
My Death Contract

Meredith is still heartbroken from the break up of her first love. Her boss gives her a high stakes project that her best friend schemes for a chance to marry one of the CEO's sons. That scheme becomes reality when she meets one of the billionaire sons in elevator and he threatens her into a marriage contract til death do they part.

Adrienne_Peterson · Urban
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219 Chs

What's Going On

** Author Note: Due to the upcoming Holidays I wanted to incorporate some of that into the story. So far the weather and outfits have suggested a late summer. So if the story suddenly appears to have an inconsistent timeline it is to include the current time of year and upcoming Holidays.

Also I will be working on releasing bonus chapters along with the daily chapters. Please continue to support and vote for me so I can keep the story going. (^v^) **

It was early Monday morning and Meredith woke up before her alarm went off. Brayden's side of the bed had been untouched. But Meredith tried not to think of it as she yawned and headed into the bathroom where she tossed her pajamas Brayden had dressed her in the night before. She also tried not to think about that. She stepped into the shower and did her best to simply think about what she had to do for the day.