
My Daday-long-legs

Born in an orphanage at the age of ten, she thanked him for meeting Uncle Long Legs. He not only generously sponsored her to study, but also took care of elementary school, middle school and high school. Rooting and sprouting occupies the most important position. When she suffered an unexpected bullying incident and decided to grow up and never get married, she was physically and mentally traumatized and wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the sea. It was he who stood guarding her outside the intensive care unit for three days without eating or drinking. He fixed his eyes on her and said with a smile: "Xiaoxue, you are not as good as Prince Charming. I will help you find Prince Charming." At that time, she was weeping bitterly in the breast of her adoptive father. To her, only he was her Prince Charming. When she graduated from high school and entered his family company to work as his secretary, they changed from a simple relationship between adoptive father and adopted daughter, and participated in the year-end masquerade held by the company wearing a mask. She danced with him like a royal princess. Waltz, he confessed his love for her, the dance ended at midnight, she was like a runaway Cinderella, leaving behind a satin white high-heeled shoe, and when she left, her heart was lost on him like a glass slipper , but she was unable to confess, and he, who was handsome and handsome for half a month, wanted to be her cousin-in-law?

ppop9000 · Urban
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125 Chs

Chapter 92

Five years, if Xiaoxue is still alive, staying by his side, she should be a twenty-year-old adult woman°

Tang Shaofei presided over an e-commerce meeting, took over the personal secretary Ms. Chen, made latte coffee and bought supermarket sandwiches for him, and showed a handsome smile °

"Thank you very much." With his deep eyes, he casually stared at the high-rise buildings outside the window, occasionally hearing the cries of flying sparrows or pigeons.

Now he has become a 30-year-old single man, and three years ago, he set up another advertising company to shoot a series of online advertising videos for the products of merchants and customers, and then invite celebrities or supermodels to endorse them. He accepts advertising The profit of the click, the current company's revenue is 50 million US dollars °

Huge wealth can't heal the loss of his favorite Xiaoxue°

Xiaoxue is his most important girl, but he still couldn't keep her.

The cold snap is coming, and after this wave of cold snap is over, it will be rainy in February. He plans to go to the girl counter of Times Department Store to buy dinner clothes for his younger sister Die Wan. Die Wan has been dating her college boyfriend for a year, and decide engagement°

As an older brother, Tang Shaofei sincerely wishes for his younger sister to have a happy relationship, and I would like to extend my elder brother's blessings°

Of course, Grandpa Tang still advised him to marry Lin Xiaoyun until now, but he avoided this topic because he believed that Xiaoxue was not dead and would definitely return to him.

Tang Shaofei reminded himself to concentrate on hosting the meeting and stop thinking about it.

He drank a few sips of latte coffee, smiled again, and greeted the new cooperative business customer °


Ren Jingxue and Tang Shaofei have been separated for five years, and lovesickness has never been idle. In the past few years, she has provided travel expenses for Yan Xuwen and traveled around the world. In the end, she decided to return to Taiwan and become Yuan Shaofei's secretary. The dream set by studying in elementary school °

"Xiaoxue, think about the future between you and Tang Shaofei, I know you still love him°" The night before returning to Taiwan, Yan Xuwen held a farewell tea party for Xiaoxue, exhorting her earnestly.

I saw Ren Jingxue thinking thoughtfully, Shaofei was already thirty years old, and to her she was her dark horse prince. At sixteen, she entered the private aristocratic high school established by the Yan family in the United States, and graduated at the age of eighteen. Later, when he was nearly 20 years old, he went to work as an intern secretary and accumulated working experience as a secretary.

She used email to contact Maji's good friend Du Xueqian. She was going to return to Taiwan to attend sister Die Wan's engagement banquet, and to work as Tang Shaofei's secretary in the advertising company established by Tang Shaofei.

"Xueqian told me that Shaofei did not marry cousin Xiaoyun because he lost me. He is still single and unmarried °" Ren Jingxue was drinking chamomile tea, with light makeup on her face, showing a sweet smile Smile°

This time, the encounter of fate, the love affair between Ren Jingxue and Tang Shaofei, will start again between her and them.

Yan Xuwen and Xiaoxue have become good friends who know each other and cherish each other°

"No matter where you are, I hope you will find happiness. If you and Tang Shaofei choose to get married, I will attend your wedding with him!" Yan Xuwen also drank a few sips of chamomile tea, talking eloquently °

"Yes. Xuwen, thank you for allowing me to travel around the world, increase my knowledge, and rethink my love with Shaofei, how will it end°" Ren Jingxue spoke softly, with a trace of sadness in her eyes: "Xuwen Goodbye brother"

Ren Jingxue put away her big backpack, wore sunglasses, went outside to take a bus to the subway station, then bought a ticket from the machine and boarded the train, heading to the airport in the UK°

Shaofei, I am going back to Taiwan, I still love you very much!


"Yan Xuwen, thank you for your notice. Xiaoxue has suffered too much. I won't blame her for leaving." After receiving an international call from Xuwen, Tang Shaofei looked excited and happy.

Xiaoxue, this time, I want to make you the happiest bride°

This time, no one can separate their loving lover °