

Present day.....

After coming from principal's office they went to girls dorm to pick up Nana's things and her clothes. Nana and Momo reached her room "Nana sit down" she told nana. she knew that she what she was going to ask her. " Nana I wanted to ask you before but where were you this whole month and why is the CEO of Ushiwaka industry doing with you?" Momo asked her . Nana told her everything that happened . Momo was dumbfounded "what you had an accident and he is your boyfriend? " she couldn't believe it . "Yes" she said "look nana I know you ,you are a really nice , sweet and innocent girl don't tell me you're his girlfriend cause he saved your life " she sighed "no it's not like that I really do like him I feel so safe and warm around him " she said . She didn't knew that he was standing in the door of her room when she said that she suddenly saw him her face was red like tomato. "how long have you been standing here?" she asked "this whole time" he said with a big grin in his face he was so amused by her expression. Suddenly Momo stands up and starts walking towards Ushiwaka and stands in front of him "look mister you maybe a CEO of big company but let me tell you if you hurt my sweet and innocent nana I will beat you up you hear me" she than glares at him. "Don't worry little girl you can rest assure I will not hurt her or let anyone hurt her if someone try to hurt my nana that person have to face my wrath" he said with a serious expression. "that's good then and who are you calling little girl I'm 21 just like nana" she was angry cause Ushiwaka called her little girl. Watching those two nana started laughing she couldn't help but laugh . Then they packed all the stuff and was ready to go but there was a problem. Momo was clinging to nana she didn't wanted her to go .

Despite her litter body she was so strong she was crying like a little girl "Nana i won't let you go again" *sobs* "Momo I have to go I promise I will come back " she tried to free herself but momo wouldn't let her go. "Little girl I promise you , you can come and meet nana anytime you want at my mansion and she is going to come to university everyday so let her go" . "yeah and you can meet Momo too" nana said "Momo?" she asks with a surprise "yeah Momo our cat she is so cute just like you so I named her after you" she said with a smile "and she clings to her just like you" Ushiwaka said . Momo looks up at nana "if nana really want to go then I'll let her go but you better keep your promise I'll be coming to meet her everyday " she said and let nana go. Nana finally could breath now. . "Okay you can come everyday I don't have any problem with that" he said