
My Dear Duke(BL)

On his 20th birthday, Asher's mother confessed something he never expected. After the truth was revealed, she died giving her last blessing to him. That's when Asher found himself all alone, confused about his own identity and worrying about his future. What did she say? -He was someone special? -Someone people would come after? She said he was coming from a very rare but also a very special race called omega where men could get pregnant. Was it real? At first, Asher strictly refused to accept his mother's confession. But in the end, he had to believe it. Because it was the bitter truth. If he was really coming from such a rare race, and had such a special body, did he have to live all his life hiding so he wouldn't get caught and become someone's plaything? Was that the only way to avoid getting the bad ending his father got? Why was he even born as someone like this?! He just wanted a peaceful life. So, it wouldn't be as dangerous as his mother said if he just forgot he was special and lived like a normal person, right? People would not notice. Alas, it's been a long time since people last saw an omega and they must be believing no omega exists now. At least that's what he thought... He thought people might have forgotten about his existence and he would not have to face any problems in the future.  Whether he was special or not, he still became a target. When he was kidnapped and auctioned as a slave, he regretted ignoring his mother's last advice. "Don't trust anyone easily. Your safety is in your hands and protecting yourself is your duty." He could only blame himself and expect for the worst if his special identity was to get revealed and meet the same end as his father did. However, his fate gave him a second chance along with a huge surprise which changed his life for the better. Hopefully, Asher was saved by the so-called 'bloodthirsty monster' duke and brought to his mansion to babysit his spoiled 10-year-old little sister who threw tantrums declaring she wants Asher to pat her head and comfort her. Just to babysit this adorable, little girl.  He was safe. His secret was also secured within himself. Thanks to that chaotic sister and brother, Asher's life slowly took new turns and continued with almost no obstacles...till some point. The surprise? The duke happened to have some kind of a 'strange' illness that had no cure. Not long after when Asher discovered it, he ended up becoming the perfect cure for his illness. But how? -Remember? He was 'special'! Where would his specialty as an omega lead his life to? What kind of mysteries would he have to encounter with this duke wishing comfort from him?  Will the duke's 'strange' illness ever get healed? How would their story flow to that perfect happy ending with the twist of love landing in the middle of their 'just a deal'? ________________ Note:  This story continues in a historical timeline. Similar to omegaverse, but not the same omegaverse universe. Magic, revenge, dukes, royal families, curses, spells, heats, ruts... (The book cover is from Pinterest. Respect to the artist.)

Sweet_Vanilla553 · LGBT+
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179 Chs

Short Thing & Her Brother(1)

Actually, Rose had taught him many ways to fight and protect himself.

Among them, the easiest one he had learned was what he used on that man.

'Listen, Ash. This kick is called hit the spot! You must not miss it! Put all the power and kick without no hesitation. But don't use it on women, get it?"

Asher couldn't help but laugh recalling how serious she sounded, but how funny it sounded for him.

Well, that was easy. He stood in front of the man, kicked right at the man's crotch. The man looked like he was in great pain. Taking the chance, Asher grabbed the little girl and ran away as fast as possible. 

He quickly arrived at the inn and went to his room, thankfully missing that man.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Only then he had time to look at the girl. The girl looked around 5 years old. She was wearing a luxurious dress. From the first look, Asher was clear she was from a noble family. Even her face looked expensive. She was very cute though.

So he couldn't help but touch her head and pat her a little.

The little girl didn't refuse his touch at all. Even though her eyes seemed filled with fear, there was not even a sign of crying. She stared right into Asher's eyes and for some reason he felt her eyes look at him with hatred. That glare wasn't that friendly.


"Little girl...Are you okay? Did that bad guy hit you?"

Asher saw the girl slowly relaxing. So he took the initiative to talk to her. But it was not her that spoke. She didn't answer or respond to any of his questions.

'Is she mute? It can't be. She screamed for help, didn't she?'

Asher didn't ask any more questions. He gave her some water and let her relax and talk by herself. Maybe just let her ignore him if that's how she was comfortable.

After a few minutes, she looked at Asher and bowed her head elegantly, finally opening her voice.

"Thank you very much."

Asher was stunned. She was way too formal with him. He didn't deserve such respect and it felt strange because the child's actions were very elegant.

"No no...It's okay. First tell me, are you okay? Can you tell me what happened?"

Asher saw the girl thinking something.

"I don't remember. That man scared me so I screamed for help."

Asher thought she had no clue what it meant to be kidnapped. She said that man scared her so Asher wanted to comfort her a little.

Poor child...

Seeing the girl slowly talking to him, Asher was very pleased and felt she was very adorable. Because of that, his hands were really fast. He pinched one of her cheeks, but it was late when he realised it was not good to touch her and she might get scared again.

But he had already done it.

"You are really cute. No wonder even bad guys want you. Now don't worry. I will help you find your family."

Asher saw the girl had no response and sighed in relief. Good thing he didn't make her scared.

"Mm...Thank you."

She thanked him again.

"You seem like you're from a big family. Do you know the road to your house?"

Asher asked her, but she didn't give him any satisfying answer.

"I...Can't we do it tomorrow? I am tired. I want to sleep. Can you let me stay here for tonight?"

The girl was very adorable when she requested him so pitifully. Of course, Asher would not refuse. But, what if her parents were worried?


"I am hungry."

She touched her stomach before Asher could continue. In the end, Asher could only go back and bring something to eat, gulping his words back to his stomach.

After gulping down all the food Asher brought, she lay on the bed as if it was her house. She was totally unguarded against Asher. How could she do that? He felt ridiculous seeing her like that.


Asher took off her shoes and waited there until she fell asleep. When he realised she had fallen asleep, he went down and ate his dinner. He was already tired, hungry and very sleepy.

Seeing the little girl sleeping comfortably, Asher laughed by himself and laid on the ground next to the bed.

He fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. He was very tired. Finally, he could get some sleep.

In sleep, he saw Rose and Nick smiling at him and waving their hands happily. And behind them, an unfamiliar man was smiling, but tears flowed down his cheeks at the same time. That man was crying and smiling at the same time. And from that smile, Asher knew it was definitely tears of joy, not sadness.

After waving at him, Rose and Nick turned around and walked to that man. Rose hugged him and Nick teasingly pinched him. All of them laughed together and turned to his way and slowly disappeared into the clouds.

The dream dug into his emotions and he didn't know he was already tearing up in sleep. He had no idea it was already morning and just kept tearing up in his sleep, even when the sun had risen.

However, others in the inn were terrified by the guest that arrived at the inn early in the morning.

It said the duke had come to search the inn. 

The very familiar duke they all tremble in front of.

While the guards of the duke were searching all the rooms, they stopped at Asher's room and informed the duke that they found the 'right room'.

The guards looked at the man on the floor tearing up in sleep, and the little girl sleeping soundly on the bed with no guard against her.

'Our young miss is sleeping?! What? In this shabby place?'

They stared at the girl who had no clue that her duke brother had personally come to find her.

"Get out of the way!"

The guards immediately moved away bowing their heads to the man stepped in. His dark eyes filled with anger observing the surrounding made his originally handsome face look gloomy. His dark hair made his aura even scarier for some reason.

Just looking at him, anyone could say he had a sharp glare and everything he did felt like very thoughtful. Not even the slightest of concern or any softness was visible. It was really a tough person.

Covered in luxurious and dominant black noble suit, he walked in giving off that exact noble vibe but also the vibe of a hungry wolf, not even trying to hide the disgust he felt walking through the inn.

"Catch that guy."

The duke calmly said and watched them trying to wake up the man on the floor.

"No! Mother! I said I did it right! I hit right on the spot. I didn't miss it!"

Asher was having a very good dream. He was proudly explaining to Rose how he saved a girl using the methods she taught her.

But didn't expect it would come out of his mouth.

The guards stopped their movements and looked at the duke. They couldn't even wake up that guy. They gotta hurry.

After shaking him for long, finally, Asher woke up, lazily stretching. He was still sleepy and was confused early in the morning. No one had come to wake him up before. So it really annoyed him.

He looked around in a daze and noticed a handsome face looking down at him.

'What is he doing here? This is my room, isn't it?'

"Who are you guys? Why are you here?"

Asher had no idea who he was talking to. He was new to the capital and he still had a lot of things to know. Without knowing that mighty man in front of him, he would soon end up getting his neck cut.

He was facing the 'bloodthirsty monstrous' duke. Everyone in the capital was scared of him. He never showed mercy to anyone and he was a cold man whose heart couldn't be coaxed by no matter what.

However, there was still a little thing he was a little sensitive to.

The duke himself had once said that he actually likes that 'short thing' wandering around him, talking sweet but all nonsense. That was his sister. That little girl, the short thing…His sister.

Following his path, she has grown up into a girl just like her brother. It's really hard to please her or get close to her. No one had ever adored her. They never dared to do so as they knew she would be grown up to be even more cruel than her brother.

However, she loved her brother no matter how much he blamed her and smacked her. Cause, why not? He was the man that treated her the best. Her brother, the world of her life.

If this brother and sister couple was to be disturbed, those people's heads would be separated from their bodies.

So the guards knew it was Asher's day to get his neck cut.

How dare he kidnap his sister?!