
My Daddy Would Burn The World For Me

After succumbing to a heart attack at the tender age of seven, Kim Nari finds herself reincarnated in a parallel world, a realm where the impossible becomes reality. Despite her young age, Nari's intellect was unparalleled, earning her the distinction of being the most brilliant student in her school. She was the daughter of a renowned scientist who had passed away before her untimely demise. A skeptic by nature, Nari never believed in superstitions, reincarnation, or deities; she firmly held that everything could be explained through science. However, her convictions are challenged when she awakens in a new world, seemingly granted a second chance by a god she never believed in. How can she reconcile her scientific mind with the fantastical reality of her new existence?

elmina_g · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

After a few weeks since the Princess received a responsibility from the Oak Creatures, the Empress came to Hellebore Palace, the Princess' residence.

Haerin was surprised to see her birth mother at the palace gate all the way from her huge window. "Your Highness, our dearest Princess, the Empress is here to pay a visit," a servant expressed with utmost respect and grace as she bowed her head to the young princess. Haerin continued looking down at her birth mother walking slowly towards the palace with her ladies-in-waiting behind her.

"Yes, I can see that." The servants who worked under the young princess thought that sometimes the princess spoke in a manner beyond her age. The princess was aware of this since Eunjung reported it to her whenever she heard such remarks. 'I died at 7, but matured at 5,' Haerin thought as Kim Nari.

The door behind the servant opened, and Eunjung entered. "Nanny, let's go meet the Empress." Haerin felt awkward towards her birth mother since she recalled her past life's mother, Yoon Bora, who was distant as well. Haerin wanted to be close to her birth mother, but she thought that since she was the Empress, it might be impossible.

Eunjung held the Princess' right hand, and they walked together at a slow pace since Haerin was still 4 years old, small, and walked slowly with her little steps. Eunjung was a patient woman, especially towards children, which made her fit for this role. Her uncle, the Grandmaster of Finance, had offered her a position under his guidance because he saw potential in his niece regarding business conversations about money, gold, and silver. Eventually, Eunjung declined when she heard about Lady Saja looking for a nanny for her niece, little did she know it was the young princess.

'I don't ever regret declining my uncle's offer. His offer could've helped my understanding of finance, but my love for children is too strong,' Eunjung thought. Eunjung was infertile; she had known this because she had a divorce five years ago from an unfortunate forced marriage. She and her ex-husband tried to conceive during their year of marriage but failed, resulting in their divorce, which she accepted right away.

As they reached the guest area, they saw the Empress standing in front of the princess's portrait, emphasizing Haerin's gorgeousness.

Haerin let go of Eunjung's hand and greeted her mother like a fine princess. "Welcome to my palace, mother." The Empress turned around to see her four-year-old daughter. 'She's growing too fast,' the Empress thought, still looking down at her platinum-haired child.

"We greet the Empress." Even the servants and Eunjung greeted the Empress. "Princess, we prepared pastries at your pavilion, why don't you invite the Empress there?" Eunjung whispered, and the princess nodded.

"Mother, would you like to eat pastries with me at my pavilion? My cooks here make good and sweet pastries," Haerin smiled, and the Empress's heart softened. "Of course, lead the way, Princess."

The pavilion wasn't too far from the palace; it was only a few steps until they reached their destination. It was cool and breezy, surrounded by trees with a wide pond filled with large koi fish and turtles circling the beautiful canopy. A thick bridge connected where they stood to the pavilion. As they crossed the bridge, two musicians played soft melodies on a gayageum, a zither with twelve strings, and a daegeum, a large bamboo flute.

As they sat in their respective seats, two servants poured peach juice into their cups. Two ladies-in-waiting behind the Empress took five steps back, just like Eunjung did for the Princess.

"How have you been, Princess?"

"I'm alright. How about you, mother?" The Princess began to savor the pastries served at their table, momentarily forgetting to look at the Empress as she admired the pastries' vibrant colors and aromas.

"I heard you have new pets. May I see them?" As the birth mother of the princess, the Empress worried that these pets might harm her child. Euiki, the Empress, had heard many whispers that she didn't care about her child since she rarely saw her. That might be true, but one thing was certain: Euiki wished for a good life for her child. Regardless of the cold shoulders she gave, she wanted her child to remain strong and healthy.

"Yes, but I'm afraid you won't be able to see them since they haven't hatched yet. The weather here is quite cold, and that may be why the eggs won't hatch. They need a hotter climate," the Princess explained full of sadness in her eyes as she imagined the eggs would hatched easily as soon as she got it from the oak creatures. But she was disappointed with her expectations as she realized the climate here in Zelneum Continent.

"Why don't you put up a contest at the Dark Academy, child? Challenge anyone who can hatch the eggs without harming them, and I'll give them a reward," the Empress suggested. Haerin's eyes widened in excitement. "Really, mother? You'd do that?" She jumped off her chair, gave the Empress a hug, and giggled like a normal child. The Empress was equally shocked, too surprised to respond to the child's excitement. She patted the princess's hand gently.

"I shall speak to the Emperor regarding this contest, and I assure you your father will agree to it," she said, trying to hide her joy towards her child.

Haerin sat down and took something out of her pocket. It was a lucky charm she had sewn yesterday with Eunjung. She hadn't been sure who to give the charm to, but she was glad she had made it. Inside the lucky charm were dried flowers she picked around the oak tree behind her father's palace. The Lady Fire Faerie had blessed the dried flowers and even sprinkled pixie dust on them. 'It will bring luck, my princess,' she had said.

"For you, mother. It's a lucky charm I sewed yesterday. I hope you like it." The Empress received the lucky charm from the child's small palm. The fabric was colored red, as red as the hair of the Lady Fire Faerie. It had a long ribbon tying the charm that could be attached to clothing or a dress.

"The Lady Fire Faerie offered her prayers to this charm. She said it would bring good fortune and luck to anyone who carries it."

"But why are you giving it to me?"

"Because you're my mother. You deserve it!" she replied cheerfully. The Empress finally gave in and responded with a smile in her eyes. Haerin recognized the happy expression on her mother's face, even if she didn't smile with her lips.

"Then I shall accept it wholeheartedly. I appreciate it, my little princess."

Afterward, they had several conversations for about half an hour before the Empress finally bid her goodbye to the princess. "Must you really leave that early, mother?" Haerin inquired.

"I have to speak to the Emperor, child, regarding the contest I proposed to you."

"Oh, I see. Then good luck, mother!" The Empress and her two ladies-in-waiting left the palace and rode in a carriage made of oak, which the Empress had received as a birthday gift from the Choi Noble Clan, specifically from the Grandmaster of the Defense and Security Unit, Choi Yunsu, and Lady Saja's clan. Few people knew that the Empress was actually very sentimental. She did not easily discard anything, especially when it was a gift. Whether small or big, she held it dearly. Some might think that most of her gifts were not as valuable as the items she received from the Light Empire, but she still used them according to their purpose.

As they left, the Princess did not stop waving goodbye until she could no longer see her mother's carriage.

The Empress arrived within ten minutes at the Emperor's residence, the Black Palace. Anyone who tried to visit the Black Palace would immediately feel an immense aura that persuaded them to back down and leave. But for the Empress, this no longer bothered her, unlike the first day she visited her husband's palace.

The carriage stopped in front of the gate, and she was assisted by her ladies-in-waiting. The Imperial Guards greeted her and welcomed her. Unannounced visitors were typically kicked out immediately, but the Empress, who came without prior notice, was welcomed; of course, because she was the Empress. Like Haerin, her light brought sunshine to the people who adored her. She might shine, but not as brightly as her daughter.

She walked the path towards the palace's door, but before she could reach it, the Emperor walked out with confusion painted on his face. "What do you need, Empress?" Jisang was about eight to ten meters away from Euiki, but his voice was loud and firm, allowing the Empress to hear him clearly. The ladies-in-waiting trembled behind her, affected by the power Jisang held, which he sometimes forgot to restrain. This was why Jisang visited the oak tree behind his palace, to feed his power because it was overflowing like water being poured into a small cup.

"Leave us," the Empress ordered, and they complied. Jisang came closer to her, not breaking the silence between them. The servants, busy cleaning the surroundings, hid but still listened from their spots.

"I came to visit the princess earlier, and she gave me this." The Empress spoke proudly, with a hint of arrogance, as she raised the lucky charm the princess had gifted her. The Emperor was shocked, not by the Empress's behavior of acting like an excited mother trying to keep a low profile, but because he had not received any item from his daughter until now. Although he recalled often receiving food from her, the Empress received food from her as well.

"See this? It's a lucky charm. Haerin said the Lady Fire Faerie blessed it with prayers and pixie dust," she added, and the Emperor's expression darkened.

"Why... she hasn't given me anything."

"She probably dotes on me more than you," the Empress teased. This playful banter was one of the things Lady Saja liked about the two of them. While they might not share the love, affection, and adoration that Saja and her husband had, they treated each other as allies and guides when it came to the empire. Although Jisang didn't fully trust the Empress, he believed that Euiki had genuine intentions towards their daughter, which mattered most to him. He had considered several times that if the day came when the Empress betrayed him and the Empire, or worse, their daughter, he would not hesitate to decapitate her after torturing her to the extent that satisfied him. He feared that simply killing her would be too merciful.

"Did you come all the way here just to brag about it? I'm sure Haerin has another one for me and only for me."

"Yes, sure, of course she has one for you. But she gave it to me first." The Empress stuck her tongue out teasingly at the Emperor. The servants hiding nearby tried their best not to laugh. They were already aware of this playful dynamic between the Empress and the Emperor. However, the Emperor had strictly instructed that any information leaking from his premises would result in the offending mouth being fed to the Demonic Deity.

So far, no information had ever leaked, especially regarding their obsession with their child.

"Anyway, Emperor. I have spoken to the Princess regarding her unhatched eggs. I proposed a contest at the Dark Academy: anyone who participates and manages to hatch the egg will receive a bounty from me." She expressed this while hiding the lucky charm in her pocket, but the Emperor's eyes remained glued to it until it was out of sight.

"Alright, the contest will happen two days from now. I will inform the Grandmasters." He agreed, and the Empress thanked him for his time as she prepared to leave. Before leaving the palace, she showed the lucky charm once more and stuck her tongue out again.

"The Empress was the first one to have this."

The Emperor watched her go, his expression a mixture of irritation and amusement. As the Empress made her way back to her carriage, her ladies-in-waiting hurried to assist her. The ride back to Hellebore Palace was quiet, giving Euiki time to reflect on her visit with Haerin.

Back at Hellebore Palace, Haerin was still buzzing with excitement. Eunjung noticed the sparkle in her eyes and the lightness in her step. "You seem happy, Princess. Did you enjoy your time with the Empress?"

"Yes, Nanny. Mother said she will speak to Father about the contest. I can't wait to see the eggs hatch," Haerin replied, her eyes shining with hope.

Eunjung smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that, Princess. Now, shall we continue with our embroidery lessons?"

Haerin nodded eagerly. "Yes!"

As they sat together, Eunjung guided Haerin's small hands, helping her with the delicate stitches. The Princess's mind wandered to the contest and the possibility of seeing her beloved pets hatch from their eggs. She imagined the joy and pride she would feel, knowing that she had played a part in bringing them to life.

Meanwhile, in the Black Palace, the Emperor was deep in thought. He considered the Empress's proposal and the potential benefits of the contest. It would not only solve the problem of the unhatched eggs but also engage the students of the Dark Academy in a meaningful and challenging task. He called for his scribe and began drafting a proclamation to announce the contest.

Two days later, the announcement was made, and excitement spread throughout the Dark Academy. Students from all walks of life eagerly prepared for the challenge, each hoping to be the one to hatch the eggs and claim the Empress's bounty.

Haerin spent those days in eager anticipation, often discussing the contest with Eunjung and her other caretakers. "Do you think someone will be able to hatch them, Nanny?" she asked one evening as they walked in the palace gardens.

"I believe so, Princess. The Dark Academy is full of talented individuals. I'm sure someone will find a way," Eunjung reassured her.

The day of the contest arrived, and the atmosphere at the Dark Academy was electric. Participants gathered in the main hall, each presenting their methods for hatching the eggs. The Empress and the Emperor, along with other dignitaries, were in attendance to witness the event.

Haerin watched from a special viewing area, her heart pounding with excitement. She saw various methods being employed, from magical incantations to scientific experiments. The hall buzzed with activity and anticipation.

Hours passed, and it seemed that no one would succeed.