
Alter Ego

The first-floor secretary looked like she saw a ghost, she looked confused and startled, she stands up and bowed "Young Master Terry" she called his name.

"Which floor is the president's floor," Terry asked nonchalantly.

"The last floor sir" she replied with a panicked look. he nodded and walked away. She picked up her phone from her desk to make a call. The phone didn't ring for a second, Lalisa picked up "Speak" she ordered.

"You told me to call if anything unusual happens, Young Master Terry is at the office to see President Liam" she informed "I will be expecting the money," she said and hung up before she get a query.

Lalisa slammed her desk furiously"Liam!Liam! Liam!" She called out in frustration with a deadly look.

Terry arrived at the last floor, Liam's Secretary a passionate lady in her late 20s bowed "President Smith is waiting for you at his office" she said and continue her work. Terry nodded slightly at her word, he takes steps toward Liam's office door, and he opened the door without knocking.

"This is not your house, learn how to knock," Liam said being his cold self as usual. His gaze was focused on the computer on his desk, he didn't notice Terry's look. Alfred was working on a document his boss assigned to him, he raised his head to see who dared to open the President's office door without knocking, and the sight of Terry made his jaw drop on the cold floor "Young Master Terry, is that you?" He asked in disbelief.

Terry takes steps towards the couch "Don't I look like me?" He asked and sat on the comfy couch.

Alfred bowed "Apologise for asking such, you look different," he said truthfully.

"I hate formality, don't apologize when you didn't even do anything wrong," he said. His eyes wandered around the office "Your office is quite big" he complimented Liam.

"You should come often if you like it that much," Liam said, his gaze shifting from the computer to Terry, but his expression didn't change "What is with your look, I see you are here for a strict business" he teased him.

"Of course I am, at least offer your business partner a glass of water or juice, don't be mean," Terry said.

Liam smirked "We are busy here, there is no time to entertain, if you want to be entertained you know where to go," he said sarcastically.

"You and your cold words" he rolled his eyes."I got a call from Nina, you know she is the only ally we have from the mansion, she said Aunt Lola is busy planning your upcoming engagement while my mom is busy boasting about my date with the president's daughter, is just never-ending drama" he sighed.

"That reminds me, how does the President's daughter look like, no one knows her, " Liam asked out of the blue without bothering about the engagement.

The thought of that troublemaker creeps Terry out "She is the opposite of how the world portrays her, I have never met such a crackhead in my life, she is chaotic" he answered truthfully.

"Crackhead? In what way" Liam investigate further.

"I don't want to talk about that weird soul," he said thinking she might appear out of nowhere. "I wondered why Heemani takes her as bestie" he muttered to himself. Liam paused what he was doing "I heard you mentioned a name, could you repeat the name?" He asked coldly.

Terry smiled "Are you drunk? I didn't mention any name, whose name are you hearing?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing, give me a minute I will attend to you," Liam said and concentrated on his work.

Sarah entered the ward, Heemani's arms folded "Where did you go without saying a word, that is not fair" she complained. Sarah smiled at her "I am sorry, I didn't mean to leave without saying a word, it was my alter ego her name is Sandra, she dragged me outside to tour the hospital, she is such a bad bi*ch" she explained blaming herself in such a confusing way. Heemani shake her head "What can I do with you" she said accepting her fate.

Sarah sat on the chair, she formed a heart with her fingers "I love you, get well soon" she smiled.

Heemani laughed before her facial expression changed to a worried one "Am I the only one that thinks Ezra is acting strange lately, you observe things well how come you haven't noticed anything yet?" She suspected her and Ezra.

Sarah smiled awkwardly "What did you mean by strange, Ezra is a hardworking guy, I am sure he is working hard to live better for both of you, I didn't see anything wrong with that," she said calmly, she looked calm but her inner self says otherwise.

Heemani agreed with what Sarah said like a fool "You're right, I shouldn't doubt him, I should recover fast and help him by making more money so that we can live a better life." She said in a determined tone.

"Y.ye..yeah you shouldn't doubt him" she stutters.

Heemani gazed at her "Are you alright Sarah?" She asked. Sarah let out a guilty smile"I am fine, and if Ezra is keeping anything away from you, give him time I am sure he will tell you" she assured Sarah.

Heemani gazed at her "What is with the comforting words, that unusual of you, is that Sandra?" She asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Are you messing with me hun?" she asked in a disbelief tone.

"Oh! Sandra is a bad bi*ch" Heemani gasped. Sarah knew she was messing with her "Stop before I drag you out of that bed" she threatened.

"It's not up to that I was just joking Sandra" she teased her and laughed out loud, Sarah ended up joining her in the laughter.

Liam stand up from his seat, he walked towards Terry who was admiring Ezra's picture he snapped while he was sleeping.

Liam sat beside him on the couch, Terry quickly cover his phone "What are you hiding" Liam asked coldly.

"That none of your business," he said.

Liam shrugged "Fair enough, that's none of my business, since you are here what is your decision?" He asked with an 'I already know' look.

"I have come up with a decision...." He paused for a moment, Alfred stop what he was doing to hear the decision Terry make, and Liam listen attentively to his cousin.

"I will work at the office but I want to work from home" he declared. Alfred gazed at him "Did he know what he is saying" he thought.

Surprisingly Liam agrees to his condition "No problem work from home but before that, there will be a public meeting with the board directors and the press on the day you enter the office, I will make arrangements so be prepared by next week Monday" he informed him. Alfred knew his boss has an ulterior motive otherwise he won't accept such a condition.

Terry jumped up "Thank you so much, Liam, I will forever be grateful. He appreciates him.

"Just send his picture to my security team, they will take care of it," he said and returned to his seat.