
My Devil Husband : Revenge and Love

Revenge, death and love all mix into one when Thomas the leader of the Black Death mafia meets a girl named Jenifer Amora, the daughter of the person he so desperately wants to destroy.  Fact after fact is revealed to decorate the story between Thomas and Jenifer, will Thomas admit his feelings for Jenifer if he likes the girl?  Will Jennifer accept Thomas and forgive the man who has inflicted even the deepest wound on her?  "I'm sorry that I was too stupid to hurt your heart!" Thomas Robinson.  "I won't forgive you, until you apologize to my father in the afterlife!"  Jennifer Amora

sitiaisadiah201 · Urban
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8 Chs


It was already nine o'clock in the evening, still with a relaxed attitude Thomas sat in the office chair in his mansion.

Brad stood in front of him waiting for his master's orders to carry out the action they had arranged neatly. Thomas tapped his fingers on the table so rhythmically.

The man also nodded his head as if waiting for the right time to stand up, the sound of his finger tapping stopped. Thomas then glanced at the clock before standing up.

"Where's Lucas?" Thomas moved slowly towards Brad who was now lowering his head.

"Lucas and the others are ready in the car, sir!" Brad said, making Thomas nod his head.

"Let's go!" asked Thomas which was an order for Brad, the tall man followed his master's footsteps from behind without losing his authority as Thomas Robinson's right hand man.

As soon as Thomas arrived at the mansion's courtyard, several cars were already lined up neatly in a line. While the car for him is in the third from the very front.

Even though Thomas is the leader of the Black Death mafia and claims to be afraid of nothing, his safety is the most important thing. That's the reason why Thomas's car is in the third section, because there are two cars ahead just in case.

These luxury cars sped through the streets of London to a place that is now the destination of these cars.

Thomas was in the same car as Brad who was the driver.

"John was already at his destination, he also reported the surroundings and said that there was no movement inside Marquez's mansion, and that means the God of Death doesn't know of our attack this time." Brad spoke after he received a report from John who was his partner, they were connected via a communication device that was attached to Brad's ear.

Thomas was silent, he enjoyed the time as well as the plan. This time he could not wait to destroy the God of Death to the root. Even if necessary, the man would also slaughter the descendants of the higher-ups of the God of Death.

They all had to feel pain that was far more painful than what Thomas had ever felt.

"Now is the time!" Thomas hissed as he clenched his fists until his fingers turned white. Maybe if he had held onto something Thomas would have broken it.

The car stopped in front of the tall gate, Thomas was out followed by Brad and the rest of his men. Without saying much, everyone had taken their respective positions, while Thomas himself just watched while folding his arms in front of his chest watching how the Black Death fought against the God of Death troops who were completely unprepared for their arrival.

Riots were inevitable, many of the members of the God of Death died at the hands of the members of the Black Death.

They all use hand guns as weapons to paralyze the opponent, Thomas smiled lopsidedly before then he clapped a little as he stepped into the magnificent mansion that was now in front of his eyes.

"Showtime!" Thomas spread his arms while closing his eyes and started to enter the mansion following the members who had already entered to attack the opponents inside.

Once again Thomas was greeted by a sprawling body covered in blood, as if it had become normal for him.

Thomas approached the old man who was now on his knees helplessly while glaring at him with a blazing glare.

"Thomas Robinson! What are you doing, huh? Why are you attacking my mansion like this?" he shouted as he tried to free himself, but the person couldn't do much because his hands were locked behind his back by Lucas.

While Brad still faithfully stood behind Thomas. The man walked slowly towards the old man who could not escape.

"Hello Marquez, long time no see!" Thomas greeted the old man named Marquez and squatted right in front of him.

"How are you?" Thomas asked again but again Marquez silently ignored him, even the old man turned his face when he saw Thomas smiling at him.

"This is how you greet when you have guests?" Thomas tried to grab Marquez's face, but unexpectedly, Marquez spat right in Thomas's face.

Brad was surprised, as was Lucas who was holding Marquez. Lucas tightened his grip on Marquez because he didn't accept Thomas being treated like that. However, Thomas casually turned around and asked Brad for a handkerchief.

"Tsk, no rapturous welcome for me?" Thomas returned to Marquez and then beat his battered face.

"How? Is my greeting correct?" Thomas really made Marquez angry, he was resting and instead got a sudden attack like this from a man who he thought was too young.

While in the upstairs room a girl had just knocked out two Thomas members, the corners of her lips were torn and bleeding.

After seeing that the Black Death member was lying down, the girl rushed off to see the situation of the mansion.

As soon as he left the room, his eyes were astonished to see how many members of his father had fallen, several servants were also seen tied up.

His eyes wandered around looking for the whereabouts of other people, especially his father, while avoiding the members of the Black Death so as not to catch him. The girl hid from behind a wall, sometimes also squatting beside a large and tall urn to hide her body.

"Daddy, where are you?" he muttered worried about Marquez's safety. Especially after he saw so many fallen members.

Unfortunately for the girl, because when she stood up feeling that the situation was safe, a gun stuck to her temple made her helpless.

"Do not move!" ordered the man who put the muzzle of the gun to his temple.

'Unlucky!' he cursed in his heart.

The girl was then dragged to face Thomas who was still talking to Marquez, sorry! Not talking but cornering each other through his words.

There was no violence from Thomas against Marquez after he had hit the face of an old man who was already helpless.

"Daddy!" called the girl who had been dragged by the Black Death members.

Feeling that he was being called, Marquez then turned around and saw that his daughter was being led before Thomas. Meanwhile, Thomas himself noticed the girl who had just called Marquez with the nickname Daddy, and that meant the girl was the daughter of the older man in front of him.

Thomas smiled lopsidedly, he had a brilliant idea in his head after seeing the whereabouts of Marquez's daughter. Even though Thomas had planned to kill him and hang Marquez's body in front of the door, his plans suddenly changed when he saw the old man's daughter.

"Jennifer," Marquez whispered, inviting Thomas to chuckle.

"Beautiful name, so her name is Jennifer?" Thomas asked someone. The man noticed the appearance of Jennifer who was only wearing a white T-shirt and knee-length shorts, her hair that looked disheveled because maybe she had just woken up after hearing the commotion or she was trying to fight back. I don't know, Thomas doesn't know.

He only saw that Jennifer looked a mess, but seemed sexy. Especially when Thomas' eyes saw that the corner of Jennifer's lips was torn, maybe both guesses were more suitable for the wound.

"Go Jenny! Go!" Marquez shouted, making Lucas violent towards him.

"Shut up trash!" Lucas shouted after he slammed his gun into Marquez's head as the man tried to escape.

Jennifer looked at the people who were currently letting Lucas abuse his father. Indeed they look handsome, but their actions are more terrible than a thug.

"Run, Jenni! Don't mind Daddy!" Marquez tries to encourage his daughter to leave the mansion when he himself knows that Jennifer is just like him.

"Dad!" Jennifer quietly felt sad to see their condition now.

Thomas lifted the corner of his lips and approached Jennifer who was currently holding one of his members.

"Where did you find this little bunny?" asked Thomas, calling Jennifer the little bunny.

"He's hiding by the gucci, sir."

Thomas nodded his head, he understood the explanation. The man grabbed Jennifer's face which did feel smooth while the girl looked away because she felt reluctant to be touched by Thomas.

"Don't touch my daughter!" Marquez shouted, making Thomas' hand that was about to caress Jennifer's face again float in the air.

The man turned and looked at Marquez, the old man seemed to shake his head.

"Never touch it with your dirty hands, that is!"

Instead of obeying Marquez's request, Thomas ignored him and instead slapped Jeniffer right in front of Marquez's eyes making the old man scream, while Jennifer herself only grimaced in pain and pain at the same time due to the blow she received from Thomas.

The man did not mess with his actions at all.

"Fucking Thomas! Crazy bastard! Don't touch Jennifer!" shouted Marquez.

Thomas approached Marquez and grabbed the old man's face then turned Marquez's gaze so he could see Jennifer clearly.

"She's your daughter? Beautiful too! What if she becomes a personal prostitute for me?" Thomas whispered in Marquez's ear, making him want to skin Thomas alive.

"Never dare to do that!" Marquez is getting crazy making Thomas stand up laughing and also on his hips.

"Begging for your daughter's freedom! If I accept your plea I might consider releasing Jennifer!" said Thomas.

Jennifer shook her head, she knew that Marquez loved her so much and wouldn't let anyone hurt her, but it didn't have to be like that.

"No, Dad! There's no need to do that!" said Jennifer, shaking her head when she saw Marquez who had now lowered his body to kiss Thomas' feet.