
Mr. Isaac's Bull

Mr. Isaac stood still, taking in the whole scenery, the wide room with weapons hanging on three of its four walls covered in dust and in the center the remains of an earthen dragon could be seen but the thing that mainly caught his eye was a student on the floor, opening and closing his palm as if expecting something to happen,

"I can't use my ability. You took it!" Hiro charged in at Dan but before he could reach, wooden hands grabbed him and held him down,

'Wood? Who here has a wood ability with such fine control.' Mr. Isaac was intrigued with the class.

"Inform me why you tried to attack him" Mr. Isaac asked in reference to Hiro's attempt to attack Dan,

"He took away my ability. I tried to use it but I couldn't" Mr. Isaac's interest skyrocketed at the declaration, "And why did you attack him?" Hiro proceeded to explain what happened, not skipping a detail,

"And because you can't use your ability, you accused him of being responsible?" He asked confused how the two actions correlated,

"He whispered sinisterly in my ear that I didn't deserve my ability and now I can't use it. It doesn't take a genius to know he is responsible" Hiro pleaded his case while pointing at Dan,

"You attacked the kid named Kyle right" Mr. Isaac started with a glare, "It's possible that you have just run out of mana" He proposed the idea,

"Follow me" Mr. Isaac left the room but not before signaling for Hiro to follow him.

As they left the class, Kyle quickly made his creation crumble and walked forward stopping beside Dan,

"Did you steal his ability?" Kyle voice asked Dan in his head and as a response, he clicked his fingers causing a small water dragon roughly the size of a marker to appear,

"Does that answer your question?" Dan replied with a sinister smirk.


Hiro sat on a bed in a pure white room, its source of illumination strange spheres with runes engraved on their surface known as the nurse's office, 'I know what I am saying, that damned orphan took my ability but how? Is that his ability?' Hiro tightened his hand till blood dripped from them,

"So you have lost your ability, I can help you with that" a sinister voice said in his head, "Who's there?" Hiro snapped his head left and right, trying to find the source,

"Where I am is not important" the voice reassured him as if it could sense his distress, "I can grant you power, more than you can imagine but for a price" the voice paused waiting for a possible question but as he had none, the voice continued, "When the time comes, I'll assign to you a task. Failure shall not just constitute removal of your power but your life as well. So do you accept?"

"Yes, anything to get me revenge on Dan Jenson" Hiro immediately felt a strange new power rising within him, "You had a water ability if I am not mistaken. You are able to use water and fire, have fun but remember the price" the voice and the strange presence attached to it immediately disappeared.

Hiro stood up, he opened his palm and a sphere of water appeared over it causing him to smile, he then remembered the strange voice's words and tried it out creating a fireball over his hands, "With this power, Dan can not stop what's coming to him"


A few hundred miles away in a strange carbon based castle, a fair skinned man with ocean blue eyes and black hair and a crown with incomplete jewels on his head could be seen levitating above a pentagram constructed out of pure energy,

"That went easier than I thought" the man said to himself, "Sure wasn't expecting that" he smiled before proceeding to bring out a strange mirror like object that had a rune that soon started to take a golden glow, its target a red haired woman with her hair in a ponytail, her nose buried in the last chapter of a book apparently titled 'Dual Cultivation',

"Who could be calling me now?" she grumbled as this was the best part of the book because it was getting steamy.

"Oh shit! It's master Damion" she adjusted her hair and added their version of lipstick and mascara,

"Oh my Master Damion, I didn't expect you to call" she said with a flattering tone after opening her own mirror like object, on its surface, she could see his face,

"Stop it Nicole, I can hear your desperation" he moved his hand through his hair taking a deep breath,

"So has anyone come searching for anything that could be traced back to me?" he studied her stoic expression until something came to mind,

"There was a kid asking about Mammon? Don't know if that is related though, I mean Master" she corrected herself, swear running down her forehead,

"His or her name, now!" His voice took an aggressive tone at the end,

"Sure sir, his name is Dan Jenson" the call ended following her reply.

'Wasn't that the kid that my new pawn said he wanted to get revenge on? And he knew about Mammon roughly the time I stole his power, it couldn't be a coincidence, looks like I have a potential recruit' he smiled to himself as he thought of how to best recruit him.


Dan suddenly sneezed, "Somebody must be talking about me" he concluded to himself just in time too for Mr. Isaac had returned,

"Great, just how much bull does he plan to spit" Night's angry tone extremely evident,

"What bull?" Dan and Kyle asked in Dan's mind at the same time, now that he thought about it, perhaps it wasn't only him who could hear everyone's voices,

"When demons evolve, they take essentially any form they wish, whether humanoid or beastial. Just like I plan to evolve to a dragon, others might choose humanoid because it reminds them of our ancestors original form when arriving on this planet. So just because most choose humanoid doesn't mean that it is predestined" Night's explanation seemed to calm his anger,

"Since you guys feel like fighting why don't you all show me your ability." Mr. Isaac's voice interrupted the lesson from Night and brought a devious smile on Dan's face, he will show them all who is King.