
My DEAD End Job

Alan's day could not have gotten any worse. Not only was his wife announced dead, he accidently stopped Death himself from taking her soul! As a punishment, He was killed, taking his wife's place. Thinking it was all over, he woke up and learnt he reincarnated as the undead! What's more? He became a Grim Reaper! Follow Alan's journey as he guides souls to climb the ranks of his DEAD End Job.

Ultra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Human Soul

The ambulance finally arrived after ten minutes with a stretcher for the bleeding man. They first checked his head injury and applied some pressure to stop the bleeding, but the problem was that the man had already lost a lot of blood from the lack of first aid.

The medics checked on the man's breathing from time to time, but it was very faint.

"Sir, should we move him inside?" A female medic asked the man next to her for instructions, as she could feel that the bleeding man was in deep peril.

"Not yet. He is still bleeding heavily and moving him right now might cause more injuries. Bring the BMV." The male medic ordered, and the female immediately brought it over and placed it into the bleeding man's mouth.

They pumped the man with oxygen, but he still lay motionless.

"You need to give him a cervical collar! It would allow you to move the patient with minimum head movement! Also, why aren't you using an IV drip? The patient has experienced shock for fuck's sake!" Alan felt very disappointed at the workers' lack of first aid training and now not only the ambulance took ages, they were being very conservative about their equipment use.

Alan took a deep breath and let it out 'Calm down, you 're dead now, you don't need to worry about any of this.'

Alan stopped trying to talk as he watched the medics do their best to save the bleeding man with their own ways and decisions.

There were a few times Alan wanted to interject, but he remained quiet with gritted teeth, 'No wonder there are so many lives lost...were the ambulances from my old job the same?' Alan unknowingly began to despise the way the living did things.

Alan tracked the remaining Mosquitos in the area while he guessed it would still take some time for the ambulance to actually drive off. Plus, he was getting tired of watching them make mistakes in their decision on helping the man and seeing people outside the pub still taking pictures infuriated him more.

[Congratulations! You have guided 6000 mosquitoes!]

Something about a bleeding and dying man attracted quite a few dead mosquitoes, making Alan's job much easier and in thirty minutes he broke into six thousand mosquitoes. However, he did not feel satisfied or happy about it, as he only wondered about the bleeding man's condition

When he came to check on the bleeding man, he wasn't on the floor.

'They must have moved him in the ambulance.' Alan walked over to the ambulance but the doors were locked so he phased through.

Alan got in just in time because the Ambulance drove back to their designated hospital.

"Hurry! He doesn't have much time!" A medic that was watching over the bleeding man shouted to the drivers.


The ambulance sirens blared as it moved around the cars, luckily because it was so late, there were few cars, so the ambulance travelled quite fast.

While the ambulance was trying its best to move as quickly as possible, the heart monitor made a flat noise.


The medic grabbed their defibrillator and started to rub it, generating electricity to restart the heart, but it wasn't working.

While the medic was desperately trying to restart the man's heartbeat, Alan was witnessing something very strange.

There were two men!

One was on the stretcher while the same guy was above him floating with a blue aura around him 'Uh…' Alan was lost for words.

He stared at the blue man, wondering if it was what he thought it was 'Could...could he have died? Is this a human soul!'

The blue man opened his eyes as he took what seemed to be a deep breath.


Today was a good day for Brock. He finally gained his motorbike license and after months of saving from his job as a security guard for a club, he finally bought a motorbike and took a day off tonight to spend all day driving it around.

He fell in love with it the moment he heard his engine roar with excitement.

He felt immense joy from riding through the roads, but something was disappointing to Brock. He wanted to feel the wind but couldn't because of his helmet, so after a few hours of getting used to it, he took it off when it was getting late.

He guessed that being reported for not having a helmet would be less at night since people are usually out drinking or at home resting. Plus, he was going to just go around the neighbourhood so he believed he would be fine.

He planned to meet up with some friends and older brother to celebrate by going to a pub, but something unexpected happened.

He drove around the neighbourhood multiple times and at one point he didn't even realise he was going to be late meeting with his friends. So, he quickly drove to the pub and, seeing that there was no one ahead of him, he sped up to get there quicker.

But then the unexpected happened, a car was driving straight towards him!

'Shit!' He thought as he tried to dodge the car but failed.

The next thing he knew, he was flying out of his bike, passing by the car roof and straight to a metal pole.

His vision was black soon after.


Brock's vision returned.

He looked side to side and saw that he was in some kind of vehicle 'Something feels strange…' He thought to himself

"Sir! It's not working!" A voice sounded beneath him, making him look down and realise he was staring at his own body!

'Oh, my god!' Brock was confused and shocked at his sorry state.

"Wow, you died…" He heard another, much more sinister voice behind him, making him shiver by instinct.

Slowly, he looked behind him.

His eyes widened as he saw a fully black cloaked being covered from head to toe, boney hands could be seen and a skull with glowing blue eyes stared at him.


Sorry for the late chapter and also if anyone did see the chap I uploaded before deleting, sorry about that.

I just been tired today.

Ultracreators' thoughts