
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · Action
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39 Chs

A Day at the Park

Chapter 6:

The next day, Sigurrós and Adrian stood inside the white room.

"Okay, Sigurrós, I want you to picture this room as anywhere you'd like—a garden or the beach, for instance," Adrian instructed.

Sigurrós nodded, closing her eyes to concentrate. She could feel the space around her, and as she focused, the room transformed. The pristine white walls shifted into a lush green landscape, adorned with colorful flowers.

Adrian nodded approvingly. "Good job, Sigurrós."

Sigurrós beamed with pride at his praise. "Thank you, Adrian!"

"Okay, now, Sigurrós, do as I say," Adrian continued. He raised his hand, and the room expanded, the ceiling turning into a sky, and the walls disappearing. Rain began to fall gently.

"Now, make the rain disappear," Adrian instructed.

Sigurrós mimicked Adrian's gesture, concentrating on dissipating the raindrops. Gradually, the rain slowed and then ceased. The garden remained vibrant under the sunlight peeking through the clouds.

"Great job, Sigurrós!" Adrian exclaimed, impressed by her progress.

Just then, an alarm went off. Adrian silenced it with his phone. "Time for lunch."

"Okay!" Sigurrós agreed eagerly.

The room reverted to its original state as Adrian led Sigurrós out into the kitchen, where he had prepared a simple yet delicious lunch for them. They enjoyed their meal together at the table.

"So, what would you like to do after lunch?" Adrian asked, curious.

"Hmm, can we go to the park?" Sigurrós suggested with excitement.

"Sure, we can do that," Adrian agreed with a smile.

"Yay!" Sigurrós cheered happily.

She paused, then tilted her head curiously. "Adrian, what's your ability?"

Adrian chuckled. "Hmm? Well, I have two abilities, but I'll tell you about one for now. One of them is Omnikinesis—anything manipulation."

Sigurrós's eyes widened in amazement. "So, you can control anything?"

Adrian nodded. "Yes."

After finishing their lunch, Adrian and Sigurrós got ready to head to the park. They put on their shoes and jackets, and Adrian packed a small bag with snacks and drinks. Outside, they enjoyed the fresh air and the beautiful day. Sigurrós ran ahead, exploring the playground and nearby areas, her laughter filling the air.

Adrian found a bench near the playground and sat down, keeping an eye on Sigurrós as she played with other children. Her joy brought a smile to his face.

Suddenly, a woman with brown hair and green eyes, dressed in a black suit with a logo featuring a central red dot, approached and sat next to Adrian.

"It's been a while, Adrian," she said calmly.

"Carla," Adrian acknowledged.

Chapter 6: End