

Bella was knelt by the toilet waiting to have to empty her stomach for the 5th time already that morning. Bella stood up and stomped back to her room. She was fed up. The last 2 weeks she had felt crappy and it wasn't getting any better.

Anna walked into the Dark Couples Chamber bearing gifts of soup and paracetamol.

"Thanks, An, you are amazing!" Bella grumbled. "Remind me, never to eat food cooked by Lucius again!"

"I'm surprised the food poisoning hasn't calmed down yet, have you considered that it might not be food poisoning!"

"Well, what else could it be?" Bella asked knowing what Anna was hinting at. Anna raised an eyebrow. "Perform the spell put me out of my misery!"

Anna waved her wand and waited. Bella's wrist suddenly turned purple.

"Your pregnant!" Anna said. Bella was shocked. "Does Tom want children?"

"I don't know, I want children but at the moment it's just not convenient we are in the middle of a bloody war!"  Bella huffed crossing her arms in frustration. "Should I tell Tom?"

"Of course you should, I'll summon him!" Anna said pulling up her sleeve.

"No wait, I want a bath first, do you think you could help me with my hair?"Bella asked. Anna laughed but nodded. Bella slinked into the bathroom and stripped off. She slipped gracefully into the bath causing her skin to turn pink. She slowly relaxed and lay back in soaking her hair with steaming water. Once washed Bella called Anna in. Anna drained the bath and led Bella back to sit on the bed. Bella tied her robe around her waist. Anna sat down and grabbed a brush. Easily Anna began to work her magic on Bella's black hair. Anna straightened and teased her hair until she had it to the perfect consistency. Without hesitancy, Anna began to style Bella's hair in the most elaborate way possible.

Once her hair was done Bella began to choose her outfit. She selected one with a corset but seeing Anna's disapproving look, she returned it to its hanger. Bella grabbed a loose black dress with flats. Anna flicked her wand so she was dressed in a pantsuit and heels. Bella gawped at Anna enviously.

"How the hell did you get your figure back so quickly, you only had a baby 4 months ago!" Bella exclaimed Anna laughed but linked arms with her best friend. They walked down to the Malfoy Ballroom where the celebrations were occurring.

A/N: Please vote and don't forget to leave comments.