
My demonic system

Earth realm has been dealing with humanity enemy the termids. The 13 protectorates of earth has been trying to overcome the war but they are overwhelmed by the Termids strength. Louis the last descendant of the glue family whom their body cell don't allow them to learn an ability came across a mystery knife which turned him to a demon and granted him a system. The system gave him power and also missions that put his life at risk. Many disadvantages come the system such as lust to kill a living thing and lust desires over woman. Some of the humans were taken as hostages by the Termids and demons Louis created his own army naming them 'The anti-demon army". Louis is the last hope humanity possess

Sanusi_a_Emmanuel · Urban
Not enough ratings
57 Chs


After the word the attacker said he ran to the bush after been lightly injured by Louis. Louis wanted to chase after the attacker but he thought about Remmy who is still unconscious and laying on the floor. Louis took Remmy carried Remmy with one hand heading as fast as he could to their room.


"You couldn't take care of a no ability glue boy" Commander Jose is seen talking to a boy with the Military Academy uniform, he is also a students but not a freshmen

"Sir, I know what am saying, he used three abilities; he used transformation ability, tekelenis ability, and a strange black aura" The boy said, with a serious tone, and a sincere face

"You are confused, how a person can possess three abilities, is it possible" Commander Jose said looking at the student with a disgusting look

"Sir, you know I have never failed you, I have never told you what I didn't see, I saw the glue boy using ability, not just ability three to be précised" the student replied back to commander Jose

"Okay, I don't doubt you Andrew, but you know we must eliminate him before Major Do knows about him, if he does he would be giving him special privilege, care and security so we must eliminate him chap-chap" Commander Jose said changing his facial expression from disgusting to pleading

"Okay sir, but is he a glue?" the boy named Andrew asked


"Did you find out who is he?" Remmy said talking to Louis after regaining his conscious

"No, he ran away and I didn't want to leave you alone, that was why I left him" Louis replied Remmy going to his bed

"I don't think he is a freshman, because his ability his strong" Remmy said again with a serious face

"Same here… but how can we know who is he?" Louis ask Remmy as if Remmy know the answer

"Acid ability, height, breath, many people don't go for acid ability so we have to look for those with Acid ability, No worries I have a cousin brother who could help us finding the attacker


The next day, Louis and Remmy did the same routine going to the beasty class and going to the general class. After their daily routine Remmy reminded Louis of where they wanted to branch.

Louis and Remmy left the general class together going to where they scheduled to go… Remmy and Louis got to the Second year block the Boys dorm heading to the a specific way… on their way a boy called both of them

"Hey, glue boy go to the school kitchen and get me hamburger, am gonna give you the cents needed" the boy said looking at his watch signaling for Louis to come over

"Am sorry, I won't be able to go I have some businesses to sort out" Louis said to the boy with an apology tone…. After Louis talked, a familiar but different voice said

"He isn't a glue" another second year student said

"Louis, we don't need to go far this is the attacker" Remmy said preparing bracing himself for a fight.


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