
My Dear Wife(Royal lust)

‘I can have any woman that I want', Adonis walks close to Liliana and whispered into her ear, ‘What makes you so special?'. ‘The fact that you can't have me'. Liliana responded and spat into his glass of champagne. Prince Adonis smirked and placed the glass on the waiter's tray....his decision was finally made, he was going to marry her.

Juliet_Dudu · Urban
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12 Chs

The call of Deception II

Chapter 4

**The Call of Deception II **

Liliana chuckled, 'You're lying'.

'I'm not'. Mario replied.

She chuckled again, 'There is no way you're saying the truth. My father is perfectly fine'.

Mario grumbled under his breath and played the recorded call of her mother in tears, begging her to come home as her father was tested positive for terminal cancer and would probably not survive the rest of the month. Liliana's countenance changed as a tear streamed down her left cheek under a matter of seconds, she rushed inside the room knocking over the charcuterie board and not caring as she walked over the nearest suitcase.

'Do you want me to come with—'

'Just book me a quick flight tomorrow morning back to Wales. I don't know how you'll do it but please just do something!'. She instructed him loudly and he just nodded in acknowledgement before leaving, not only did she feel guilty, but she felt like a terrible human being.

For years she did her best to stay away from her family and now her father was dying and she was only going to visit him because so. The tears kept on pouring as she dumped every piece of clothing and trying to stuff them inside her medium sized suitcase, Paris wasn't the best option for her vacation after all—now she has to return home to see her dying father.


The thought of the lonely woman at the restaurant crept into Adonis's head for the third time which he found very annoying, all he wanted was to focus on his work over a glass of wine and image of the strikingly beautiful redhead won't leave his head. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he shut his laptop once and for all, to be continued tomorrow and walked into his room for a good night's rest.

He closed his eyes and a minute later they opened back as he heard her voice, screaming about how much of a horrible man he was in his head. Cursing under his breath, he pushed away the bed covers and went outside the terrace again to get some fresh air—who was she?, he wondered, never in his life has he been drawn to someone as brazen like her.

She was fiery and it's been so long a woman stood up to him, every single who tried ends up fawning over like an idiot—even Brenda who caused a scene at the restaurant was calling him back to beg. But the lady...the lady at the restaurant had something, a passionate flame that he wanted to quench...it irked him to be bothered by her so much.

'Your father is on the phone your highness'. His assistant ,Angeline, walked into the room with a phone in her hand and a scowl was plastered all over his face as he turned around.

'I'm not avail—'

'I think you need to take the call sir', Angeline cut him off, 'It's actually really important'.

Adonis frowned as he didn't appreciate being interrupted especially by his personal assistant, 'If it's not as important as you say it is, be expected to pack your things cause you're getting fired'.

Angeline nodded as she walked away after handing him the phone, he took in a deep breath before resuming the call that was on hold, only to hear the demeaning voice of his father, 'Good evening your maj—'

'Borrow a private jet or something. I want you back in the country tomorrow'. Gerard cut him off as usual.

'Dad we've been through this and my answer will always be—'

'Your mother is really sick Adonis!'.

'Is she?'. He doubted for a moment.

'Yes she is you piece of—', Gerard paused before he continued, there was nothing more difficult than talking to his hardheaded son, 'Please just come home...she....she really wants to see you and from what I think... she's not going to make it'. He said and hung up.

Adonis nipped on his bottom as he felt the need to smash his phone against the wall, three years since he left, three good years and now he had no other choice but to go back all because he loved his mother. He yelled for Angeline and getting no response, he finally flung his phone which hit the window and broke a pane—thankfully he had enough money to pay for the damages.

'Angeline!!!'. He yelled again and this time she rushed into the room.

'Is there anything you want your—'

'The next time I call you twice you're getting fired'. He snapped and she nodded in silence. Being his assistant for three years has given her the backbone to withstand his endless nagging, other than that—Prince Adonis was an absolute pain in the ass to work for.

'What would you like me to do for you sir?'. She asked, fluttering her lashes in a way that he really hated.

'I need you to contact Morris and let him know that I need to borrow his private jet. Tell him to be discreet about it, the last thing I want is a load of media prawns scrawling about me'. He muttered and she nodded before walking away.

Another sigh escaped his lips, this time more depressing than the other as he plopped down on the edge of the bed. Going back to the palace was the last thing he wanted as he had a lot of work to do, now everything had to be halted and he had to face his disapproving father again.

The splitting image of the woman he argued with at the restaurant crossed his mind and he raked his hands through his hair, a part of him wanted to know who she was, what family she was part off as she looked like someone who was from a rich descent, he wanted to know what she did for a living, where she was from—he wanted to know everything....he itched to know everything.It was too bad his curiosity wasn't going to a new height since he was going back home.