
Chapter 12 Want to Split Up?_1

Translator: 549690339

Tan Zhengyuan sighed, "Fourth brother, I'm afraid your leg is beyond use now."

He was Tan Zhenghong's eldest brother, and like Wang Clan, had a pair of shrewd, triangular eyes that made him seem both astute and cunning—a true reflection of his character.

"If it really can't heal, then it's fate," Tan Zhenghong said, his gaze lowered.

His leg was broken, and his heart was already filled with irritation and unease, yet his eldest brother still spoke such words.

Tan Zhenghong was never a fool, and he felt a chill in his heart.

Second Boss Tan Zhengyong gave his wife, Little Wang Clan, a meaningful look.

Little Wang Clan was the niece of Wang Clan from her maternal side, and there were some things that only she could say. Her mother doted on her niece, and her father wasn't in a position to comment.

"Fourth brother, look at the state you're in; don't be a drag on us. You know our family doesn't have it easy, and Xiao Fu needs to begin his education. In our Old Tan Family, Xiao Fu is the only male grandchild; we can't let him down."

Little Wang Clan said with a coquettish laugh, making the purpose of their visit very clear.

Simply put, she wanted to divide the family!

Up to now, the eldest brother's family had birthed two daughters, Da Ya and Er Ya; Third Boss Tan Zhongzhong's family had Third Girl, with another on the way, the gender of which would only be known after birth, and the Fourth Boss had just gotten married, with nothing to say about offspring yet.

Therefore, Xiao Fu from their second branch was currently the only golden grandson of the Tan Family.

Before the Third Boss's family had a son, she had to secure her own child's possessions.

Third Boss Tan Zhengzhong was not to be outdone: "Don't think that just because you've laid a golden egg, you're above everyone else. You've only had one child, after all. My Xiao Mei is still young; who says she can't have more?"

Little Wang Clan, spoiled by Wang Clan, had caused quite some mischief, and Tan Zhengzhong had long been displeased with her.

Now, his wife, Lady Li Xiumei, was pregnant, and who knows, it might be a healthy baby boy!

"Big talk. Let's see you give birth to one first," Little Wang Clan retorted coldly, her tongue not one to be trifled with.

Previously, the mother-in-law had sought a fortune teller who claimed that the Tan Family's destiny for heirs was meager, with only one golden grandson promised.

In other words, besides her, no matter how much the others gave birth, they would only have girls—who would only incur losses!

Given that her son was the Tan Family's sole male grandchild, how could she not brag a little?

Tan Zhenghong, uninterested in the squabbling women, just looked at Tan Yuancheng and asked faintly, "Father, do you mean to divide the family?"

Ha, they must be worried that he would be a burden on them.

Is this really a family?

A family they lived with for a whole eighteen years couldn't compare to Qiao Duo'er, who arrived just today!

"Mmm, a large tree splits, a large family divides; I have no choice," said Tan Yuancheng with a sigh, but there was no hint of sorrow in his voice.

His son's leg was broken; could he really be so indifferent?

Tan Zhengyuan nodded: "Fourth brother, father is right; it's time our house got divided. It will save us from people who only eat without working, always busy badmouthing others."

Humph, once the family was divided, some people would no longer have as comfortable a life as they do now.

Little Wang Clan smiled and said, "Look at what big uncle is saying, as if our family's hard work is all done by him alone."

She didn't like to work, but it wasn't up to the eldest to lecture her.

Tan Zhengyuan was a wimp, and he didn't contribute more work than his wife!

Tan Zhengyuan raised his hand as if to strike Little Wang Clan but was stopped by Wang Clan: "Your father hasn't finished speaking yet; what are you fussing about? Let him finish his words."

Her words seemed to scold both Little Wen Clan and Tan Zhengyuan, yet her eyes told a different story.

She was aiming her words at Tan Zhengyuan.