
My demonic system

Earth realm has been dealing with humanity enemy the termids. The 13 protectorates of earth has been trying to overcome the war but they are overwhelmed by the Termids strength. Louis the last descendant of the glue family whom their body cell don't allow them to learn an ability came across a mystery knife which turned him to a demon and granted him a system. The system gave him power and also missions that put his life at risk. Many disadvantages come the system such as lust to kill a living thing and lust desires over woman. Some of the humans were taken as hostages by the Termids and demons Louis created his own army naming them 'The anti-demon army". Louis is the last hope humanity possess

Sanusi_a_Emmanuel · Urban
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57 Chs


When Louis saw the instant level up message he was happy because he thought he would be stronger than before.

" take care of me I will be out for a while" Louis said happily to his squad.

They couldn't understand why he said he would be out for a while but they all knew Louis was a weirdo so they left him be.

His bone started to decompose and his organs were trying to flush out of his body. The pain was extremely bad but Louis endured it because he thought about how strong he would be when the pain season is finished.


[You have successfully became a light demon]

[Special attribute: no matter what you carry, eat you will be light; just without weight]

Louis didn't really think the attribute worth it but he was happy. He was expecting another message but to his surprise no message came.

"What" Louis shouted not to his mind but outside. The team look at him as if some thing was wrong they were currently in a cave when Louis was in pain they have moved to a nearby secure cave.

"Are you alright?" Clara questioned; she was the first to utter a statement others were just looking like a lame stool.

"Am not sure am okay" Louis said. Others were shocked about what he said and they started to question him

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"What wrong?"

"I though you were fine"

"Hope all is well"

Louis didn't even bother to reply them he just stood up and inquired the system about his stats

[Demonic system]

[Level: Light demon]

[Speed: 100]

[Strength: 100]

[Stamina: 100]

[Agility: 100]

[Lust control: 100]

[Energy: 100]

[HP: 30/30]

[EXP: 0/15000]

[Fighting techniques mastered; Ryusu, Dirahen]

[HP reservoir: 30/30]

[Lightness: infinite]

[Evil aura control: 5%]

"Am ruined!" Louis shouted as he saw that his stats are very low

Others were afraid that what happened to Louis they stood up. Maybe beast were attracted to the noise they heard. Some set of beast started gushing in

They were in the advance level or so.

[Defeat two pill wolves]

Louis system said. Seeing this message Louis charged at the wolves thinking he would evolve if he can defeat them.

Rushing forward Louis released two skills from his dirahen skills; the attack didn't manage to put a scratch on the wolf body; because Louis didn't mix it with fire and his strength is now limited. The wolves aren't dumb they attacked Louis; one wolf aimed at Louis with his sharp teeth. Louis managed to move away from where the beast teeth went to, but unknown to Louis that another wolf has targeted him, just as the beast teeth wanted to bite Louis

*slash* a sword slitted through the wolf head and in no time it slitted through all the other wolves.

Looking at who saved him it was his demon Knight

[Quest failed]

[-2% from all your stats]

"What" Louis shouted he couldn't believe his eyes. The system never mentioned if he didn't complete the quest he would be given a penalty.

"This is what my selfishness caused" Louis said in a low voice


This novel is slow because I want webnovel to contract me.before I drop all the chapters have drafted.<span data-mce-type="bookmark" id="mce_marker">​</span>

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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