
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · Action
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27 Chs


Chapter 1

30 minutes later

The boy was seen seated at the edge of a bed that seemed to be queen-sized. The bed had lavender sheets and five pillows arranged with two on the left, two on the right, and one at the center. The pillows had the same colored pillowcases as the sheets. The bed had a large black headrest at the top, and in the center of the bed was the girl he found outside, sleeping soundly. Her head was on the center pillow, and her breathing was slow and steady. The boy, who was seated at the edge of the bed, got up and left the room to go to a different one, leaving the girl alone.

Two and a half minutes later, the girl woke up. Her eyes opened slowly as she sat up, resting her back on the headrest and rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. She started to look around the room. The room itself was big, 37 feet by 37 feet, with a large dark brown dresser with a large mirror on it, decorated with perfume, lotion, and other hygiene-related products. A few feet away from the bed to the left, a flat-top dresser was right next to the bed. A large 72-inch flat-screen TV was on the wall in front of the bed. Two bedside tables were decorated with a dark red cloth with a purple depiction of roses on both. As she was looking around, a particular scent caught her attention. It smelled like eggs, bacon, sausage, nuggets, and toast.

Before she could comprehend why, she heard a door open. She looked to her right to see a door she previously didn't notice was now open, and in walked the teen with a tray with two glasses of orange juice and two plates covered by an iron covering.

"Ah, you're awake. How are you feeling?" the teen asked with a smile as he walked over to the bedside table, resting the tray on it. "You're hungry, right?" he asked as he took off the iron coverings from one of the plates.

On the plate was a beautifully decorated meal of eggs, bacon, sausage, nuggets, and toast on the side. Before she could answer, her stomach growled. She turned her head away in embarrassment.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he said in amusement. He picked up the plate and placed it before her, placing a knife and fork on the plate while also giving her permission to eat, which she started to do. It took her around five minutes to finish. The teen, now seated on the bed after he placed the plate back on the tray, started speaking again.

"Now, I would like to know your name, little one," the teen stated.

The girl looked at him, pouting as she said, "I'm not little, and I'm a witch. My name is Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir."

"Now tell me yours, mister," she said.

The teen did little more than raise an eyebrow as he sighed, then replied, "Right, my name is Adrian Rose. Nice to meet you."

"Though judging by your name, you're not from here. Where are your parents?" he asked.

Sigurrós tilted her head to the left and then said, "I don't know. I was never told about them."

That caused Adrian to frown. "Alright, um, where are you from?" he asked, and she replied again, "I don't know. I wasn't allowed outside."

She said. Now that got his attention. "What do you mean you weren't let outside?"

"Well, I'm normally in a locked room."

"I see." Adrian was trying to form a conclusion, but he was coming up short. He had a few hypotheses, but he was coming up short. What he could tell was that something wasn't right with how she was kept.

"So she wasn't let outside where she was being kept. Judging from what she's wearing, it could be a hospital for now. And what's with her calling herself a witch? Ugh, I'm going to ignore it for now. I need some more information about who she is," he thought.

"Ok, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, how old are you?" he asked.

She hummed while she tilted her head, thinking about it. Then, when she figured out her answer, she replied, "I'm ten, I think," as if not completely sure herself.

"Hmm, ok. Then when were you born?" he asked.

"I think I remember them saying 2000, but I was kept asleep for a long time," she answered.

"OK, so you are ten. What do you mean by 'they,' and what do you mean by 'kept asleep for a long time'?" he asked.

Sigurrós answered, "The people who looked after me and kept me asleep since I was eight."

"I see. Can you tell me what is the most seen thing on them when you see them?" Adrian asked.

She started to think. "Uhh, do clothes count?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Then some wore a long white scientist coat, and some were wearing an orange jumpsuit."

"Hmm, ok. Last question before I leave so you can get some rest."

"Ok," she said while nodding.

"Why did you call yourself a witch?" he asked, with a bit of seriousness leaking into his tone.

"That's because I am one, silly," she answered with the most amount of childish innocence Adrian had ever heard.

"Now, who told you that?"

"The researchers, of course."

"Ok, then show me proof. Freeze my glass of orange juice."

She nodded and looked at the glass of orange juice. Adrian wasn't expecting anything to happen, but he was immediately proven wrong as Sigurrós said, "Orange juice becomes ice."

The effect was immediate: the glass of warm orange juice was frozen solid. Adrian was shocked. He was looking at the now-frozen glass of orange juice in surprise, he looked at Sigurrós with the same expression, snapped out of it, then chuckled.

"You really are one, aren't you?" he said in amusement. He sighed, got up, and picked up the tray. "Alright, Sigurrós, get some rest, ok?"

"Ok," she said with a smile.

Adrian shook his head, then turned and walked out of the room. As he was walking out, however, he thought, "To think she would have such powers. Maybe she's similar to me." He thought as his eyes seemed to glow red and silver as he left the room.

Chapter 1 End