
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · Action
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Chapter 8

Adrian stood facing Anafabula with a small smile.

"It's been a while."

"Indeed, why have you contacted me? It's not like you."

"I know, I'm asking a favor. Can you watch Sigurrós for me for a while? I will be... out."

Anafabula looked at him and then sighed. "I have no problem watching my grandchild."

"Speaking of children, has the Scarlet King been moving?"

"The Scarlet King has been quiet for a while."

"He's most likely planning something."

"He always is."


"Where are you going?"

"To go visit some... old friends."

"The Chaos Insurgency."

"Yeah, they got into contact with me through Carla, and while they didn't outright say it, they were threatening me and Sigurrós, and I'm going to show them why it was a bad decision."

"I see. Well then, I'm going to watch Sigurrós now," Anafabula said as she turned into darkness and faded out of the room.

"There is a door, you know!" Adrian shouted, but got no response.

Adrian sighed as he turned his attention back to the room. The walls warped as weapons materialized on the walls from swords to guns, and in the center of the room was a three-piece all-black suit with a black coat over it. Adrian dressed in the suit, walked over to the wall and picked up a katana, two black Colt M11s, and a large cross-like weapon that was almost as big as him. It was black with a hollowed center that had a handle and a trigger. Adrian placed the cross-like weapon on his back, strapped the katana to his hip, and put the Colts in their holsters hidden underneath his coat.

"Alright, time to move out." Adrian then vanished into thin air.

Adrian materialized outside what seemed like a massive, heavily guarded government building. The structure was surrounded by high fences topped with razor wire, and armed guards patrolled the perimeter. Adrian unsheathed the katana and walked towards the building with a neutral expression.

He was eventually spotted by the guards who shouted, raising their weapons. Adrian took a breath and swung the katana, cutting cleanly through both the fence and the guards blocking the way. Adrian stepped over the fallen guards, and more guards rushed out of the building. Automated turrets pointed their guns at him until the Chaos Insurgency agents recognized who he was. While he couldn't see their faces, he could feel their fear.

"Void Maker," one said in shock.

Hearing his old nickname, the rest of the Chaos Insurgency agents stepped back.

"Hello, my old associates. It's been a while." Adrian's voice was calm, almost casual, as he addressed the Chaos Insurgency agents. His eyes, however, were cold and ruthless.

"Void Maker," the agent who had spoken earlier repeated, his voice trembling. "What... what are you doing here?"

"Why would it matter? You won't be alive long enough anyway."

Even the battle-hardened Chaos Insurgency agents stepped back. They, who had dealt with world-ending anomalies, knew that the anomaly before them was a different type of monster. Adrian's words hung in the air like a death sentence. His demeanor remained unflinchingly calm, a stark contrast to the growing panic among the Chaos Insurgency agents. The ones closest to him, those who had recognized the legend, were already starting to back away, their instincts screaming at them to flee. But it was too late.

With a swift motion, Adrian raised his katana. A blur of silver sliced through the air, and in an instant, a group of agents fell, their bodies collapsing in a gruesome display of his lethal precision. The remaining agents hesitated, their fear palpable.

"Open fire!" one of the senior agents finally screamed, his voice cracking with desperation.

Gunfire erupted, a cacophony of bullets whizzing through the air. Adrian moved with inhuman speed, his katana a blur as he deflected the bullets with effortless grace. He moved forward, each step bringing him closer to the panicked agents. The turrets began to whirl to life, targeting Adrian. With a swift gesture, Adrian unslung the massive cross-like weapon from his back and fired. A beam of energy shot forth, obliterating the turrets and the guards operating them in a single, blinding flash of light.

The Chaos Insurgency agents watched in horror as their defenses crumbled before Adrian's onslaught. The massive energy beam from his weapon left a trail of destruction, reducing the turrets and guards to smoldering ruins in an instant. Adrian's movements were precise and swift, his black coat swirling around him as he advanced.

One of the guards pulled out a walkie-talkie and shouted into it.

"Get us assault team Void now!"

"Oh, they're calling for my old team," Adrian said.

Adrian turned to look at the man calling for backup with an amused smile.

"I'm afraid they won't be much help," Adrian said calmly, his voice cutting through the chaos like a blade. He flicked his katana, splattering blood onto the ground before he vanished, reappearing in front of the agent who had called for reinforcements. Before the agent could react, Adrian's hand shot out, gripping the man's throat with a vice-like grip. The agent struggled, gasping for air, his eyes wide with terror. Adrian's expression remained cold and distant as he squeezed, his gaze unwavering.

"But I am curious if they have continued training after I had left."

Chapter 8: End