
my dark heart

what happens when everything goes wrong? what happens when the boy trained to be like the devil becomes worse than the devil ? the devil only utter curse and bring ill fortune. the devil doesn't want to perish alone . what happens when greed reaches the next stage? thousands would die thousand would mourn when the devil's last son becomes the king

RavenxRavenx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

chapter 2

Sophie parents house was big enough to accommodate both she and son , the place didn't look old since it was newly remodeled. James works as a council man while Lucy as a tailor woman who worked for the king so they were never short on coins and with Sophie back she could assist her mom . in one of the rooms Lucy and Sophie were seated talking " Sophie I really think you should keep an eye on Theo, he doesn't speak or act like a kid " her mother told her while helping her unpack

"I know mother and it does bother me " Sophie answered very bothered about the matter

" is there anything that made him that way ?" Lucy asked as sat down on the bed before Sophie joined her

"I not really sure , he as always been like that"

" like from little? " Lucy asked only for her nod

" one day beth my friend came uninvited, I was still in a miserable condition and i saw a hint of happiness in her eyes to see me far worse than her . she tried adding salts to the already opened wounds but Theo cut her Short telling her all sort of vile stuffs I didn't even know about " Sophie said before sighing

"I don't know why he's like that but I pray he will get better and then make friends and live like a normal child "

" don't worry with me and your father here we will set him straight " her mother ensured her

"I'm really sorry for running a way with that bastard , this would have never happ --- "

" we can't change what happened in the past can we?"

"no" she finally accepting her cruel fate

"so don't worry with him out of the picture we can start afresh with you , me your father and Theodore"

" that reminds me where is father and Theo ?"

"he took him to church, he did commit a sin"


Theodore and his grandfather arrived with his personal carriage at a huge church that looked old and saint , it was not a day to come to church so only few people could be seen . Theodore had never visited a church because of their previous condition and he was curious to go in . but before he could step in he felt something amiss and stopped moving. "come, let's go in " his grandfather said after seeing Theo stop unmoving

"why did you bring me to such an holy place?" Theo asked looking at the old man

"you ask me? aren't you the one that sinned and killed your father, now we are here to cleansed you "

" I don't need any fucking cleansing "

" you committed a crime against your father------"

"might I tell you my father is very happy I ended his miserable life " Theo cut him shut

" James look at where you are now , talking to a foolish child " the middle aged shook his head in bitterness

" just follow me "

" I said no , can't you see the place is on fire ?"

" fir-------?" he didn't get to finish his statement when the place started to burn and the people inside burned as well

" but, but , this is impossible it was fine before what happened?" James was stupefied the whole church just caught ablaze, was that even possible? at least the fire should have started from somewhere

Theo looked at the stupid old man who was his grandfather

" we can go" he pulled his grandfather dragged him away from there " I must say thank you for bringing me to the church if not I would never had known "

"known what?" James removed his hand from Theo's grip , the boy was behaving quite weird. then a sudden realization came to him .

" how did you know the place was going to set ablaze? " because he said it before it caught ablaze

"the priest were playing with fire " he said and for the first time a sly grin was placed on his face

James didn't know why but shifted away for Theodore, there was something odd about him but he couldn't point out what


they returned at the time of evening the carriage stopped at the mansion.

"your house is really impressive" Theodore said as he glare at mansion

" thankfully it's not on fire " James said while coming out of the carriage

" we can't be sure about that , can we ?" Theodore turn to look at James

"James what job do you do?" Theo continued

" where's the respect you bewitched child " James couldn't stand him again

"was just asking" he shrugged and walked into the house

" investigate what happened in the church "

" immediately sire " his assistant who was seating alongside the driver of the carriage said before bowing


" Lucy where is my mom ?" Theo asked seeing only Lucy in the parlour

Lucy was taken aback " such guts" she commented at the young child that stood tall with pride

" Theodore show your grandmother a little respect " said Sophie who came down stairs

" come I'll show you to the room I prepared for you " Sophie continued and took him upstairs.

when James entered Lucy had lot of questions to ask him.

" what happened at the church? "she asked as she patted besides her to let him sit

" it caught on fire" he said nonchalantly

" Jesus, how did that happen? "Lucy asked very worried and concern

" I don't know but I've sent Joel to dig up some facts " he said and leaned back on the couch

"keep an eye on Theodore and watch him like a hawk"

"why?, what did he do?"

"he said something about the priest playing with fire and he said something about the place on fire and it did catch on fire, I guessing his not normal "

"normal?, but our daughter was cleansed and her late husband was normal , so why do you think he is different?" Lucy asked with a trace of worry

"again I might be wrong, so the best thing to do is to keep an eye on him "


" how was your visit to church ?" Sophie asked as Theodore followed behind her

"it was fine, how was your day ?" he asked his mom

" it was fine but I missed you" Sophie ruffled his hair

" I missed you more " he then smiled at his mom , she was the only person he cared for

" go shower and come downstairs for dinner "she told him and he nodded

" oh and , I need you to keep it a secret that your father is dead and you --- hmm killed him " she managed to say the last part

"why ?" he asked and Sophie squeezed his cheeks

" we don't want the words spreading and your aunt and cousins coming to visit grandmother and they will stay for quite some days , okay?" she patiently told him

"okay, are you happy dad is gone?"

"very happy" she said with a bright smile that he returned back

"now go wash up " she patted his back before leaving

Theodore entered the room that was dark and with only a thought all the candle flamed up

" I didn't mean to kill all those people, but the priest were tapping into unknown forces . but I'm not sorry either"

Theodore lied down on the bed and closed his eyes which were grey in colour, he had long dark hair, well defined jaws

if though he was just ten , he was too beautiful to be real , he was after all the son of the beautiful maiden lady Sophie


At the time of evening they all gathered to have dinner it was silent as no one spoke , until -----

"Sophie I hope you have spoke to Theo " her mother asked

" yes mother" she ensured her

"you know your sister's temper , so I need you to train him on how to speak" her mother continued

"don't worry Theodore will stay put . right Theo?"

"it depends if she also stay put and don't cross the line " Theo answered

" change that attitude young man!!" his grandfather slammed his hand on the table

" come make me , old hag " Theo challenged him

"Theodore, apologized now" Sophie tried to make peace

" I don't need an apology from a spoiled brat " her father raised his hand in the air to declare silence

"you need to tell me how that church caught on fire " James said in a calm voice

after he sent his assistant to get more information , it turned out there was a survivor who said the church was fine until one of the priest who was the head of a meeting that going on caught on fire , the others were so shocked they tried to drenched him in water but the fire only ended up spreading more and more

and it was not long until the whole church burned down with the people in it .

James was only more anxious hearing this ,he just hoped that Theo will not prove his suspicion true .