
Chapter 14 Hate Too Much? _1

Li Clan's eyes shifted, and the tone of her speech abruptly changed, "If father really wants to divide the family assets like this, I'll have to discuss it with outsiders. Take Fourth Brother Tan, for example. Half of our family's fortune was earned by him. Now that Fourth Brother Tan has broken his leg, and Fourth Brother Tan's wife has cognitive impairment, allocating them just two acres of land—are you not forcing the couple to their deaths?"

Fourth Brother Tan's leg had only just been broken, and they were already rushing to split the family assets, which was enough to outrage anyone.

And they were dividing the assets so unfairly—weren't they afraid of being drowned by others' spit?

She didn't believe that the elderly couple of the Tan Family could afford to lose their reputation!

It had to be said, Li Clan's tactics were far more shrewd than those of Little Wang Clan.

But Little Wang Clan didn't care what others said; she would only claim, "I have a son, and he is the Tan Family's only grandson."

Alas, as if having a son made one invincible, when in reality it was the height of stupidity.

Seeing his wife faltering, Tan Zhengyong hurriedly jumped in to defend her.

"Right now, our parents are in charge, and however much wealth there is, it was all scrimped and saved by them. They can divide it however they want."

Tan Zhengyong stood righteous and seemingly without any selfish motives.

But his lack of selfishness was because he had hoarded all the advantages!

"All the assets have been allocated to your house, of course, you're happy. Moreover, am I saying that father's division is unfair? I'm just letting others evaluate the justice of it and see if it's me, the daughter-in-law, who is in the wrong."

Li Clan said indifferently, the threat evident between the lines.

Little Wang Clan sneered, then turned her gaze to the inconspicuous Qiao Duo'er, "Fourth Brother Tan's wife, do you find two acres of land to be too many for your family?"

If even the Silly Sister said it was too much, what ground would Li Clan have to continue with her bluster?

Unfortunately for her, Qiao Duo'er proved to be a disappointment.

Did Little Wang Clan think her slight cleverness could deceive her? Did she even have the right?

Qiao Duo'er lifted her head and spoke slowly, "Why don't we swap the lands assigned to our two families?"

"Second Sister-in-law, if you think two acres are not few, you should swap with Fourth Sister-in-law," Li Clan said with schadenfreude.

Little Wang Clan's frustration was palpable. She tried to outwit a fool and had failed?

"Aren't you the fool?"

Little Wang Clan looked at Qiao Duo'er, her eyes filled with inquiry.

How could the Silly Sister suddenly speak so coherently? Had she been deceiving them before?

Qiao Duo'er swayed slightly, already standing in front of Little Wang Clan.

She stared intently at Little Wang Clan, her words deliberate and pronounced, "If I hear you say it again, I'll tear your mouth apart!"

A chill seemed to envelop Qiao Duo'er, her gaze sharp and piercing.

Little Wang Clan felt her heart skip a beat, frightened into silence by Qiao Duo'er.

"The audacity! You uncultured thing! Is this how you talk to your sister-in-law?"

The Wang Clan glared at Qiao Duo'er. Since when could a fool of the Tan Family be so brazen?

Qiao Duo'er chuckled, "A woman like that deserves to be sister-in-law? Even coveting the property of a brother with a broken leg, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Little Wang Clan retorted weakly. If this got out, how would she be able to face anyone in Big Willow Village?

Tan Zhengyuan also stood by Qiao Duo'er, "Would it not be better if you killed all three of us brothers? Then not a single acre would be taken by anyone."

"Exactly, it'd be best to poison us all to death, then you'd be rich and prosperous!" Li Clan also couldn't help but make a sarcastic remark.

Little Wang Clan trembled with rage, unable to utter a word.

In reality, she wasn't formidable, only riding on the coattails of the Wang Clan's influence.

"Enough, your father and I are not dead yet. We have the final say in how to divide our estate!" The Wang Clan declared, slapping the table for emphasis.