
My Daemon System

In a mystical realm where humans are blessed with a unique connection to their inner selves, a wondrous fantasy world exists. Every individual is born with a Daemon, a magnificent creature believed to be the embodiment of their very soul. As they reach the age of maturity, the Daemon settles into a specific form, granting its human host a remarkable ability. However, amidst this extraordinary reality, there exists a young boy named Jacob who has faced a fate different from his peers. From the day of his birth, he was marked as different, for he was born without a Daemon. This peculiarity made him the target of relentless bullying and scorn from those who couldn't understand his absence. Enduring the constant torment, Jacob harbored a hidden strength, an indomitable spirit that refused to be crushed by the weight of his loneliness. One fateful day, as he found himself cornered once again by his tormentors, a wave of determination surged within him. No longer willing to be a victim, he unleashed an extraordinary ability, a power that surged through his veins. To his astonishment, he discovered that he possessed a system—a mysterious force guiding him through the trials and tribulations of his world. It presented him with quests, and challenges that tested his courage, resilience, and wit. Each quest completed bestowed upon him new skills and abilities, transforming him into a formidable force to be reckoned with. Jacob's journey took him across vast and enchanting landscapes, where he encountered strange creatures, forged unlikely alliances, and unraveled the secrets of his world. With every quest conquered, he grew stronger, both in body and in spirit, shedding the weight of his past suffering. Yet, as his powers expanded and his reputation grew, the system presented him with a quest that filled him with doubt and trepidation. "It is time for war". ----------------------------- Please guys check out my other book MMORPG: Virtual Rebirth. I promise you will love it.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
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71 Chs


"Yeah! That must be because he was eliminated from the game," Amp suggested.

"What? I'm really sorry, bro," Jacob stammered, his voice filled with regret.

"Don't worry, it was just a game. I knew I was going to lose, but I didn't expect it to happen this early," Adam reassured him.

"Can we leave now? It's getting late," Adam added, glancing at the time.

"Wait, before you go, there's something I wanted to ask. What personal class are you guys planning to sign up for tomorrow?" Amp inquired.

"I'll be signing up for the elemental class," Ray replied confidently.

"And I'll be joining the weapon class," Adam chimed in.

"And what about you, Jacob?" Amp turned to Jacob, curious.

Jacob wore a look of confusion and responded, "Wait, what? I didn't even know we were supposed to sign up for separate classes. Nobody told me about this."

"What do you mean you don't know what we're talking about? We were all informed after the test on the first day of school," Amp exclaimed, puzzled by Jacob's ignorance.

"That's the problem—I never took the test on the first day," Jacob admitted, feeling out of the loop.

"Wait! What? How is that even possible? How do they know what your ability is?" Adam questioned, bewildered. "Come to think of it, what is your ability? Mine is vision, Ray's is plant manipulation, and Amp's is gadgets. What about you?"

Jacob hesitated, his voice trembling. "I... I... My ability is..."

'Sh...! I didn't think of this day, what I'm I going to say to them now,' Jacob thought.

(Don't worry, just figure out a lie to tell them) Dagon suggested.

'What? No, I can't do that, I can't lie to them they are my friends,' Jacob communicated with Dagon through his mind.

(Ok! Friend expert, Why don't you just go ahead and tell them you have a system which gives you daily quests and also threatens you if you fail to complete its quests)

'Ok! Even if I wanted to lie to them, what ability I'm I going to lie with,' Jacob asked after putting what Dagon said into consideration.

(Hmm! Let see. They have seen us several times in action right, you can just tell them your ability is agility and strength)

'Are you sure they will be convinced by that?'

(You'll never find out without even trying).

"Hey! Jacob," Ray called out. "We were just curious to know what your ability is. Care to share?"Ray asked bringing Jacob out from his little conversation with Dagon.

Jacob took a moment to gather his thoughts, remembering Dagon's suggestion. He flashed a confident smile and replied, "Well, guys, my ability is a unique blend of agility and strength. You might have noticed how I swiftly maneuver and execute powerful moves during my previous encounters in some fights."

His friends exchanged glances, seemingly intrigued. Adam chimed in, "That's impressive, Jacob! It explains why you always seem to have the upper hand in combat situations. It's a fantastic ability to have, and it complements our skills perfectly."

Jacob nodded, relieved that his friends seemed convinced so far.

Ray grinned, giving Jacob a pat on the back. "That's awesome, buddy. We're lucky to have you on our side. Your ability adds a whole new dimension to our dynamics. Let's keep pushing forward together!"

(See I told you, it wasn't that bad)

As they continued their conversation, Jacob felt a sense of relief wash over him. While he didn't particularly enjoy lying to his friends, he realized that sometimes a little embellishment could serve a greater purpose in maintaining their unity.

"But the only reason for you not to take the test is if Mister G..." Amp stopped his statement when he realized he was speaking out.

"What was that? You were saying something just now," Jacob inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Amp hesitated for a moment, realizing he had almost revealed something he shouldn't have. He quickly thought on his feet and responded, "Oh! It was nothing, I was just mentioning that you would also have to sign up for the weapon class. It seems like not many people are signing up for the gadget class, though."

Jacob nodded, accepting Amp's explanation. "Yeah, that's true. I guess the weapon class is more popular among the students."

Their conversation was interrupted by Adam's suggestion. "Okay, guys, we should probably head back now. It's getting late."

Realizing the time, Jacob agreed, "You're right, Adam. We should call it a day. It's been a great day, though. I had a lot of fun. See you tomorrow."

As they bid their farewells and left Amp's room, Jacob couldn't help but wonder what Amp had almost said. However, he decided to respect Amp's privacy and put the thought aside for now. After all, they had all enjoyed their time together, and he looked forward to the adventures that awaited them tomorrow.

On their way, a system notification popped up right in front of his eyes.





–Today's task (1/3):

-Travel 10km (status: 10km/10km)

-Climb to a height of 60meters (status: 30m/60m)

-Carry a total of 300 kilograms (status: 0/300kg)

<Rewerd for completion: +5 attributes points>

<Punishment for failure: (Hidden!) will be reviewed when the host fails to complete the task>


'Oh shit! I totally forgot about the quest. I saw some heights in Amp's room, I should probably go back and ask him if I could see them, I don't want to find out what punishment this system has for me,' Jacob thought.

"Yeah guys, there is something I have to do now, Carry on without me I will catch up later," Jacob said to Adam and Ray as he ran back towards Amp's room.

Amp was in his room standing close to his desk. He put some type of gadget on the desk and a soft blue light emanates from it, and a HOLOGRAM of a MAN materializes above the device. The hologram takes the form of an older man with graying hair and glasses.

"Good day to you PROFESSOR MAXWELL."

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