
Changed names

A few weeks later the women's lives came crashing down.

They were sat in the lounge. Cissy had gone dress robe shopping and Tom and Lucius were out doing something Death Eatery.

They were sat in the lounge. The doors practically flew off their hinges as they opened. The women grabbed their children protectively.  The entire Order stood there(except Sirius and Andromeda). Bella and Anna drew their wands. "Give us the girls," Dumbledore said. They had no choice unless they wanted to go to Azkaban. "I promise you, mummy, loves you," Bella whispered, handing the baby to a random order member, Anna copied her friend's actions. White smoke filled the room. The order was gone.

Bella stood there speechless. She had lost her baby girl.

Anna pressed her mark and Severus, Tom, Lucius and Narcissa appeared in the room looking slightly dazed.

"They took Hermione and Mia," Bella spluttered, tears spilling down her cheeks. Severus engulfed his wife in a hug.  Bella's entire body shook as she cried into her husband's shoulder.

"Tomorrow I am going to kill the Potters why don't you go and torture the Longbottoms," Tom asked, Bella who nodded gently.


That night Voldemort was defeated by a BABY. And Bella was sentenced to life in Azkaban for the murder of Frank and Alice Longbottom. The Snapes became spies for the Death Eaters.


Back at the Burrow

Hermione and Mia are being discussed by the OOTP.

"We'll take her Albus just change her name to Mellissa Molly Weasley," Molly replied.

"Thank you, Molly. that's Mia dealt with what about Hermione? Perhaps we could place her with the Grangers. Yes, that is a splendid idea. Now I must tell you neither of the Snapes can find out. Meeting adjourned," Dumbledore said. Then she apparated dragging Hermione with him.

"She is my granddaughter," Minerva muttered placing a glamour on the unexpecting infant to make her resemble the Weasleys.

Neither girl would see their real parents again. Or would they...


Bella hadn't always been insane, loosing her daughter threw her into insanity instead of Azkaban.

The Snapes hadn't always been so cold, they lost their daughter, that's what turned them cold.

People don't change for no reason.

These people changed because they lost family the most painful thing ever.