
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Complicated relationship  

Today we all are going to the Rouse palace. We will meet the King and will have a nice little talk.

Everybody is getting prepared for that meeting. Lara, Trivut, and Quinella have put on their best dress and Itami has worn a white colored cloak with gold work on it.

The dresses were sent by his majesty for them. After getting ready they stepped outside the mansion and a fancy carriage was waiting for them.

They entered the carriage and went to the palace. Some elite servants were waiting for them there and as soon as they reached there, they welcomed them with flowers and respect.

Getting the flowers they walked to the waiting room where they would wait for the King.

After half an hour Hugo comes with a wine in his hand. Arriving he puts down the wine looks at them one by one and takes his seat.

At first, Gilbert greeted him and then we all greeted him one by one. Judging by his smile it looks like he is super happy to meet us.

Getting greetings from everyone he welcomed us into his palace and told us to look around before leaving.

We all nodded our heads and replied "Of course". Saying that he looked at Itami and asked him how is he.

He smiled gently and replied "Fine". Hearing his words Hugo smiled and said "Will you be fine after going into the Azaria dungeon?"

Itami doesn't know what to say so he replies "We will see about that".

Hearing his words Hugo smirked and said "You have to be confident about it or it will just not work" saying that he took out a paper from his pocket and gave it to Itami.

Seeing the paper and reading it he gets surprised and asks "What does it mean? Why do I have to fight the Head Captain of the Rose Knights?"

Hearing his words Harold makes an expression that says what the hell is going on and seeing his face Itami says "Don't worry I will not fight him?"

Hearing his words Hugo looks at Harold and says "Oh! So you are the disowned son of the captain, Don't worry you should believe in your dad he will win".

Saying that he was going to take a sip of the wine that's when Harold stood up and replied "You are wrong sir, he is not my dad and I don't believe in him" saying that he looked at Itami and said "Beat him to pulp" calmly.

Hearing his words Itami picks up a pen signs on the document and says "Make sure to bring a stretcher to the arena after the match, someone will need it".

Saying that he looked at the exit and asked for permission to leave.

Hugo smiled at him and told him to have a nice rest before the match. As Gilbert knew of all this from the beginning he didn't say anything but the other party members were shocked to know that Itami would fight the captain who is known as the Captivator.

Just when they were leaving Hugo tells the woman in the navy blue dress to stop and tells her to come near him.

Looking at the situation getting complicated Chris held her hand and went in front of him and said "We are getting married soon, sir".

Hearing the words from his mouth twin horns were shocked especially Lara she was like what the fuck is going on.

They were all astonished except the King, he was like "Why are you telling me that?"

Hearing his words Hugo replied, "Congratulations, may I have the honor to know about your wife".

Hearing his question Chris asked, "What is that you want to know specifically".

"Like where is she from and what kind of magic she uses" replied Hugo with a doubt on his face.

The atmosphere was intense and Chris was going to say something but that's when a messenger entered to the doorstep and said that Eugeious was waiting for his majesty and hearing it Hugo stood up and excused himself.

Seeing him walking out of the room Chris was relieved, when he left the room everyone exhaled a deep breath and said "Thank God".

Everyone was shocked to hear the same words from other's word at the same time so they just laughed and left the room.

Chris was still holding her hands tightly and seeing it Quinella smiled and held his hand more tightly and said "Let's go, we will do something of it later".

Leaving the room Hugo went to the throne room to meet Eugeious.

He was waiting for his majesty there while walking in the room, When Hugo entered the room he bowed down and showed his respect.

Entering the room he told everyone to leave from there and told him to relax, getting permission he loosened up a little bit and asked him about the dual.

Hearing his words Hugo laughed and said "He is ready to beat you to a pulp so be careful out there".

Hearing his words Eugeious smiled and replied "Thank you for your concern Your Majesty but I think you should think about the safety of that boy, I will not go easy on him".

Hearing his arrogant words Hugo laughed and said "I don't think it will be wise to underestimate him after all he is an Integrity level Holy magician that have appeared after almost a thousand years" Saying that he stood up and offered him a glass of water and said maybe you are the one who will leave the arena in stretcher.

Hearing that Eugeious growled in anger and took the glass from his hand and drank it.

Seeing him gulping the water at once, he asked, "How is your son?"

Hearing the question he looked at him with dead eyes and replied "What are you talking about, he is dead".

"Well, I met him today so I guess he is still alive," said Hugo while smirking.

Listening to his words Eugeious made a face like he don't care and said "Then I guess that useless piece of shit is still alive" Belittling Harold he said, "I should have killed him when I had the chance".

"Well you will get your chance," Said Hugo after hearing his words.

"HOW? asked Eugeious desperately. Seeing him that desperate Hugo opened his mouth and said "You can bet something in that mock dual and if you win you can grant your wish".

Hearing his words Eugeious thought about it for a second and asked "Is it allowed and will he agree to this?"

"Don't worry about that, I am the King what I say is the rule and I have just said that you can bet something that means it's allowed already" said Hugo while giving his devil smile.

Hearing his words Eugeious inhaled a deep breath and said "Ok then I will bet my life on it and in return I want to have a dual with Harold".

Hearing his words Hugo put down his glass and asked "You can just cut his head if you want then why you are demanding a match with him?"

Eugeious smiled and replied, "He will let me cut his head anytime I want and will never raise his swords against me and I absolutely hate it so I will force him to fight against me while betting my life on it, I am sure he will try his best to just save my life".

Looking at him getting that serious Hugo scratched his head and said "Do whatever you want, just don't forget to put your best out there".

Saying that he left the room while Eugeious was looking outside the window alone.

Meanwhile, when everyone was eating their dinner Chris was just looking at his plate without even touching his food, and seeing it Itami said "We will do something about it, You don't have to do all the thinking so just eat your food".

Hearing his words Chris looked at him and said "Nah, it's nothing like that, and was about to put the spoon of soup in his mouth but that's when he noticed that Quinella also hadn't eaten anything so he put down his spoon and looked at her.

She was also lost in some deep thinking so Chris called her and when she looked at him he put the spoon in her mouth.

Getting fed suddenly she was startled but also at the same time she was happy.

Seeing them getting lovey-douby Lara puts down her spoon in anger and coughs to draw their attention and when they look at her she says "Let me feed you, big sis, Chris must be having trouble feeding you".

Saying that he quickly switched her seat forcefully and started feeding Quinella.

Seeing Lara's act Trivut put the spoon in her mouth and said in a low voice "You haven't changed since the day I found you" saying that she looked at Lara and smiled.

While everyone was eating in peace Harold was kinda lost in his own thinking, he was afraid and nervous, and he don't know what he will do and what he should do when he faces his father.

While thinking about it he looked outside the window and a sound reached at his ear like someone was crying due to their mistake. (To be continued)

Notice: Due to my final exam I won't be able to publish new chapters for a while, so I hope you will not forget Itami and Chris and will continue to read this story when I start again.

There will be a special extra in the next chapter featuring a Naruto reference so wait for it while reading other amazing stories.

I will be ready with a lot of chapters, Good bye but this isn't my last goodbye I will return with some heart-throbbing twists till then be well and enjoy your life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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