
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Commence Testing?

With Harry's report to Baladan the group of fighters went off to the side and began to talk amongst themselves.

Bal: "Ok then we will stay until the bell rings. If it draws them then perfect if it doesn't then we will make preparations to kill them. For now however we need everyone to work together.

Many of you have gotten your own abilities right? Well we have found that these powers are not set in stone. My ability is Aura Warrior, it allows me to create Aura using a special method the tutorial taught me.

I have already taught it to a couple people in my original group. I want everyone to be honest with your abilities, if you cooperate then I will teach you how to use Aura as well"

To everyone's surprise someone who already knew Aura came up to start first.

Aria: "I-I'm a shaman! From what I know from the tutorial it said the ability can cast buff like spells and debuff spells on allies and enemies! I don't know why it was named shaman though… from games that would be a class not an ability"

Seeing her openly run up there to tell them her ability they became more motivated. This was both a good way to get stronger but also a good way to get stabbed in the back if the person you tell about your ability isn't trustworthy.

Mary: "M-My name is Mary! I got an ability called Light Control! I did the tutorial but it was mainly up to my imagination… for now I've found out that I can redirect light to make me invisible!"

This ability caught Baladan's attention, when he looked at her he smiled a little. The short girl had black hair but what was odd is she had golden eyes! She wore the same school uniform as them making her a student, she looked to be around 4'9 but for a small girl she had courage!

This women had been one of the main fighters using a wooden table leg from their teachers desk as a club to jump up and slam it down on the Shadow Corpses heads!

Bal: "Ok everyone, anyone that wants to learn Aura should follow me. Everyone else that would like to keep their ability to themselves should stay here. Oh and please don't betray my trust, I think you understand what will happen if you do."

The fighters who gave their abilities followed Baladan into the kitchen. There had been 20 total fighters in the group, with 5 refusing to give their abilities and 3 out on duty. That left only 7 people left to learn how to use Aura.

Baladan hadn't personally taught them how to use it but left it up to Rosa and Aria to teach the 7 while he sat in the back meditating.

Bal: 'Ok… I guess it's time to test it. I have an affinity for Death Energy so hopefully nothing bad will happen'

He began to circulate the Aura technique he was given by the system just this time he didn't use Mana. With his large reserve of Death Energy he finally decided to cultivate the Death Aura.

The first thing he felt was pain. With Mana turning into Aura it's a soothing process, unfortunately Death Energy wasn't like that.

It felt like someone had put a blender inside his body and began to destroy his insides as he moved the energy throughout his body.

It took him a minute or so to circulate the energy before a notification appeared in front of his face.

[Congratulations! You have created 1 Death Aura Point!]

[Error! System has detected 2 forms of Aura inside the hosts body, commence testing on compatibility]

[Testing in progress…]

[Test Successful! Now Combining both energy sources! Please Standby!]

Baladan didn't understand what was happening but the energy inside his body began to move on its own!

The system had forced the energies to collide inside his heart! This made his heart ache with pain before a mouthful of blood was spat up into the ground.

Hp: 26 (15)

Rosa instantly jumped up from her seat and ran over to Baladan. A face filled with worry was met with a pained look.

Bal: "I-I'm fine… I was just testing something and it… backfired"

[Congratulations! You have created Pure Aura Points through the combination of Life and Death!]

Pure Aura Points: 1 (1 / 19 unfused Aura Points)

While Baladan was looking at his system Rosa was rubbing the blood from his mouth and on the floor.

Bal: "Thank you for worrying about me Rose"

After she cleaned off the blood he went back to creating Pure Aura. He first fused the rest of the normal Aura with Death Aura. This process didn't hurt as much as the first, after making it once it immediately got easier the more he did it.

Mana: 30 (0)

Death Energy: 100 (50)

Pure Aura Points: 50 (50) (New)

Finally he stopped after a few hours, with Harry taking care of the situation outside he didn't have to worry so he went all out transferring his mana and death energy into Pure Aura.

When he activated it a surge of power was flowing through his body. This was way stronger then he thought it would be!

[Congratulations! Your Aura has passively increased your stats! +5 to all physical stats]

(Every 10 points of Aura increases the daily plus to stats by 1 with 50 max he gets +5)

A white aura began to seep out of his body and circle around him like how his aura used to do. With how pure the aura is he was on a whole new level.

After combining the two forms of Aura it had created a new type of power that doubled the strength normal Aura's would normally have given you.

(Example: if he had 100 Aura Points he would get a +100 on all physical stats. Since this is 2 Aura's mixed into a much more Pure form it has double the effect bypassing the power limit the system had placed on everyone.)

Baladan looked at his hand clenching his fist with his Aura flowing throughout and around his body. His purple eyes had gone white with power as he stood up to look at everyone.

Bal: "I think… I want to go out and test how strong this power is… right now… I think I've hit the peak of power before the first circle…"

Rosa was very happy to hear her prince had gotten so strong! If this is something that he wants to do she would support him and keep him as safe as she could at all time!

Rosa: "Should I go and tell the others? I'm sure Harry and them would instantly join you to go slaughter the horde! Of course I'm included in that!"

Bal: "No, I'll tell them myself after the bell rings. If they follow the sound I'll just wait for a chance to test the power later"


The moment Baladan had released his Aura Harry, Chris, Rick, and even Gary had noticed a sudden spike in power coming from the kitchen.

Gary: 'What is that!? So much pressure is coming from the kitchen, just thinking about what could make that much power is terrifying… actually it's more terrifying to think that someone could attain such power instead of something…'

Harry: 'Bal… what are you doing now? You better not be testing anything dangers! The last time you did something like this you shot fireworks into a rival gangs vents and burnt the place to the ground in the process!'

With Baladan stepping out of the room in the next second all of their thoughts stopped. Even with him putting the Aura away his presence alone had changed.

The eyes that used to pierce through the souls of those he looked at now was filled to the brim with pure power.

Gary: 'Oh my god… I am so happy I'm not his enemy… if it wasn't for him showing me Aura before getting my ability I don't think I would have even been able to pick Aura Sorcerer as my ability… let's try to always stay on his good side shall we'

Harry immediately walked up to Baladan starting to fill him in on the hordes movements from the scouts.

Harry: "It seems they have no intention to move at the moment, the bells haven't rung yet but even if they did we would still have to watch out with any Shadow Corpses who decided to head into the school from the broken front door"

Bal: "We will bring a couple of the people who haven't leveled up yet and force them to at least hit level 1. Even if they aren't fighters they need to have some way to protect themselves. We won't always be able to save them"

He wasn't completely heartless, yes he threatened to kill people but if he didn't have to resort to that he wouldn't.

Most of his threats are half-bluffs, he didn't want to kill someone but if they are just a complete burden to the group and instead a detriment he would much rather kill them then let the undead get them.

At that moment the Science Buildings bell began to ring out through the campus. The scouts immediately called their designated captains as they watched the horde.

"Captain… this is rooftop scout… a few of the horde has casually walked into the science building but… the majority of the horde isn't moving… instead it looks like they are… huh! They are eating each other!"

The scout was about to give more detail when a loud screech rang out in the sky behind him. When he turned around he saw a bird high in the air. At first he saw nothing out of the ordinary, when he focused on it he began to book it back into the building.

"Captain! There is some kinda bird in the sky!!! Oh my god it's swooping down at me! HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT!!"

A loud crash could be heard coming from the phone as well as through the building. Immediately the call ended, everyone went quiet but more of those destructive attacks kept hitting the roof.

Bal: "I'm going up to see this bird they spoke of… if I find them alive I'll try my best but if they are dead…"

He left with that, Rosa immediately ran after him as they walked out of the cafeteria leaving Harry in command.

Harry: 'We already have enough problems… now this… let's hope Baladan can take care of it before it becomes a real pain in the ass!'