
My Dark Crush

Have you heard of "the angels". The playboy boy's band that consist of four angelic looking boys that could take your breath away. Bryan Ernold is the leader of this popular band. The most handsome depends on your bias. This boy band consist of four dangerously handsome Playboys that flirt even on stage. They own the heart of thousands of ladies around the world especially teenagers. And this made them so full of themselves. They felt no lady could resist their charm until they met her. She is more like a broken vessel. She is a lady of no emotions. And who is she??? She is Bianca Evans. A really beautiful lady that could pass for an angel. She have long silky black hair that stop by her waist, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, deep blue eyes, cute nose, pink lips, dimples on both side of her cheeks, crazy curves and an angelic voice that could make you fall for her over and over again. What happen when Bianca leaves the countryside to come live in the city and she was enrolled into the same highschool with the angels??? What happen when the angels discover that she is the first lady that wasn't smitten by their looks???! What will happen when she happen to steal Bryan's heart on their first meeting and he happen to be someone she hate soo much due to the coincidence of him bearing the same name with someone who has caused her pain???? Will Bryan be able to mend her broken heart??? Will he be able to put a smile on the face of this lady who has forgotten how to smile??? How far will Bryan go to make her love him just the way he loves her??? What will happen when Bryan girlfriend and family becomes an obstacle??? Will Bryan be able to protect her from another heartbreak???

Danial_Arif_Harry · Teen
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27 Chs

The last seen




PLS 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.

LOTS OF LOVE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


It been a couple of days since Bianca has last seen Adrian. Since after the incident of her getting into trouble because he was bugging her, she had warn him to stay away from her and he had listened to her. She even rarely see him and she has been really grateful for that.

She sat alone on a chair at the school garden and watch a tree that was a little bit far from were she sat as the gentle breeze play with his leaves.

" Can i sit? " She heard someone say beside her and without averting her gaze from the tree she was watching, she already know who it was. She ignored him with the hope that he was going to leave but who was she kidding,from the corner of her eyes she saw him sat down. Inhaling and exhaling loudly, she spared him a glance then take her gaze to some flowers that was not quite far from her.

" Isn't it beautiful? " She heard him ask.

" What? ".

" The flowers ".

" Hmmmm ".

" Well, do you know you are way more beautiful than those flowers? ".

There we go again with his sugarcoated words, Bianca thought.

He stood up and walk to the flowers she was staring at. Plucking a beautiful purple Dahlia flower, he sniffed it smiling to himself.

He returned to his position beside Bianca and carefully insert the flower into her hair. She looked at him and raised her hand to her hair but he quickly gripped her hand looking at her pleadingly.

" Don't remove it. Please!!! " He said with a pout.

Bianca stared him for a while and couldn't deny the fact that he looked kinda cute with the pout. She took in her lips and withdraw her hand from his.

" Stop doing that " She said still staring at him.

" Doing what? " He asked, clueless.

" Forget it " She replied but then he innocently pout his lips again. Seems it is more like an habit because she noticed he always does it when ever he is around her.

" Stop pouting your lips, idiot " She said hitting his shoulder lightly with her hand.

" I.......Wait a minute, why should i? But i love doing it. Does it make your heart flutter? " He said pouting his lips again while blinking cutely at her.

" You wish " She said throwing her face away.

" Tell me the truth...Huh.....Huh........Tell me.........Does it make your heart beat for me?........Huh........Tell meee " He said gently hitting her with his shoulder.

" Stop been childish " she reprimanded while glaring at him.

" Soo childish " She murmured rolling her eyes.

" But you love this childish guy, don't you? ".

" Hmph " She huffed looking away.

" Answer me.....Hmmmmm........Answer me.......Hmmmmmm.....Hmmmmmmm " He kept saying still hitting her playfully with his shoulder.

" I don't. Now stop hitting me and let me enjoy my morning peace ".

He pouted sadly still playfully hitting her with his shoulder. She shakes her head and shift away from him to the edge of the bench. He also shifted closer to her closing the distance between them. She looked at him and then looked straight ahead. They both sat there for few minutes in silence, neither of them making a sound.

" You know, i always love coming here because while looking at the colourful flowers, i find peace and musical inspiration but now looking at your photos alone give me a lot of inspiration and seeing you give me a whole lot of peace, the kind i have never felt before ".

" Photos??? How did you get my photos??? ".

" Well....I took...Hmmmm....A lot of pictures of you with....Hmmmmm.....My phone " Bryan said scratching his neck nervously.

" See " He said removing his phone from his pocket and turn it on, her photo was his wallpaper and there was also quite a lot of her pictures in his gallery.

She stared at his face her facial expression hard to read and then turn away gently swinging her legs. Bryan smiled while looking at the side of her face as the breeze blow her hair gently adding to her beauty.

" Stop staring " Bianca said standing up

" Where are you going to? " He asked.

" Bryan are you always this dumb or are you just playing dumb around me? ".

" I mean, it kind of obvious that am going to class, isn't it? Do you want us to sit here all day without going to class? ".

Bryan looked at her smiling brightly without answering the question. Rather than seeing the way Bianca insulted him all he saw was how she called his name. She called his name soo sweetly that he felt his heart flip in joy.

" Bryan??? " Bianca called his name when she noticed he wasn't standing up.

" Call my name again " He said smiling at her.

" Why? " Bianca asked confused.

" Because, i love the way you call my name ".

Bianca scoffed and made to leave but Bryan quickly grabbed hold of her hand.

" Just call my name one last time before you leave please ".

" No ".

" Please? ".

" No ".

" Please ".

" No ".

" Please, please, please? " He said tugging at her hand while looking into her eyes pleadingly. Bianca hit her head with her palm frustrated.

" Fine, Bryan. Are you happy now? " Bianca asked and Bryan shakes his head in affirmative smiling wildly.

" Tcch, soo childish " She muttered silently but Bryan heard her anyways. She yanked her hand away from his hold and eyed him playfully.

They walk away to their classroom with Bryan grinning ear to ear.