
My demonic system

Earth realm has been dealing with humanity enemy the termids. The 13 protectorates of earth has been trying to overcome the war but they are overwhelmed by the Termids strength. Louis the last descendant of the glue family whom their body cell don't allow them to learn an ability came across a mystery knife which turned him to a demon and granted him a system. The system gave him power and also missions that put his life at risk. Many disadvantages come the system such as lust to kill a living thing and lust desires over woman. Some of the humans were taken as hostages by the Termids and demons Louis created his own army naming them 'The anti-demon army". Louis is the last hope humanity possess

Sanusi_a_Emmanuel · Urban
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57 Chs


Everybody that witnessed what Louis did was confused and shocked. They all knew Louis didn't possess an ability. Only Clara understood what happened and Remmy also understood partially

Caroline was the first to talk without anybody's consent

"How are you able to do that?"

"It a long story" Louis replied with a facial expression of 'whatever you do, I won't tell you'

Clara stood up and was glancing at herself that she can still stand. She was happy and over sentimental. Not knowing what to do she was still glancing at herself.

Louis wanted to say something before a message popped up in his face, that interrupted him

[AP's: 1000 points]

[An ally is waiting for you to confirm whether you want to purchase him or not]

[Ally factory]

[Demon Knight]

[Do you want to purchase the demon knight]

[Yes] [No]

[Yes selected]

After selecting the yes option, something was causing chaos in Louis body. Feeling uncomfortable he busted out what was causing chaos in his body.

A bloody, oily ball streamed out from his mouth. When the ball landed on the floor; it started to grow little by little


The ball germinated and it became a scary figure; taller and thicker than everybody there. It held a sword in his hand. The colour and scent of the grown ball was irritating and disgusting. Everybody that could use fight was in a fighting stance before they heard Louis voice

"Don't fight it. It is not an enemy it our ally"


Have been slow in updating because I have many matters to attend to. My chapters are small because I don't really have time any longer