
Mondai High Enrollment (2)

The first thing that appeared past the entrance was a humongous space. I think 6 tennis courts are about the right size. I wonder how much electricity they were using to cool down this auditorium.

Chairs conglomerated in the front, which would've left the rest of the auditorium empty if not for the other students loitering around the place.

The auditorium also had an upper floor, and there, I could see a number of our seniors observing us from above. They wore the official Mondai High uniforms, which was just like my previous white uniform except black in colour. Pretty cool I think.

Our next objective would be to find Prune.

And it didn't take 3 seconds to do so cuz she's the only person in the entire auditorium with silver-white hair.

"Liliath, are you still evoking a concealment barrier?"

A dumb question, I know.. since no one is looking over here.

Liliath, who was busy reading the brochure, nodded her head.

"Thanks for keeping it on."

I can't imagine what would happen if Liliath didn't. Just look at the pitiful Prune out there in front. Everyone is peeking glances at her. Her shoulders were stiff, ears drooping and still as a rock.

The seats were labelled with names and, what'cha know, my seat is right beside Prune.

"Beastkin, we have arrived," Liliath called out before I could say anything.

Prune shot her head towards us, her eyes glistening as if she had found salvation. Though, the big problem here was the way Liliath addressed Prune..

"Liliath, do you have a grudge against Prune?"

"To answer in an honest manner, yes. In that regard, I hope it can be quelled in time." Liliath frowned.

Hah.. what's up with you Liliath?

"Hi Prune, it's been a while, sorry about Liliath," I glanced at her, she dismissed it by averting my gaze.

"No, it's fine. It's fine," Prune showed a troubled smile— her fluffy tail wagging.


A green jacket over her casual shirt, knee-length pleated skirt, was what she wore today. Oh, also, I can't forget her scrunchie.

Liliath and I sat down on our respective seats and the attention around us slowly diminished with time.

"Thanks Liliath."


"What's going on.." Prune realized it. I mean.. yeah, I doubt anyone else would.

"Well.. Liliath can use magic so.. she's using a type of concealment barrier to hide our presence since your hair and her hair stand out a lot..."

That's the truth..


Two beauties with exotic hair colour, one velvet-purple, another silver-white, acting like my two wings on the left and right— I think I would be the one in the most pickled position if Liliath revokes her concealment spell. Shit.

I crane my head over to look at Liliath, and as if she realized my worry, she raised her head to look at me and took the chance to reaffirm her cooperation.

"I won't remove the barrier, it would only spell trouble for us both," Liliath smirked.

"I owe you one Liliath," I hope she keeps her word. I don't know to what extent my father or that little devil has corrupted her..

"Thank you Liliath," Prune said.

"My pleasure, I hope we can get along beas— Prune," Liliath smiled as she said that.

"Y-yes.. m-me too.." Prune forced those words out of her mouth.

Scary huh..

I could only think of such. I guess Prune will need some time to get used to Liliath's unnatural aura. Liliath too. She needs to fix her speech.

While waiting for things to start, I took out the magazines, brochures and school diary from the file and started reading.

In Gilgamesh, Mondai High is one of the only two schools built by the government to accommodate students with 'troublesome' TALENTS.

Based on the brochure I'm reading, they say that 'influential' TALENTS are also categorized under 'troublesome' TALENTS. TALENTS that work in tandem with other TALENTS is an example, like Enoch's TALENT.

The fact that my TALENT has something to do with altering reality still bugs me though.

Moving on, Mondai high accommodates around a few thousand students. The entire high school course, 9 semesters in total, lasts around 3 years. Which is different from typical high school where it only takes 2 years. Education for the first two years is the same here as it is for other high schools, while the third year mainly focuses on preparing the students to enter university.

Well.. if a person was scouted as 'useful', the third year would be used to train the individual to work for the government. That kind of thing.

Costs of the school fee are partially paid by the government and I can apply for scholarships if I have good academic achievements or co-curricular achievements, club activities, societies, sports and the likes.

Hm.. I wanna join the art club..

If anything, most people regard Mondai High as a prestigious school. There isn't any prejudice towards us individuals with troublesome TALENTS— rather, those without troublesome TALENTS envy those with. Mainly because people like us are given the opportunity to take high school classes in a university setting, every student's romance.

I'd say I'm pretty happy with this school. With Gruan gone, I'm free to stop worrying about being bullied. Like seriously, senior high school students have to be more mature than junior high school students right?

I'm not a masochist, I don't like being hit.

So the principal of this school is called Navy. Principal Navy. Okay, good naming sense, nowhere else in the world can you find such a name except in Gilgamesh— not.

I felt something flash in front of my eyes so I turned to look up on stage. There I saw a number of teachers and students seated on the chairs prepared beforehand.

It's like.. they're supermodels or something..

Not to mention, there's even a gaudy looking guy wearing a soldier uniform, emblazoned with all sorts of medals and white stripes.

Oh. Beside the soldier is Principal Navy, the guy with a cool nice bold head. And to be honest, I like how it's shiny, literally reflecting the light into my eyes— it burns..

Okay.. enough of the jokes. There are a few students sitting together in front— and if I'm not wrong they are student council members.

Student councils don't really exist in most high schools, this is a first for me. My previous school didn't have one, it did have prefects— but it's an entirely different system.

I referred to the school diary to confirm my suspicion.

Ah, so the girl with the tried look with a side ponytail is the Student Council President. And it seems she's sleeping with a straight back.

Huh. Acting as the head of the student council sure must be tiring huh? Definitely not my cup of tea..

Speaking of cups of tea, Liliath who had finished all her reading material was scanning the auditorium for something. Is there anyone suspicious here?

I couldn't tell.

At the sound of a screeching microphone, a yelp was raised by the students. I grimaced. Ouch, that hurt my ear.

"Testing, testing. Testing. One, two. Testing, Okay it se.." the emcee's voice trailed off as she distanced her mouth away from the microphone. After receiving a nod from the Principal, the emcee continued, "Please take a seat everyone, please take a seat, the event will be starting soon."

Her voice was like a serenade, a honey-sweet voice that sank into my soul. I had the urge to follow her every command— especially her first command that was to sit.. oh wait. I'm already seated.

While I was having such thoughts, the other students scurried back to their designated chairs and in an instant, everyone was sitting in absolute silence.

Wow. So this is the effect of a TALENT?

"H-her skill, even I was affected," Liliath said while shivering.


Looking at the emcee leaving the stage, I'm coming to understand why students with 'troublesome' TALENTS have to attend special schools now.. I can't imagine what would happen if she used her TALENT for 'other things'.

Her voice was incredible, and I have a feeling that I would even lick her feet if she requested me to. This place is dangerous.. really really fucking dangerous.

Heck, is this a school or a battlefield? What the fuck..


To Liliath's strained voice, I look around to see everyone in a half-dreary state, as if in a trance.

There were others that looked wary and confused. Perhaps different people recover at different paces.


"Dear students, let's give a round of applause to our first speaker, Principal Navy!"

It's a different emcee this time? The voice changed. I wonder if there's a reason for it.

The Principal stood up and went to stand at the podium. Then he started his boring speech.
