
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Lara and Ende von Berringan

After taking a short break he continued his talking "Our ancestor Steve Adolescent was the first prime minister of the Rose Kingdom and he was very close to the first Rose king Rouse Rose,

In the history book, it tells us that Steve died while protecting the king from some assassin but it's not true at all, he was forced to kill himself and he who made him sacrifice himself was Rouse the king of the Rose kingdom".

He punched the handle of his seat and growled in anger. We all were shocked to learn the truth. In the kingdom, Rouse Rose is known as the noble king who was almost as noble and righteous as the gods.

So it's natural for us to get shocked but Lara was more shocked than all of us. There must be some meaning behind it. I was curious to know why she made such a face like she found out something terrible that affected her life in the past.

But I can't ask her that question here. It's not the right place or the right situation to ask such a question, so I will wait and will ask her later.

After punching the handle he continued his words "You guys must be thinking if it's the truth then why the Adolescent family still serves the royal family as their prime minister well there is a reason behind it I hope you guys are prepared for the blast".

Everyone nodded their head and said, "We are ready Gilbert nothing will shock us now after hearing that information".

So he continued his talking and asked us a question "Do you guys remember the battle of Ende von Berringan?"

I once read about it in a book but don't remember the details. Trivut and Quinella also don't seem to know about it that much but Lara seems different.

After hearing the name Ende von Berringan her eyes were full of fear and grief. It seems like she knows every small detail about the battle.

So I asked her if she knows anything about it but she said "No" with a forced smile on her face. I know that she is hiding something from us but due to the situation I can't ask her anything but I am sure that she knows something about it that even we don't know.

After asking us the question he sighs and said "It looks like you guys hardly know anything about it so I am going to tell you, listen carefully.

The first Rose King Rouse Rose killed the violent tyrant King Von Bitz Berringan in this battle and founded today's Rose Kingdom, my ancestor Steve Adolescent played a vital role in the battle.

According to the Royal History book the last Bitz King Von Bitz Berringan was a violent and tyrant king who killed his 5 brothers and 2 sisters in order to seat on the throne.

Right after sitting on the throne, Bitz Kingdom was attacked by the neighboring country Prada and to defend the land from the Prada's he sent 20,000 soldiers to the border immediately but the land was already taken over by the Prada's so he ordered his soldiers to burn the nearby villages to stop the Prada's from marching.

As he ordered his soldiers burned the village and the villagers and looted to their heart's content. His cruelty didn't just stop there he ordered his soldiers to fire Atomic magical canons at the land that was taken by the Prada's.

As a result, the soldiers opened fire while the citizens of the Kingdom were still in the firing range. He didn't even bother to rescue them and launched an attack that laid waste to the land.

He was going to say something more but suddenly Lara started vomiting in the carriage so he stopped the carriage and hold Lara to see if she was fine or not.

Lara was vomiting continuously it was looking like she saw something horrible in front of her eyes but we were just talking about the cruelty of Berringan so there is no way that she would get sick just from hearing these words unless she saw the incidents with her own eyes.

So I finally asked her "Are you hiding something from us?"

After hearing my question she looked at me with fear and said stuttering that "She doesn't know anything".

But I don't listen to her words and asked her again with heaviness in my voice "What are you hiding from us?"

This time she looks at everyone and screams "Noooo" and passes out. We all get scared and quickly splashed some water on her face.

But she wasn't opening her eyes so Gilbert ordered his coachman to take her to hospital.

Quinella and Trivut went with the coachman. Just Gilbert and I were standing there in shock.

After the carriage left we looked at each other and it seemed like we were thinking the same question in our mind.

But I didn't want Gilbert to think about it so I asked him about Berringan. I asked, "Why did he kill his brothers and sisters, I read in a book that he was the older son of the 14th Bitz king then why, There wasn't any need of spitting blood, he could have ascent the throne by using her age right, then why?"

Gilbert looked at me with sorrow in his eyes and said "He didn't have any right to sit on the throne 'cause he was the illegitimate son of the king. That's why even though he was older among the children of the king, he didn't have any royal or age right to sit on the throne".

I was quite shocked to know that he was the illegitimate son of the king but we are talking about the royal family here so I guess I shouldn't be that shocked.

After telling me that he looked at the carriage that we were riding in, after looking for some time he ordered the coachman to step down from the driver's seat.

The coachman listens to his order and steps down. He jumped and sat on the Driver's seat and told me to sit beside him.

There were no other people or a carriage there so if I don't go with him I will be alone in this deserted area so I had no choice, I also jumped and sat beside him.

He whipped the horses and we were going in speed. He left his guards there and was in a serious mood so I didn't dare to ask him anything.

After riding for 10 minutes we reached the edge of a cliff. Harold was sitting there and tears were coming from his eyes.

Just by looking at him, we understood that he was crying for a long time.

First, we go near him and said "Sorry". He was dazed to hear that word from us.

He was so surprised that he couldn't even say any words but finally when he was going to say something Gilbert hold his hand and threw him inside the carriage and sat on the driver's seat again and started to ride it at a high speed.

But he forgets that I was there so he whipped the horses without getting me in the carriage.

I shouted and shouted but my voice isn't reaching to him. As a result, he left me there on the cliff.

Meanwhile, Harold was suffocating inside the carriage cause of Lara's vomit.

I don't know what is he thinking but I am sure that he is concerned about Lara but I don't have that luxury, I have to find a horse and have to return to them.

So I started my search for a horse luckily I found a stable at some distance from the cliff.

I went there quickly and stole a horse. The owner of the horse was shouting at me and was chasing me with an ax, I didn't have any money so I just said sorry and ran away with the horse.

Harold is shouting at Gilbert to stop the carriage but he isn't listening to him. He is just driving the carriage at full speed.

He is whipping the horses nonstop but he needs to be more careful or else the horse will die from bleeding.

On the other side, the girls reached to the hospital and admitted Lara. They are now waiting outside the exam room.

After some time the doctor comes out of the exam room and all the girls surround him as soon as he steps outside the room and begins to ask him about Lara.

The doctor told them that she is all right; she is just suffering from vasovagal syncope, you guys should let her take some rest now and she will recover in a day.

The doctor left from there after saying it. So Lara is now taking a rest in a room while the girls are sitting outside the room.

On their way back, the carriage that Gilbert was driving suddenly was attacked by some bandits.

They shoot arrows and killed a horse and the carriage crashed on the road.

Harold and Gilbert get injured but it's not something serious. They made a serious mistake they angered Harold, They have earned Harold's wrath so there is no saving them now.

They should just say their last prayer and get ready to die. (To Be Continued)

Extra: Syncope is a sudden and temporary loss of consciousness. It usually happens when there is a slight decrease in the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. Vasovagal syncope occurs when someone faints because the body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It is also known as neurocardiogenic syncope.