Living in a world where all people gain special abilities, known as ‘TALENTS’, during their 16th birthday— Noel (not a girl, seriously) happened upon a mysterious app on his phone. Who would've known this encounter would lead to the summoning of a princess— from another world! This is his adventurer: teaching a story-world princess how to live in the modern world.
The trio left to carry out the rescue operation.
'Thanks, escape success.'
Nine managed to sneak away. Good. Now, she'll make her way over to Miss Margrett's place.
It's difficult really..
At this rate, Liliath isn't in a position to stand in a discussion. What discussion do you ask?
Her Highness Siesta, the third princess of Erudite Kingdom and her maid El have been spamming me since last night. The message stopped coming at the 2 am mark, but the message is quite clear.
His Highness Kyoshi wants to talk to Liliath.
And.. that Toren Kingdom is willing to take her back.
Which sounds stinkingly suspicious. Shouldn't there be a message asking about Liliath's condition? They saw the explosion of blood last night, and even if he didn't know who it was that died, by Liliath's reaction, shouldn't he have realized something?
Of course, it could be that there's a communication barrier because Her Highness Siesta is acting as the intermediary.
There you go. The problem..
Liliath took the sandwich from my hand and started biting into it herself.
"Good girl.." I smiled gently.
"Um.. Noel.. Liliath.."
"Yes Rin?"
"Just so you are aware but.. I'm no longer connected," Rin said in an awkward manner.
Yeah.. another issue to address. Am I willing to perform the Kiss of Blood with Rin a second time? I suppose so. Just not now.
"Sorry Rin, we might have to put it off.."
"No," Liliath interjected.
"I understand now.. your words, Noel."
"My words?
"Noel is mine.. mine alone.." Liliath's voice came out unstable and coercive.
"Ah.. S-Sorry.." Rin lowered her head.. her expression was unreadable.
What.. is this..?
"Mine alone.. I won't give you away.."
"Liliath.. but didn't you.. weren't you the one who said you wanted Rin?"
"That doesn't matter!"
A volatile mood electrified in the air. Prune who was awaiting Nine's signal at the door couldn't help but look over.
"Y-Yes.. Noel is mine.. mine forever.. right.. right?" her capricious words were said in delirium, her entire body was shaky. I took the sandwich from her quivering hand and placed it on the plate, she stared at it dumbly.
"I'm afraid I thought it would drop.. so.."
"Drop? Why?"
Why? Why?!
Come on.. this can't be happening.. why at this sort of time..
"Um.. Liliath, come with me for a bit."
I don't know how I managed to persuade her but I pulled her to the bedroom– Prune's bedroom and had us sit on the edge of the bed.
How does Rin feel about this? To be honest, Liliath's reaction was as much of a shock to me as it was to her.. I hope Rin didn't misunderstand. Liliath is just.. out of it.. she probably doesn't mean what she said literally.
Rin is like fresh out of the box, so she doesn't have my widget tethered to her. I can't DM her privately at the moment.. I can't help but be worried about her mental state too.
I hugged Liliath.
She didn't resist or anything. I wasn't even sure if she was aware.. she..
"Liliath. I'm here alright.. I'm here."
"Noel.. I hate this world. I hate everyone that tried to hurt us.. "
"Right.. it hurts.."
"Why is everyone so mean to me Noel? Why is everyone trying to kill me.. Nobody understands what I've been through. Nobody knows the pain I've suffered.."
I don't know the pain she's been through. I don't know what she's suffered. But what I do know is that I have to take care of her. It'll take a while for her past to wash away.
It's funny how I've forgotten about this 'side' of Liliath. I guess even I didn't prepare enough. In any case, I've grown these past few months, I got to know Liliath better.
I can handle this.
"Can I kill him?"
"I've always wanted to kill him.. it's my purpose in life. I need to kill him if not I won't be fulfilled. He drove me like a slave, he toyed with my life in glee– I want to return the favor.. I want him to taste how sweet it felt. Is this wish of mine.. alright?"
I don't know..
"It's up to you," I blurted.
"Is it?"
"Then will Noel do it too?"
"Probably not."
"Because that's not me."
"But I want you to."
"But you can't force me to?"
Liliath chuckled. I felt a shudder up my spine. She laughed?
"Says who? The old Liliath," she traced my chest with her finger.
The old Liliath..?
"I love you Noel," she said seductively, "I love you, I love you, I love you.. my dear, my one and only.."
This.. who the hell is this?
She smothered her lips on mine before I could prepare myself and.. we shared a deep kiss. My mind went numb– her hand crawled under my shirt.
Our kiss left a trace of silver string.
"Dear, we'll take revenge on the world together. We'll do that, right?" Liliath showed me a sunny smile.
"What is it dear? Am I not enough for you? Or perhaps.."
"Liliath.. are you.. okay?"
She continued to smile.
"Thank you for your concern dear, I'm feeling much better. In the world.. no, in the cosmos, the only one who truly understands my heart is you, dear. There's no other existence that could make me feel this way apart from you," she leaned against my chest. "Your heart.. it's racing for me, isn't it?"
What the hell is this?
"Noel, we'll take revenge on the world together, our first step forward.. you'll join me on this endeavor.. wouldn't you?"
"Liliath.. you know that isn't something I'm capable of.."
What the hell happened to Liliath?
She slid up my neck, her hair tickled my ear, she whispered. "I'll guide you."
Damn Regressor, what did you do to her?!
I wanted to argue back. But I also knew that arguing with her perspective will lead nowhere. In fact, it might make things worse.
Okay, let me get the facts straight.. Liliath's personality changed again. It's not the first time this has happened. It's not something I should be too surprised about. The question now is how do I turn her back to the Liliath I know.
'Noel, there's something we need to decide on.'
'What is it?'
Liliath moved away and tilted her head.. her glossy hair slithered down her shoulder.
'It's about you and Liliath. Prince Kyoshi wants to meet you.'
"What is it?" Liliath tried to crawl over.
'No. No way. Don't tell Liliath about this either..'
I shut off my UI before Liliath reached me..
In no way will I allow it with Liliath in this state.. but crap. I don't know if Nine grasped what I was trying to tell her.
"Is there something I'm not supposed to see?"
"Something like that.."
Liliath pondering with a finger pointed to her chin..
She brought up her UI..
Crap. Crap. Crap..
"Oh.. what is this.. there are so many addressed to me.. Noel, were you aware of this?"
"I don't think we should go," I could only persuade her so..
"Why? Don't you know I've wanted to meet my brother for a while now?"
"You were.. unstable a little while ago.." I couldn't say that she's still unstable now can I?
"You do make a point. Alright," she clapped her hands, "We'll proceed with discussion. I'm grateful for your concerns dear, but I'm fine now. Really…"
"Don't you believe me? I didn't do anything wrong, you know?"
This phrase.. Usually she'd just get stuck with asking what she did wrong– she became able to say it wasn't her fault? I'm having a premonition, what exactly.. does this mean?
I'm confused. The current Liliath was acting more like a character than.. a person. Don't tell me it's because of the influence of 'fantasy'?
"Noel. I'm fine, let me go please. I've been waiting for this chance for a long time now. I can't waste this opportunity," she said with a resolute gaze.
I couldn't help but feel the uneasiness in my heart grow.
"Thank you dear," Liliath operated her UI, then she turned to me with her cheeks ruddy, "Dear, do you mind if.. you allow me some privacy to change my clothes.. or do you prefer to watch me as I do.. so.."
"I'll get out," I raised both hands as if I had been arrested– and got out of the room.
I shut the door.
And staggered.
This is shit.. what the fuck..
"Noel," Prune called out to me in concern.
"Thank you," Jennifer-chan who had arrived, bowed to me,
"Is Liliath.. alright?" Rin asked in concern.
"Another split personality."
"Huh? Split personality? You mean.." Prune was being a bit loud so I hushed her while placing my index finger to my lips.
'Just.. you remember? She's unstable to begin with.'
'I think I get what you mean.'
"Are you alright Jennifer-chan? Sorry about everything," I replied to Jennifer's greeting.
Continuing, I added the necessary adjustments to Rin's status column. Rin revived with her most recent level and basic skills intact. But adjustments made using Nine's [Omnipotent Keyboard] were removed. Everything from her Unique Skills to specific Titles like [Bleu's Blessing].
The door to the apartment opened again.