
My Descendants Are My Power

In this wild future dimension, Earth has been totally flipped on its head thanks to some crazy cosmic mutation rays. Psychic and cutting-edge tech have merged, totally reshaping human life. Here, chasing immortality isn't just a pipe dream, and hopping between stars is just another part of the daily grind. But let me tell you, this world is anything but chill—it's packed with complex schemes, intense showdowns, and heart-pounding action. Let's talk about Ethan. He's the black sheep of the Blackwood family, slapped with the shameful title of a F-grade Psychic user. His life was as dull as watching paint dry—until fate decided to throw him a curveball and kickstart a new chapter in his life. Ethan stumbled upon a virtual game where players can raise families with Psychic. At first, creating a virtual family was just a way to kill time, but as the game began to mesh with the real world, it blew the lid off some mind-blowing truths. Ethan and his virtual descendants forged an unbreakable bond. Together, they faced the future, diving headfirst into thrilling adventures that only made them stronger. Years down the line, these virtual descendants had become insanely powerful, and in a wild twist, they popped up in the real world. They tracked down Ethan and hit him with a, “Welcome home, Forebearer!” “...” This wasn't just a game anymore—it had become Ethan's new reality, and he and his virtual offspring were about to shake up the world big time.

Tristan_Zi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Chapter 9: Granny Quinn


"Granny Quinn, it's Ethan, came to check on ya!"

With that shout, the door to Psychic Sanctuary 12 swung open. Unlike Ethan's place, this sanctuary was like stepping into a furnace—the heat blasted out the moment the door opened, whipping up Ethan's jacket and hair.

An old lady, leaning on a cane and hunched over, appeared before Ethan like a ghost.

Ethan, used to this fiery welcome, flashed a warm smile, "Granny Quinn, hope I didn't catch you in the middle of crafting some crazy psychic gear?"

Granny Quinn, with her white hair and wrinkled face, chuckled warmly, "How could you? An old hag like me? I'm just thrilled to have a young visitor."

"Come on in, Ethan, let's have some tea."

Granny Quinn grabbed Ethan's hand and led him inside the sanctuary.

As they entered, the fiery glow dimmed, and everything turned normal with wooden tables and chairs. They sat down, and a pot of hot tea was already on the table.

Ethan and Granny Quinn chatted about life for a good half hour, mostly Granny asking questions, just like the caring nagging of the elderly.

But Ethan knew well, Granny Quinn had lived for at least three hundred years, a master psychic gear crafter. Anyone in Psychic Gear needing gear would seek her out.

"Granny Quinn, I've run into a bit of trouble."

Ethan looked deflated.


Granny Quinn frowned, "Some young punk causing trouble at school? Or is it something at home?"

"No, nothing like that, you know I stay out of trouble."

Ethan didn't beat around the bush. With a flick of his space ring, a long spear appeared in his hand. Granny Quinn's eyes lit up at the sight of the patterns on the spear. Ethan grinned, "Got this from a buddy, couldn't make heads or tails of it, thought of you right away."

"At least it's a high-grade psychic piece!"

Granny Quinn took it, and a gust of wind stirred up, the quaint surroundings burst into flames then settled down. After holding the spear for ten seconds, Granny nodded, "Definitely a top-tier psychic weapon, though the sealing technique is so-so. If you trust this old hag, come pick it up the day after tomorrow at dawn."

"Who else would I trust if not Granny Quinn?"

After buttering her up for another ten minutes, Ethan left the mysterious spear with her and walked out of Psychic Sanctuary 12.

He checked his phone; no family crises, so he breathed a sigh of relief and drove off.

"Yo, Mr. John, wake up, man! I gotta head out for a bit!"

Reaching the gate, Ethan hollered at the snoozing Mr. John in the guard booth.

Soon, Mr. John, groggy and bleary-eyed, poked his head out, "Mr. Ethan? Heading out this early?"


Ethan sighed, slowly opened his car door, and lifted a cake from the passenger seat, handing it to Mr. John, "Woke up super early today, like 4 AM."

"Whoa, cake? Look at Mr. Ethan living the high life."

Mr. John grinned at the cake, "What's the rush this morning?"

"Nothing much."

Ethan grinned, "Just dropped off a sealed weapon at Granny Quinn's over at Psychic Sanctuary 12, asked her to check it out. Oh, and I forgot to ask when I can pick it up. Mr. John, could you check on that when you do your rounds?"

"No biggie, I'll ask her. Whatever you gave her, she'll get it back to you."

Mr. John tapped his fingers on the desk, "You didn't have to rush out for that, man."

"Oh, it's just some family drama. The head of our Blackwood family fell in battle abroad. Some elders are out for revenge, and the new head's a real piece of work—cut off my allowance. Might not even have enough for food soon."

Ethan sighed deeply, the news delivered by Lisa last night.

If it weren't for the need to eat, he wouldn't have left his desk for a second!


Mr. John's eyes widened, "That's serious, man. You better handle it quick. Mr. Kieran at Psychic Sanctuary 82 knows his stuff, hit up his law office, maybe he can help."

Looks like even in this world, lawyers are a thing. Ethan was ready to take his family to court.

He nodded slightly, "Thanks, Mr. John. I'll check it out. Lisa's cooking a big lunch, I'll have her bring you a plate."

"Hey, sounds good."

Ethan's car sped off, and Mr. John waved at him, then yawned and headed towards Psychic Sanctuary 12, banging on the door.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound echoed through the villa complex, lights flickering on in several houses.

"Residents of Psychic Sanctuary 12, good morning! Your friendly neighborhood guard at your service!"