
My dear Rosalinda !

~~The world is rotten place! Greed and gluttony scatter around like a plague it is nothing new ,this is just the way how it was always been . In such a withered world what you have left is nothing but the hunger to be above all . Naturally if you are weak , you are dead! Thats just the way that life works. Just like the predator eats the prey and,the cycle continues. It is indeed a sad reality ,but so unfortunately true. ~~ The old ROSALINDA was gone but once again she survived, damaged utterly but filled with vengeance. Fuelled by this inexhaustible hatred she felt for years and and the hunger for power after she lost every thing ,she had no longer a heart left for others to break. She began to kill, with no more remorse. She than took what she needed ,and just like that she disappeared under the dark veil of the silent night . They said she was a gold digger . So what? Virtue was not gonna fill her stomach. She killed. So did they . She became evil bu, they made her .... They took her every thing she had. From her beloved ones , to her name . She only had her life left ... She wuld do everything and use every one to get her so beloved revenge. THERE was no more little Rosa ,who cried in her mommy's lovely arms. No more little Rosa that cried because her father didn't love her . No that Rosa died. Now there was no mommy to cry her heart off because they killed her ,now she wuld kill them* all*.

Brili_D · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

•1#The mistress

Third Person P.O.V.


-Clementine Bakerly was her name they say . She was indeed a beautiful and charming woman ,with her dazzling,

brown darkish wavy hair that always attracted attention and,her lucius ivory skin, tall and elegant she was indeed a woman who could easily sway the heart of every man she could desire.

And she did !

Clementine Bakerly was poor enough! She decided that her misfortunenated life in poverty was going to end .

Poverty is not easy , as many may unfortunately know , it rotted the souls of the people that had to deal with it , and eventually turned you to a complete different person, just like it did with Clementine's father . It wasn't easy especially not for someone that

already was tired and exhausted by all that drenching misery. She wanted money she wanted power, wealth in all that conclusion. So she meet a man. And what Man he was ?!

The man was powerful!

The man was wealthy!

The man had quite the charming looks!

Perfect , as one can be .

But sadly for her *The man* was already married.

And you may think that, that was it for Clementine . That it was game over for poor Clementine .

Oh no ! Nei Nei !

Quite te opposite in fact .

Clementine was a smart vixen she knew that in his eyes she was nothing more than a passing fling and, a toy that he could throw away as soon as he was bored .For Clementine was a sign that meant she should take her actions as soon as possible.

We as humans have only one chance to in this life to live even tho many just survive in it .She decided she wasn't just going to *survive ,why should she suffer she thought, while some live lavishly without knowing a thing how others die just for some gruesome crumbs and scratches .

She didn't care anymore she wantedto do anything to escape,,

She didn't care for her pride or her virtues nonetheless if it gets her whatshe wants...

So she made a plan to "trap" the so mighty Otto McKay .

It was simple,and, yet perfect.

She dragged him one night in another of they many passionate *flings and, drunked him in both pleasure and alcohol .


Weeks later she appeared breaking her pregnancy news to his family so no one could deny her what her child deserved by right .

She soon gave birth to a baby boy and heavens wasent he undeniably his father's son.

Clementine was overwhelmed she didn't really care if she wasn't his wife she just wanted to live comfortably without needing to suffer anymore by hard and unpaid work.


- It lasted while it lasted ,until things soon took a completely different turn .She unexpectedly tasted a little bit to much of that sweet cursed nectar of power, and, now she was completely drunked on it's sweetness

She wanted what Rosemary had .She couldn't stand how she was her complete opposite.

While Clementine was born and raised in poverty and wretches , Rosemary in the contrary was born and raised in wealth and abundance.

She had every thing she Clementine wanted..

Pride , name, a wealty and handsome husband everything.....

She wanted it to ,she wanted it more now that her precious son was born ,she wanted to give him every thing she couldn't have while growing up ,and more...

Her treacherous greed was ambiguous, a very green and jealous one .

She was jelous of how here lover could never be her's .

So to make her self feel better she wuld always wear a shameful grin on her lucius lips whenever Rosemary wuld catch her and her husband together, as if she was showing of in front of Rosemary saying:

-Look now how I hold your husband on you sted !

She knew very well what she was doing.

In her mind Clementine had already had thought of everything ,now only scratches separated her away from getting what she most wanted.
