
My Daily Journal

I am Writing this as my daily dairy in which i will share things i experience , emotions i feel, my observation on life, bitching, depressing thoughts and much more....... If you are interested, go ahead and read and aldo share your experiance and how you would handle the particular situation.

miniac23 · Urban
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Today, I was Active, Reactive, Passive and Talkative.


I went to the hospital today. There I showed my mother to an Opthalmologist (eye specialist). Then took her medicines and went to meet my sister-in-law as well.


I lash out at a boy who jump in between the queue and get medicines before me. Technically he should get his medicines after me. I waited for about half an hour for my turn.

Second time when i was reactive, When esha didi and i get into an argument and she told me that i except nothing better from you and that hurts. I was sad that she never appriciate the good and also speaks the harshest when I do something Bad which is technically subjective.


I spent my whole afternoon reading novel and binge watching tarot card readings on youtube. In evening, I play with my new born nephew.


I chatted with my friend over an eighty minute phone call, which was surprising to me because I never expected to get a call from him. It was a great conversation.

At last I decided to be more active, less reactive and to start studying.

I forgive others and myself, for the the mistakes we did.

Bye Bye!!