway the boss imp onto the back of bombproof for a weekend away from the city. Striker leads Blitzo out to a nearby camping area near "Satan's Paradise" Striker washes up near the water fall eying an old cave peaking out through a watery mouth he smirks taking in the view. Before pitching the tent, watching Blitzo search for wooden logs for the fire.

Later on they'd make a game of exploring the expansive caves that made up "Sucide hills and Satan's falls"

To Be continued.

Hellvua Boss

My Devoted Guardian Anthologies:

Case # 1: The Curious Case of Sakurai Summerfield.







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