
My Dear Wife(Royal lust)

‘I can have any woman that I want', Adonis walks close to Liliana and whispered into her ear, ‘What makes you so special?'. ‘The fact that you can't have me'. Liliana responded and spat into his glass of champagne. Prince Adonis smirked and placed the glass on the waiter's tray....his decision was finally made, he was going to marry her.

Juliet_Dudu · Urban
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12 Chs

PARIS—There isn't love after all

Chapter 2

**PARIS—There isn't love after all**

'You must be out of your goddamn mind if you think you're breaking up with me Adonis'.

'Well I am'.

'No!!', Brenda scoffed loudly, 'You're clearly not thinking straight...maybe it's work but I don't care. You're just not breaking up with me!!'.

Adonis frowned deeply as she was calling on the attention of other customers which was something he didn't like, 'Keep your voice down and let's discuss this like the adults we are'.

'NO!!', She didn't care as she slammed the table, calling on the attention of the other customers who wanted to eat their dinners in peace. There was silence and Adonis sighed as what he was afraid of is happening at the moment, he tried to placate her by offering her a ride home but she only refused his offer and increased the volume of her yelling.

'It's not like I...it's not like I seduced you or anything did I? you're the one who asked me to be your girlfriend and now just after a week you're breaking up with me?!!'.

There were gasps from the other customers in the restaurant and Adonis's hands clenched into a tight fist. Yes he asked her to be his girlfriend, yes he did that cause he was bored and she seemed like a charming girl but after three days of her incessant nagging about how busy he was, his maxed out credit cards to fuel her lavish lifestyle—he knew she was nothing but a golddigger who just wanted him for his looks and money.

Liliana frowned deeply as the argument from the couple only a few tables away were starting to irritate her ears, she only wanted to enjoy her evening and eat her steak whilst enjoying the night view of the street from the large window beside her—it only had to be ruined by some stupid couple who didn't have enough shame to keep their argument private, apparently Paris wasn't the city of love after all.

The argument went up a notch as Brenda started to scream about how much of an asshole her boyfriend was for the whole restaurant to hear, Liliana thought she could tolerate it for another minute but then the last straw was broken when she saw how the so-called boyfriend wasn't doing anything to stop it.

He looked like a stereotypical player, from his dark curly hair that made him look like a Disney prince, to the beautiful blue of his eyes—his smooth face and the way he was dressed with the white pristine shirt and black tailored pants....he looked like a man who was out to break a lot of hearts and did a good job breaking it—pathetic, she thought.

'Where is the manager?'. She asked one of the waiters who pointed at a short fat and bald man who was seated at the bar area and holding a cigar.

She frowned deeply as she walked up to him and slammed her hand on the counter to gain his attention, 'While you're seated down here, that man and his girlfriend are disrupting the quietness of this place!!'. She yelled pointing at the arguing couple.

Adonis's focus was instantly shifted from his raging girlfriend to the woman making a complaint and asking for them to be thrown out from the restaurant, he scoffed loudly much to the displeasure of Brenda who loudly called for his attention again. The manager didn't seem to care as he ignored Liliana's request for some reason she didn't know, instead he went back to his cigar and she nipped on her bottom lip hard—if he wasn't going to do something, then it was up to her to stop the noise.

'Can you please shut the hell up ma'am!', she yelled at Brenda, 'There's a lot of people here who want to eat their food in peace and you're making a lot of noise', she glanced over at Adonis who had a frown on his face and decided to calm down for a moment. Brenda was nothing but a heartbroken woman, exerting her frustrations in front of a man who didn't really care.

She closed her eyes for a moment, muttering a silent prayer before speaking again, 'Look here lady, in front of you is a man who doesn't really care about you. He just loves you for looks alone and I'm pretty sure he has slept with you which only adds to the reason why he's such a jerk, you're a pretty lady and—'

'This is none of your business lady'. Adonis finally spoke up as he couldn't keep quiet and watch a stranger make up assumptions about him. Liliana tucked he hair behind her ear and squared up to him as he rose to his feet, there was nothing she loved more than humbling a man.

'Oh so now it's none of my business. I paid to eat sir and your girlfriend is making a lot of noise cause you're a terrible human being, you can either apologize to her for breaking her heart or leave instead!!'. She yelled and the other customers, unable to withstand the noise, started to leave much to the annoyance of the Manager.

Adonis didn't like being provoked, he hardly ever gets provoked especially by a woman, but there was something about Liliana that did something to him—she was feisty, he was annoyed but at the same time, he found it extremely sexy.....he hated the fact that he found it so.

'Please escort this deranged lady out of this place', He said to the manager who called on to the attention of the security guards. Liliana couldn't believe her ears and eyes as two guards pointed at the door, telling her to leave or they would make her leave.

Here she was, trying to settle a problem between two couples and let the remaining customers eat their food in peace, somehow this man was able to get her to leave due to some reason she didn't even know. It was unfair and uncalled-for, but she was going to act classy and grabbed her purse from her chair to leave.

Adonis watched her leave and then his focus now remained on his girlfriend, 'I hope you're happy about the mess you have caused Brenda , I partly own this restaurant so you're lucky that you weren't thrown—'

'Are you really breaking up with me Adonis? I'll tell everyone who you really are'. She cut him off and he smirked lightly.

'You really don't want to do that', he rose to his feet to leave, 'Stay away from now on, cause any trouble and you'll hear from my lawyers'.