
My Demon King System Damn

When I was reading The Demon king system novel.....why am i in the demon king Novel

BlackCatAddi · Fantasy
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88 Chs

Chapter 80: Elder

Li Qing's eyes widened as Fang Lin's words hung in the air. "5 hours?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

Fang Lin nodded, his expression unyielding. "Yes, Li Qing. You have 5 hours to make your decision. If you refuse, your clan will not survive."

Li Qing felt a cold dread creeping up his spine. He knew that Fang Lin was not a man to be trifled with. He glanced around the dimly lit chamber, the flickering candles casting eerie shadows on the walls.

The air was thick with tension, heavy with the weight of Fang Lin's words. Li Qing knew that he had to make a decision, and fast.

He thought of his clan, his family, his friends. He thought of the consequences of refusal. And he knew what he had to do.

"I will consult with my elders," Li Qing said finally, his voice firm. "But I must warn you, Fang Lin, we will not go down without a fight."

Fang Lin smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I would expect nothing less," he said. "But remember, Li Qing, you have only 5 hours. The fate of your clan hangs in the balance."

And with that, Fang Lin turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Li Qing to ponder his next move.

The clock was ticking, and Li Qing knew that every minute counted. He gathered his thoughts and set off to consult with his elders, knowing that the fate of his clan hung precariously in the balance.

As he walked, the darkness seemed to close in around him, the shadows deepening into menacing pools. Li Qing quickened his pace, his heart pounding in his chest.

Li Qing's heart pounded in his chest like a drumbeat, echoing off the stone walls of the corridor. He knew that he was running out of time, the clock ticking away with relentless precision.

As he walked, the shadows seemed to grow longer and darker, like grasping fingers reaching out to snuff out the flickering candles. The air was thick with tension, heavy with the weight of Fang Lin's words.

Li Qing's mind raced with thoughts of his clan, his family, his friends. He thought of the consequences of refusal, the potential destruction of everything he held dear. He knew that he had to make a decision, and fast.

He turned a corner, the corridor stretching out before him like a dark tunnel. The candles seemed to flicker in sync with his heartbeat, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

Li Qing's footsteps echoed off the stone floor, the sound bouncing back at him like a challenge. He knew that he was being watched, the eyes of the shadows boring into his skin like cold needles.

He approached the door to the elder's chamber, the wood adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and phoenixes. The symbols seemed to dance in the candlelight, like living creatures.

Li Qing took a deep breath, steeling himself for the meeting ahead. He knew that the fate of his clan hung in the balance, and he was the only one who could tip the scales.

With a steady hand, he pushed open the door, the hinges creaking like a sigh. The room beyond was dimly lit, the shadows cast by the candles like dark tentacles.

The elders sat around the table, their faces grave and concerned. Li Qing knew that they sensed the weight of the moment, the fate of their clan hanging precariously in the balance.

"Li Qing, what news do you bring?" one of the elders asked, his voice like a gentle breeze on a summer's day.

Li Qing hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he had to choose his words carefully, the fate of his clan hanging on the precipice.

"Elders, I bring grave news," Li Qing began, his voice steady. "Fang Lin has offered us a proposal, one that could change the course of our clan's history."

The elders leaned forward, their eyes intent. "What is this proposal?" one of them asked, his voice like a sharp knife.

Li Qing took a deep breath. "Fang Lin offers to merge our clan with his, to create a new and powerful alliance. But there is a condition."

The elders exchanged skeptical glances. "What condition?" one of them asked, his voice dripping with suspicion.

Li Qing hesitated, knowing that this was the crucial moment. "We must accept Fang Lin as our leader," he said, the words hanging in the air like a challenge.

The elders erupted into a chorus of protests, their voices like a stormy sea. Li Qing knew that he had to calm them, to convince them of the wisdom of Fang Lin's proposal.

"Elders, please," he said, his voice raised above the din. "Hear me out. Fang Lin's proposal offers us a chance to survive, to thrive in a world that is increasingly hostile."

The elders slowly fell silent, their faces grave and concerned. Li Qing knew that he had to press his advantage, to convince them of the wisdom of his words.

And so, with a steady voice and a determined heart, Li Qing began to make his case...

As the elders listened intently as Li Qing presented his case, their faces a mask of thoughtful consideration. They knew that the decision before them was not an easy one, the fate of their clan hanging precariously in the balance.

As Li Qing spoke, he could see the weight of decision settling upon the elders. They knew that they had to choose between two paths, one leading to potential destruction, the other to uncertain salvation.

"Elders, I know that this is a difficult decision," Li Qing said, his voice filled with conviction. "But I truly believe that Fang Lin's proposal offers us the best chance of survival. We must be pragmatic, and think of the future of our clan."

The elders nodded, their eyes clouded with thought. They knew that Li Qing was right, that the world was changing, and that they had to adapt if they were to survive.

But they also knew that accepting Fang Lin's proposal would mean surrendering their independence, their autonomy. They would be subservient to a new leader, one who was ruthless and cunning.

As the silence stretched out, Li Qing could feel the tension building. He knew that the elders were torn, their hearts and minds divided.

And then, finally, the eldest of the elders spoke. "Li Qing, we will consider your words," he said, his voice like a gentle breeze. "But we must also consider the risks. We will not make a decision lightly."

Li Qing nodded, his heart filled with hope. He knew that the elders would make the right decision, one that would ensure the survival of their clan.

With a deep bow, Li Qing left the chamber, his mind racing with thoughts of the future. He knew that the decision of the elders would change the course of their clan's history forever.

Li Qing left the chamber, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He couldn't shake off the feeling that the fate of his clan hung precariously in the balance. A few moments passed before he began to walk, his footsteps slow and deliberate.

He thought of his family, his friends, his comrades - all of whom were counting on him to make the right decision. The weight of their expectations settled heavily upon him, making his steps feel heavier with each passing moment.

As he entered his quarters, he couldn't help but wonder what the elders were thinking. Were they swayed by his words, or were they still skeptical? He thought of Fang Lin, his ruthless ambition, his cunning plans, and a shiver ran down his spine.

Li Qing sat down, his mind racing with thoughts. He knew that he had to wait, to let the elders make their decision. But the waiting was agonizing, each moment stretching out like an eternity. He drummed his fingers on the armrest, trying to distract himself.

After a while, he rose from his seat and began to pace, his footsteps quiet on the stone floor. He thought of his own future, his own destiny. Would he be able to lead his clan to prosperity, or would he falter? The questions swirled in his mind, refusing to be silenced.

The hours ticked by, each one dragging slower than the last. Li Qing's thoughts grew more turbulent, his mind a maelstrom of doubt and uncertainty. He stopped pacing and stood still, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

And then, a knock at the door broke the silence. Li Qing's heart skipped a beat as he rose to answer it...