
My Devil Long Legs

The man sit down comfortably in the sofa, holding the newspaper, he looks very focus reading the cover, but the truth is, he is secretly looking towards the stairs, waiting for the little girl to come down. Not long after, there's a hasty steps coming from the upstair. Hearing that, the man throw away the newspaper, and stand up abruptly, want to leave the place before the girl saw him. Looking at the man that want to leave, Freya hasten her pace, and both of her delicate little hands desperately reaching for the man. Freya stared at the tall man in front of her, with her hands holding the edge of the man's shirt, she ask abruptly "Are you my daddy long legs?"

Chrie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Holy Child

The desperation, anger, disappointment, all short of negative feelings coming from the flying spirit orbs. The pitch dark night even make the surrounding gloomier.

No matter what the time, sun never shine in the Underworld. There's only an endless pitch dark sky up above. If not for light coming from the lacrima flowers planted neatly around the place,the Underworld will sink in the endless darkness.

In the middle of the dark forest, a man with golden hair, laying in the middle of grasslands. His white pale skin and golden hair, look so contrast between the black grass. His hair swaying by the passing winds, its supposed to be the end of fall season, but he didn't feel any cold. Instead, just by seeing his closed eyes, and his leg swinging on the other leg, one can see that he's enjoying the cold winds dancing around him.

Not far from where the man laying, there's a sudden movement on the grass, the grass rubbing against some hard objects, causing it to produce rustling sounds. That small sounds, waking up the golden hair man, with a knitted brows, he forcefully open his eyes, and shifting his sight towards the sounds.

Looking at the one that make the sounds, he slowly lifted his body, changing his position to sit, placing one hand behind his back, supporting his body.

"Oh, I don't know the old man's angel can have so many spare time, to actually come to underworld for a walk."

The man walking on the grass paused his steps, and turned his body facing the golden hair man. He appeared very contrast to his dark and gloomy surrounding, wearing from top to bottom white suits, and a pair of white wings in his back, he appears very majestic.

"Prince Lucas, I'm glad you're able to enjoy another boring day in the Underworld. While I'm here doing the very sacred duty from my Lord. I need some help from the Underworld King, you can see, I'm not as free as you."

"Heh. As always, Angel and their so called sacred duty. I wonder which order coming from that old man is not sacred." Lucas's lips pulled into a sarcastic smirk.

Ignoring the sarcasm from the golden hair man, the angel continued, "And The Lord want me to inform you that there will be a very special holy child send to the human world."

Lucas raised his brows, "And? What that supposed to do with me?", not waiting for the answer, he continued, "Wait, don't answer that, I know you'll answer with, 'The Lord always has his plans, its not our place to questioning The Lord.' That Old Man never giving up on helping his lame creature, eh?"

Lucas diverted his gaze from the angel, he looks far through the dark forest that surrounded the grasslands, there's a hint of hatred and disgust coming from his gaze. His hand reaching for the black grass near his hand, his slender fingers started plucking the grass forcefully. The gesture is like ripping something apart, giving out a very dangerous and scary aura.

"That lame creature he adores so much always end up backstabbing him, rejecting him, blame him for all the troubles they get. Never really repent on their own mistakes. And yet, he still forgive everything they did to him, so stupid." Lucas stared at the heap of grass he plucked, let out a low sigh, he smirk and said "He must've grown more and more senile. Maybe it's time for him to retired? Dont you agree, Mr. Angel?"

"Prince Lucas, I hope you can be more respectful towards The Lord, and stop calling The Lord so disrespectfully. Human is the most beautiful creature The Lord ever created. Even if they fall too the deepest darkness, they'll stand up again, try everything from the start, and never give up. And they..."

"Stop with the nagging, you became more and more like that noisy old man. Leave me alone and go finish your thing." Lucas interrupt the angel's words, he lay back to the grass, lifted his hands, placing his hands below his head.

In frustration, the angel can only bow slightly, turned his head and leave the place.


In the outskirts of a small town, the snow have stopped falling, leaving a thick layer of snow piled up. Its past midnight, and the small town became more like a dead town in the freezing winter night.

Alise purposely moved to this small town after her husband has changed and keep assaulting her endlessly. After her husband arrested by the police. She knew if she stayed in their home, her husband will back to kill her.

But who know, 2 days ago, her bestfriend called her, warning her that she perforcefully tell her husband where she moved because that crazy man keep threatening her.

In anxiety, she overheard someone passing by her house, that someone seems to be on the phone, telling the receiver about summoning ritual, saying the demon will granted all their wish.

And this morning she went to the small library in town to find more information about summoning the demon. After finding for hours, she coincidentally found the book she need in the darkest corner of the library.

She started planning everything she should do after reading the book, hoping the one she called will help her.

But not all the things went as what planned, the demon tried to kill her instead. Hanging in the mid air, she tried to reached for the force gripping her neck, but she didn't find anything, as if there's nothing.

In the cold room without any heater on, Alise can feel the room become colder. The golden hair man, Lucas, stared at her with a disgusted look, with his one hand hanging on the mid air, his fingers showing a gripping gesture, he slowly add more force to his grip.

Alise try gasping for more air, her lungs started to scream in pain. But there's nothing she can do, the unseen force gripping her neck, didn't want to give her another chance to live. In the brink of life, she earnestly pray for help to God.

Lucas suddenly loosening his grip, with one hand he tried to blocked his vision for something Alise don't know. In fear, she quickly crawl to the dark corner of her room, hoping that the dangerous man will forget about her and leave her alone.

But not long, Alise heard a low chuckle coming from Lucas, "Oh, a holy child, I see... and a very brave one too."

Alise can see Lucas walking slowly to her. In the darkness, she can see a silhouette of his handsome face with a little help from the lamp by her bed.

Lucas's lips pulling into a devilish smirk, "Ah this one might be the one that noisy angel blabbing about. If I really kill this baby, that old man might nag me for another hundred years. So tiresome."

He changed his gaze to the door, after some seconds past, he turned his head back to Alise, "Listen human, I never care about your pathetic life. Nor do I care about your filthy useless soul. I will help you kill that man, but with one more requirement, beside of your soul, I want your baby too."

"No, not my baby, my baby is innocent. Please dont kill my baby..."

Lucas ignored her pleading, reaching for the fruit knife on the floor, using his other hand, he reach for the cup in the cupboard. Slicing his palm, he let some of his blood dripped into the cup.

Lucas walk toward Alise, and hand over the cup, "If you agree with my requirements, drink everything in this cup. You can be sure, I wont kill your baby." Maybe... for now..

Alise looked at the cup with fear and anxiety coming from her brown eyes. Her hands trembled retrieving the cup.

Look at the woman full of doubt and didnt move at all, Lucas squatted down, one hand supporting his head, with hoarse voice he said, "You know it's only a matter of time, very soon that crazy man outside will come in and kill you and your baby. He will take out his gun, first aiming the gun to your stomach, with one blow he will kill your baby mercilessly, when you crying in pain and sadness, he will aim the gun to your head, and blow your brain out, ending your pathetic life. To be honest, I'm helping you here, at least you can live happily with your baby for some years before you finally died, not hunted by him anymore."

Alise staring at Lucas red eyes, still flustered, she heard the banging has stopped. But no long, she heard another threatening scream coming from outside.


Hearing that, Alise panicked and quickly emptied the cup in her hand.

Hi, hope you enjoy this chapter too! :)

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