
System Down (1)

The dawn broke the horizon with the sky painted in orange orange. Street lights and buildings flickering in the distance like stars… meh. I know it's inaccurate but I'm doing my best to describe this picturesque scene so cut me some slack..

Crossing the sky bridge, what I saw below was--

"A traffic jam.."

"Jam?" Liliath glanced at me before turning to look below.

Shouldering a cute school bag behind, she was wearing the school uniform in the official way-- white blazer on the outside with a neat blue tie folded into a square bringing her collar together. The skirt wasn't entirely pleated but I wouldn't say they weren't any fold-- a design with a minimal amount of layering.

Her hair was tied to the back with a black ribbon, I have to thank Prune for that.

The impact of the clothes she wore was totally different when we're actually going to school.

"Traffic jam. Not the edible kind of jam."

"Another word I can't seem to understand," Liliath sounded happy to learn something new.

"Noel, how exactly did you summon Liliath to this world?" Nine asked, puzzled.

"It happened on a whim.. I don't really know if i should tell you the events that happened as is.."

I don't think it's a good idea to reveal too much about my TALENT to Nine? Telling her/him about the gacha app might lead to a death flag? I'm honestly not too sure but I suppose I'll keep it secretive for now.

"A summoning circle appeared in my room after I did something accidentally and Liliath appeared."

"Ah? That cliche? What 'accidental' thing did you do?" Nine asked again, emphasizing something suggestive.

"Was it really an accident?" Liliath on the other hand, asked, curiously.

"Sorry.. it wasn't an accident.. it just happened.. on a whim.."

I mean.. I could've gotten any other girls from the gacha.. so I suppose it's a half-accident? Though.. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I got some other girl… maybe she would have a different past from Liliath? Maybe she would've come from an entirely different fantasy universe...

HAH? I'm thinking of spinning for a harem? No way.. nah-ah. Not happening.

Prune remained silent, only smiling as we continued our light banter.

Prune obviously looked good with the school uniform, very professional-looking with her silver hair while Nine.. thinking about how she can be both a male and female.. kinda destroys the image of her cuteness.

The sight of Nine wearing a female uniform in her male form comes to mind. I think I might hyperventilate if that happened.

Descending the sky bridge, the four of us walked through the large gate, stepping foot into school grounds. A SUPER LONG path adorned with cherry blossom petals stretched ahead of us. Parents dropping off students on the main road before running into the school compound.

I really dont get why they went with this design.. did the architects build the school with the intent of promoting healthy living? Cuz I'm not buying it.

Prune who stuck close to Liliath for the effects of the concealment barrier shuddered all of a sudden, turning to Nine she asked.

"Nine, can I ask you an important question?"

"What is it? I'm all ears." Nine replied in a saluting voice.

"What gender were you originally?"


"YOu…" Prune's ears and tail stood up on end.

Wait.. I got to ask this. Very important stuff.

"Nine.. doesn't that mean you're.. no.. which bathroom are you going to use?"

"The female one of course," Nine siad with a triumphed look.

Hah? Seriously? A legal male allowed to enter and use a female bathroom? Oh wait.. there's also the changing room since using the school pool was an inevitable part of being a student..

That makes it even worse..

"Pervert! An actual pervert!" Prune shouted with a red face.

Nine merely shrugged.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Pretty much. WHat? Did you think I could see panties to my heart's content just because I can use a female bathroom? Unlike the male ones, there are only cubicles there," Nine muttered as if lamenting.

"Male bathrooms differ from female bathrooms?" Liliath who heard it brought up such a question.

"Yes, yes, very. It's more convenient to use a urinal," Nine explained.

"Yuri, Nell?"

"Liliath.. don't listen to his nonsense!" Prune shook Liliath's shoulders.


Taking my eyes off and looking towards the field, I pondered.

That evening when I confessed to Liliath.

I still don't understand what she meant by wait, was it a yes or no? She could just say a direct answer can't she?

Or not? If I'm in her position, saying either answer would have a tremendous consequence on my life. To Liliath.. maybe, just maybe, she can't say 'no' out of guilt.

Then again… she wouldn't need to hug me and ask me to wait for her if that were the case, right? What exactly is it that I'm supposed to wait for, I wonder? Liliath didn't look eager to say what it was so I thought it was best not to ask…

That might be a stupid move.

Though, Liliath still acted as usual. If anything, it feels as if she was more cautious of her actions.

"Noel?" Liliath called out.

"Hm? I'm fine," and such was what I meant by her being more cautious. She's definitely started to pay more attention to me ever since then.

Oh well. Time will tell.. I should be patient.

On the way into the school building, there were club booths set up along the entrance. Flyers and confetti were everywhere, with club members clinging to the juniors, asking them to join.

We broke up with Nine and went to class first, since she said she wanted to check out the technology club. Nine was a student of class C so we were bound to split up anyways.

Class E. The seating prepositions were the same, the difference benign the fact that my table was no longer conjoign to Liliath's table. She still sits beside me though, so it's a plus. Though.. I wished our seat wasn't in the frontmost seat.

"Noel, you have decided right?" Placing our bags down on our seat, Liliath asked.

"Uh, yeah. It's not like we can hide it forever, better do it now."

Fear. Fear of my TALENT being exploited by the government. It's a stupid way to put it actually. If the government was here to exploit TALENTS, why would they need to build a special school like Mondai for the likes of us in the first place?

Well.. I can't say they aren't exploiting TALENTS but the purpose of it was to protect us citizens in the first place.

"Where could teacher Glib be I wonder," with an anticipating smile, Liliath held my hand and pulled me out of class. I could only accept being dragged by her in this way.

There weren't all that many students in class so Prune would have plenty of chances to meet new friends-- good luck.

"Third floor maybe."

Liliath let go of me after a while and we walked side by side. Passing by idle students now and then.. eh wait, that guy looks familiar somehow. Why does he have bandages around his arms and legs? Weird. If i'm not wrong he's the person with the slime pet the other time i saw him at the summoner's department.

WHat happened to him?

"I sense Teacher Glib's presence there," Liliath pointed to the wall-- more accurately, at the teacher's exact location. Which means we aren't far.

"Let's go."

The staff room.

Knocking the door twice, Liliath and I entered. The smell of tidbits and coffee tickled my nose.

Office-like desks were arranged in rows, teachers chatting with one another, teachers working away on a laptop, teachers making tea.. Liliath you should stop staring.

At the corner of the staff room that looked like a small meeting space with two sofas and a coffee table present, I saw teacher Glib chatting with a colleague of hers.

Liliath in tow, we went over.

"Excuse me, teacher Glib um.."

"Hm? Morning Noel, anything?" Teacher Glib turned to me with her usual flat expression.

"OH my, it is as the rumor says," her colleague.. the teacher sitting on the other sofa exclaimed as she stared at Liliath-- Eyl was the name on her name tag.

"Good morning," Liliath said in a cheerful voice, following up with a bow.

"Teacher Glib, can I talk to you about my TALENT? There's more to it than what I've reported before."

"So you've discovered something new? Okay, sorry Eyl, I have to attend to this student of mine for a bit," Teacher Glib downed her drink and stood up.

"Something like that.. sorry for disturbing you two," I said apologetically.

"NO worries.. ah, we'll meet again in biology class, see you two then," that was the last thing Eyl said before we were ushered elsewhere by teacher Glib.

Huh. So Eyl is our biology teacher.

Teacher Glib brought us to the counseling room.

The room was rather specious, light poured in from the outside that had slowly become blue.

"So, what did you discover?"

I suppose I'll just play along.. I initially thought that I would need to confess my mistake of not telling about it earlier… but something feels off. Did she need to bring us to the counseling room?

Taking out my phone from my pocket and placing it on the table-- i took a deep breath and turned on my phone, pointing at 'that' app.

"W-what is it that you're trying to show me?"Teacher Glib was obviously trying to suppress her laughter. Ah fuck you app developer.

"It's weird but.. it appeared out of nowhere because of my TALENT and is the app I used to summon Liliath by accident," I said in a shaky voice due to embarrassment.

"Is that so? Do you mind showing it to me?"

"That was our intention to begin with," Liliath followed up.

Then I tapped on the application.

And it disappeared.


It disappeared?

"Did something happen?"

"I-it's not supposed to be like this.."

Something isn't right. What? This is the first time this has ever happened.

"Liliath, how about yours?"

Liliath blinked at me before taking her phone out and tried to access the app, but again, it vanished.

"Noel.. this is unprecedented. What is going on?"

"Okay, let me get this straight, you can't use the app anymore?" to teacher Glib's conclusion, both of us nodded.

"Noel, there's one more thing we can try-- status window open.. ah?"

Liliath stared into the air-- her status window didn't appear.

No wait.. What the hell is going on?

"Noel… try yours.."

Everything can't just disappear all of a sudden right?

"Status window open."

A blue loading screen appeared in front of me. A spinning cog with a chibi Liliath running on top of it. OH MY GOD HOW CUTE!!

Ah, I got distracted. Hold up-- a system update?

"System update.."

"I can't see anything you know?"

Teacher Glib's words brought me back to reality.

Ah, she must see us as some luny chuni now that we've reached this stage.

"Um.. it seems that a system update is happening at this time.."

"Stop wasting my time.."


"Come meet me again once everything has settled down. You two can go."

Teacher Glib sounded pissed.


I didn't mean it.. it happened on a whim. I..

"Noel, let's go," Liliath beckoned me with her eyes.

Liliath and I left the counseling office in a stunned state. On the way back to class i asked--

"Hey Liliath, can you see my status screen?"

"No, I believe it's the same for you, my screen is visible to me, and a cute you is running on a wheel." Liliath giggled.

"Really now?" I smiled wryly.

Hah. There's finally a chibi for me huh?


I didn't mean to trouble teacher Glib.. what now?

Why did the update happen and when would it complete? There's no gauge or anything to refer to… in the first place, was it necessary to even show us an update screen? I don't get what the 'developer' of the system is thinking.

While contemplating, Liliath walked up to me and whispered into my right ear.

"Noel, she was testing us."

"Huh? Testing us?"

To my question, Liliath only smiled.

The same smile she showed me when I confessed to her-- as if she was hiding something.


Why that smile again?

"Noel, are you scared?"

"Scared? No, I'm just curious."

"Me. Are you not scared of me?" Liliath tilted her head cutely with a sadistic smile.

I've already gotten used to that smile of hers. She has sadistic tendencies-- im guessing it's a norm for a demon lord like her but-- i've already resolved to accept her all when i confessed to her before-- whatever it may be.

"Maybe, sometimes. But it's just me. Fear is something that depends on the individual. Some people fear height, others don't. The difference between them is perception or past experiences.. whatever it may be."

"I-Is that so?" Liliath's smile cramped. She looked relieved for some reason?

"Did I do something wrong?" I smirked.

To my reply, Liliath laughed. After all, I was mimicking her voice when saying that signature phrase of hers

"Thank you Noel."








dotturndotcreators' thoughts