

She wake up that morning feeling weak all over what's happening why is she here it was a strange room but what shocked on how beautiful the room was it's luxurious. she woke up and decided to have a look around wow it's really beautiful she said inwardly. She walk to the large window just to see a beautiful garden and servant taking care of the flowers feeling like someone was staring at her she look behind and saw a handsome guy very tall and has a beautiful face but he looks dangerous ' I should stay away from this man ' she thought inwardly. " h.... hi ummm what I'm I doing here umm who are you " she stammered but he just stared at her and ask her to get dressed and come down for breakfast after that he left without any other word she stared at the door for a while before going to take a bath after she was done with her bath she came out with only a towel around her skin but then she noticed non of her clothes and undies were here " what I'm I going to put on now?" she wandered but then just walked to the big closet and saw many new famous clothes they were all new and nice she saw some new underwear too and decided to use them since she had non she will just explain to the owner later. After she was done she came down stairs to have her breakfast she didn't panic and even acted like she doesn't care about anything. That's right she wasn't scared but confused why she was here she tried recalling what happened but could remember and just like that she came to the living room which was also decorated beautifully a servant came and led her in to the dinning room to her surprise she was alone with a lot of food she turned to ask if another person was joining her for breakfast but the servant did not reply she just turn her head and started eating her breakfast when she was done the mate led her to the study room upstairs were she saw the handsome fellow again he gesture for her to sit down. "What I'm I doing here and who are you" she asked without waiting for him to speak she couldn't help but get scared around this man. He just stared at her before he said " you're lucky I saved you, you would have been dead by now you have to stay here until the people who wants u dead stop looking for u for a while" but she was just confused who's looking for her and why can't she remember anything " I don't get it who is looking for me and why can't I remember anything" she asked with a frown " that's because you had an accident and injured your head badly you've been in coma for a month we thought you won't survive but here u are now you don't have to worry about anything else just rest for some days I'll explain what you need to do later" after saying that he gesture her to go out she didn't say anything and went out to have some air she sure needed this.