
My demon God system(being revamped)

the demon God that's what the world named me, yeah I know it's a cringe name but what can I do I mean I didn't even do anything bad except for maybe killing one or two corrupted kings, defying the holy lands, and making fun of some gods but alas I am just a mere human and a human has his limits so I died to my worst possible enemy but at least I didn't die a virgin that would have been shameful and at the last moments of my death I thought that was it I go poof but rather than going poof I reincarnated in some other world here the martial arts and magic are the norm and the world has developed due to something called science now that I am back time to do what I do best and that is to have fun and cause chaos ------------------------------------------------------------------------ the cover ist mine if it's yours just let me know and I will take it down I am a newbie writer so bear with me also if you want to motivate me pls follow me on insta insta - that_clumsy_guy

that_clumsy_guy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 9 - necromancer

In a fortress of a dungeon, a kid was fighting against two medium knights and a grand knight the kid was of course lucifer,

"Demon style heavenly demon's assault second stance "

Saying that he did a set of 24 slashes in a rhythm and the two medium knights lied on the floor dead,

"Now then only the big guy is left," he said while looking at the grand knight

The grand knight had golden armor and a red cape and was staring intently at Lucifer with its blue eyes,

"Demon style ninth form heavenly demon's destruction"

A black slash emitted from the sword and hit the grand knight and it stumbled backward

Lucifer took this chance and thrust his sword forward,

"Demon style first form, demon stinger"

The sword pierced the grand knight's chest and it died instantly

"Phew that was quite a hard battle I didn't expect for all of them to ambush me"

[Ding! the mission has progressed

1. Defeat fifty low knights

(Rewards: fifty stat points)


2. Defeat twenty medium knights

(Rewards: a hidden title )


3. Defeat the three grand knights

(Rewards: an item from the system)

4. Defeat the fallen knight Kiba


Do you want to receive your rewards?



[The rewards have been transferred]

[The host has gained 50 stat points]

[The host has been given the title necromancer]

"Wait what?! What is a necromancer"

[Necromancer is a type of person who makes the dead fight for himself mostly skeletons but in the host's case there are also many other things you can do]

"Enlighten me I have all the time in the world "

[ the host can buy recipes in the death tab that is unlocked and summon new undead creatures in the limited space given to the host, the space can later be increased with the increase in intelligence ]

"How do I get these recipes"

[Through the exchange of death points that can be earned by killing beasts the death points you can earn by killing the beasts of ranks are

1. Basic beast - 50

2. Intermediate beast - 100

3. Advanced beast - 150

4. Superior beast - 200

5. King beast - 250

6. Emperor beast - 500

7. Mythical beast - 1,000

8. Legendary beast - 1,500

9. Apex beast - 2,000

10. tyrant beast - 2,500

11. Demigod best - 5,000

12. God best - 10,000

13. Catastrophe beast - 20,000

14. Peak beast - 40,000


"Wow so how many points do I currently have"


"Okey Dokey show me my status"


Name - Lucifer chrombel

Species - human

Titles - none

Level - 7

Hp - 190/350

Exp - 40/100

Strength - 56

Agility - 65

Intelligence - 67

Stamina - 48

Vitality - 70

Attribute points - 80

Death tab




"Okay give vitality 40 points"

[vitality 70 - 100]

[Attributes 80 - 50]

[More points can only be added when the host reaches the next stage]

"Tch, okay then max out my Intelligence and give the rest to strength"

[Intelligence 64 - 100]

[Attributes 50 - 17]

[Strength 56 - 73]

[Attributes 17 - 0]


Name - Lucifer chrombel

Species - human

Titles - none

Level - 7

Hp -340/500

Exp - 40/100

Strength - 73

Agility - 65

Intelligence - 100

Stamina - 48

Vitality - 100

Attribute points - 0

Death tab




"Open death tab "


Death shop

Recipes owned

Capacity and equip


"Open death shop"

[ shadow panther - 5000

Dark wolf - 3000

Skeleton soldier - 1000

Sprit knight - 3500


"Hmmm hey system can I not make the dead creatures follow me "

[Only those creatures who have acknowledged you can be awakened from the dead to make them follow you]

"I see, well then I will buy a dark wolf recipe"

[ dark wolf recipe purchased ]

" Okay show me my capacity"

[Capacity - 200



"Equip "


Dark Wolf (×0)


"Hahaha I can make an army of dark wolf's and attack the grand knight and the fallen knight now"

[Sorry to burst your bubble host but what you are thinking won't be happening any time soon please check the Recipes owned for more information]

"Oh come on do you always have to do that "

[Recipes owned

Dark wolf


"Dark wolf"

[ dark wolf

Capacity - 10]

"Shit! Are you serious with me right now, ahhh! Whatever just fill all the spaces with the dark wolfs"


Dark Wolf (×20)


"Okay how do I summon it "

[Use the keyword implanted in your head host]


Suddenly Lucifer's head started aching but when it stopped he uttered only one thing


Suddenly twenty wolves rose from the ground

All the wolves were pitch black and they had four eyes and had four entirely purple eyes

"I like this feeling "

Lucifer muttered to himself and headed out to search for the last two grand knights after canceling his summoning.