Living in a world where all people gain special abilities, known as ‘TALENTS’, during their 16th birthday— Noel (not a girl, seriously) happened upon a mysterious app on his phone. Who would've known this encounter would lead to the summoning of a princess— from another world! This is his adventurer: teaching a story-world princess how to live in the modern world.
Downing the book that was pretty much the size of a typical dictionary, I gave her an excerpt to read. As expected, she was able to understand the text without any issues. Just that, it was limited to knowledge she knew. Things like atoms and photons— that only made her flash a puzzled expression.
The task for today would be to assign her a few books she should start reading— namely those in regards to Year 8 material. Or should I start with primary school level subjects?
Also, after eating the book, she became able to write in our language. Huh, such an OP item for the cost of 50 points? Totally worth my money.
Liliath was from an educational background, so she had knowledge in aspects of the geography and history of her kingdom, economics, literature, etiquette, magic and basic maths.
Science didn't exist for her until now.
Which was a bummer because a lot of what she had learnt wouldn't be all that useful here.
That said, she was serious about learning everything she needed to know about this world.
"This is.. necessary curriculum for all citizens?" Liliath raised a question.
"I suppose it's different from your world but yeah. Everyone has the opportunity to study. It's mandatory."
She fell deep in thought.
I assigned her a basic mathematics exercise book and basic science reference book. I'll teach her when I have free time, the point for today would be explaining the gist and purposes of each subject, though I'm sure everyone agrees that this education is basically useless except for the purpose passing the exams—
But I have to at least make it sound presentable right? Science so that we understand our surroundings— maths so that we can calculate our money so that we don't fall into debt..
She soaked everything I said in like a sponge, which was quite a surprise— or not. She's a princess after all.
"Excuse me N-Noel. I have a request," she raised her right hand. I suppose that's how she treats her tutor back in her world?
"What is it?"
"May I see the quest section of the fone?"
"Fone.." she meant phone.
Um. What did she just say? She wanted to see the quest board?
"W-why would you want that?"
"The heart points are acquired through completing quests, am I not wrong?"
Hahaha. Haha. Ha.
She's sharp.
Really sharp.
"Alright. But prepare your eyes," I gulped. It's now or never. I'll have to show it to her someday so I better just get along with it.
"Prepare my eyes?"
I tapped into the app, and placed it on the table, my hands are literally shaking.
Curse this.
Liliath crawled over, her gorgeous velvet hair spilled over the table. Moving her delicate fingers she accessed the shop— she didn't go right up to the quest board but scrolled down the item list in the store. Her eyes widened, narrowing to a slit for a brief moment as she continued on. She saw something.
Her lips were tilted a little. It's the first time I've seen her like this since yesterday.
She finished scrolling the short item list and reached over to the quest board.
She stared at the screen with hallowed eyes.
"Um.. Liliath?"
Biting her lips, her cheeks progressively reddened.
She turned to me, face all red, eyes watery.
"I-I'm sorry?" I said.
I'm sorry I say?! Heck! I don't even know what I should say— I mean I yeah. It's not nice to bring up the fact that I saw her naked this morning. And that action of mine was what allowed me to buy her that language comprehension skill book but.. but... SHE ASKED FOR THIS HERSELF!!
I thought she would explode but instead-- she crawled over to the base of the couch and rolled up into a ball. Her knees cushioning her face.
The sound of the shuttering gate broke the awkward silence.
I left Liliath as was, hopefully she'll be alright-- not my fault— and walked to the garage where my mom parked the car. She brought groceries with her.
I helped her carry those into the house, noticing Liliath who had apparently calmed down. She wanted to help but was declined by my mom since there wasn't all that much to carry.
After that was arranging the grocery items into the cabinets and refrigerator-- all the while with Liliath curiously observing our actions. Yeah, don't think she has anything like a fridge in her world.
"Liliath, what do you usually do in your free time?" I asked. I just realized that Liliath had been following me or my mom around as if she were there to assist if there were any issues that would crop up. She hadn't really rested since she arrived here hadn't she?
"I.. don't remember.."
I shouldn't have asked that, shouldn't I?
"T-Tea?" she said, "I remember enjoying tea?"
"Alright. Though our house doesn't have anything like a parlor, we have tea at least."
More accurately, instant tea, tea bags. I popped two from a fresh box that my mom got and boiled water using an electric kettle. All Liliath does is stare, It's kinda unnerving. Maybe it's because she was an ex-slave? That would explain her behavior. She's treating me like her master or something— not good. Darn, I'm so insensitive.
I got two cups and placed a teabag in each. Afterwards, I poured the hot water on it and let it steep.
"Could this perhaps be tea?" Liliath asked, looking into the cup while I beckoned her to take a seat at the dining table. My mom was peeking at us from the living room— GO DO SOMETHING ELSE!!
"It's tea, conveniently packaged. All we need to do is add water. I'm not sure what kind of tea you prefer but I hope Earl Grey is alright with you?"
"Any tea is fine.. thank you."
She stared into the cup, the brownish tea extract diffusing throughout the water like wisps of heavy smoke.
I sat there, waiting. I peeked over to the living room to find my mom no longer stalking us.
Then I looked to Liliath.
"When will the tea be ready?" she asked.
"Just a little longer."
She nodded.
"Liliath. If you don't mind asking, you said you were a slave before this right?"
"Un," her crestfallen look pained my heart. If she had fluffy wolf ears like Prune, I could imagine seeing it droop.
"What happened? You were a Princess weren't you?" logically, a Princess falling into a slavery sounds cliche— an impossible development, unless she came from a story-like world.
Her eyes swam about.
Looks like she doesn't want to talk about it?
"Do you want to um.. talk about it? It's alright if you don't feel comfortable telling me about it. There's always next time."
She nodded, her head hung low.
"The tea should be ready," I bobbed the tea bag up and down, pulling on the string.
Liliath grabbed both ends of the cup, feeling the warmth of the ceramic. Doesn't it burn her hand? She bent over and gave it a gentle blow. After which she took a sip similar to how one would drink a mug of cocoa during winter.
She placed the tea back on the table. I noticed her body sway. She was trying to keep herself awake.
"Are you tired?" Heck, of course she is, do I even need to ask?
"A little," her droopy voice replied.
"I'll go get the pillow."
She didn't say anything so I got up.
The conclusion was a Liliath laying there on the couch, under a blanket, fast asleep.
This whole following the master's order kinda thing has to stop. I think she doesn't notice that she's doing it instinctively or— no. If I were to suddenly be dropped in a situation where I'm in the care of another, abiding by their rules is an appropriate response.
I guess she feels insecure? Whatever it is, I'm in no position to order her around. Then again.. she is my summon.
Beware of typos-- seriously.
In any case, thank you so much for reading-- I'm surprised to learn that this webnovel is doing better than my previous one despite me publishing it in an unedited state.
Unfortunately, I can only continue this six-chapter-a-week schedule until July-- and might drop this series due to my busy college schedule during that time. So if you do feel like this work of mine is worth reading, please do vote, I might consider to prioritize writing this romcom, (powerstones-- was what it's called? Idk?)
(20/11/2021) Good news guys, I'm now in college and updates are still going strong!! Thank you for reading!