
My Demon Boss: Bound by spell

[Mature contents are included] Miss Katelyn Bruce is an orphan who works temporarily as the CEO of Stocks Enterprises. The company suddenly got bought by a multi- billionaire and the man demoted her from her position. The place where she lived got demolished and new companies were built there. The man was behind her downfall as he tried sperating the rich from the poor. Kate grew animosity towards him. Due to her childhood experiences with men, she had vowed not to have any kind of relationships with guys. The arrival of this man in her life made her animosity towards them grow bigger. What later happened to Kate? Did she meet the guy that she is bounded too?

Kim_Annie · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Fucking Hell

Kate ordered the cleaners to make her office comfortable as she wanted. She wasn't willing to show anyone her weakness. In just one day, she had lost her position in the company and her home. This was definitely too much.

Suddenly, a woman came into her office and dropped a hip of files on her desk. Kate gave her a questioning look.

"Excuse you? What's all this?" Kate asked the woman.

"Mr Alex gave his orders that, you should record all these files before lunch, unless you will be demoted from your position" The woman plainly stated as ordered. Kate's mouth was wide opened.

"Ehh.....I'm a secretary and not ..... Whatever the hell it is and if I don't finish this I would be demoted. This man is a nutshell!" Kate exclaimed loudly.

"Should I tell him what you just said?" The woman asked Kate and Kate frowned.

"Oh I get it, Your job here is to transmit messages. I get it. Leave here now before I rip your hair off your head" Kate smacked her hands on the table. The woman immediately left her office. Kate burst into laughter as she kept on staring at the files in front of her.

"What's the work of a secretary anyway?" Kate asked herself.

"Fucking hell! I don't even know my job" Kate pulled her hair as she kept on screaming at herself. Alexander really wants to make the company a burning hell for her but Kate is willing to burn in the hell together with him. Kate wants to show him how she dealt with other men that treated her discourteously. Kate grabbed the files and made her way to Alexander's office. His office was just three doors away from here.

"I know you'd come. What is the problem this time? " Alexander's croaky voice was heard. Kate couldn't control the nausea she always felt whenever she stares at this damn, foolish boss.

"What's all this?" Kate nastily dropped the files on the table. Alex facial expression was undescribable as his flaming red eyes were on Kate.

"Really now? You don't know how to read or your eye sight is becoming blurry that you don't know what these are?" Alex said casually as he rested his back on his seat with his long legs crossed over the other. Kate eyed him.

"Whatever!!! How the hell do you expect me to record this files before Lunch time?" Kate complained.

"I really don't care. It's my order. If you don't finish the recording before lunch time, I'd definitely demote you!" Alexander threatened.

"You wouldn't dare" Kate warned with her eyes blazing with hatred.

"Don't record these files and see. Your journey will end being a cleaner in this company" Alexander obnoxiously said and Kate's eyes widened.


"You heard me! You just have two hours" Alexander's gaze went on his wrist watch. Kate hastily grabbed the files and dashed into her office.

Kate immediately brought out her laptop and started recording the files.


Kate arrived at Evelyn's house late and night. Her day at work was hectic. She swayed her feet inside Evelyn's house as she slammed the door behind.

"Kate? What's up?" Evelyn who was busy chatting on her phone, hastily threw the phone away when she saw Kate.

"Nothing's up. Everything is down. My life is totally ruined, bestie!! I hate today!!" Kate complained. She felt like crying but she held her tears. She didn't want the world to see how weak she is, especially when it came to that man named "Alexander".

"What happened?"" Evelyn looked worried. Her lively and annoying bestie looking like this was totally unthinkable. Kate wasn't the type that conditions easily deal with.

"I got demoted, from a CEO to a Secretary and now to an ordinary staff. It all happened today. I don't understand why my life is like this" Tears rolled down her eyes. She just loosed everything she had in just a day. What exactly was the bad luck about? Who did she offend?

"You must be joking right? No! You can't! How did all the happen?"Evelyn was shocked herself. She knew the sleepless night that Kate went through to make that company the way it is now.

"I don't know how it happened. The same man that bought the company, is the same man that destroyed my home. I'm just tired of thinking. I'm hungry" Kate tried to chased her thoughts and worries out of her brain for the mean time. Without another word, Evelyn ran to the kitchen to dish out food for Evelyn.

"Here" Evelyn gave her a tray filled with food.

"Thanks". Kate smiled as she began to eat the food.

"You can stay here as long as you want. I don't know what kind of luck is this but don't loose faith..... How bout you go search for work somewhere else?" Evelyn suggested but Kate didn't reply a word. Her thoughts were fighting tug of war in her head as she didn't know what to decide on.

"I won't leave that company, Evie. That company become what it is because of me and I can't let another person enjoy what I worked hard for......" Tears rolled down her eyes. Evelyn sat beside her and patted her back.

"It's gonna be okay" Evelyn assured her. Kate hugged her.

"You the best. It's only you I have left in my life, Evie. I'm willing to do anything so that I won't loose you too" Kate sobbed. Evelyn began to feel teary.

"Nothing will separate us. I promise" Evelyn vowed.


Other books by Kim Annie:

@ King Kai

@ The Lucifer's Mistake: King of Manipulation

@ Ashley: Had I know