
my dad is the richest man in the city

Lin Yu travels through a parallel world, and his father Lin Huayun, as the richest man in Asia, owns Qianda Group and TT Group, which is simply a combination of BAT! I thought I could eat and drink and wait to die, but I didn't expect to be possessed by the system and start the hard life of becoming the world's richest man! Set a small goal for yourself, such as: Become the richest man in the world? Acquire game companies and develop DNF, Glory, League of Legends, King of Pesticide, and World of Warcraft; Acquisition of live broadcast platform for live streaming and live streaming of games; Acquiring entertainment companies, making TV series and movies... Hey, don't come to me in the middle of the night to review the script! asshole! Acquire online literature websites and develop film and television dramas, animations, games, and comics Acquire technology companies and develop various black technologies... purchase! purchase! purchase! Suddenly looking back, Lin Yu found that he had become a football captain... It was no big deal that he was the richest man in the world!

Skadiye · Urban
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55 Chs

Chapter 4: The First Step Of The World’S Richest Man [4 More Updates Please Collect]

It didn't take long for Li Yun to come back with the registered information.

The name of the company has been decided - Umbrella Company.

Father Lin has no objection to this company name, as long as Lin Yu likes it.

In his opinion, Lin Yu's actions are all just a matter of accumulating experience. Lin Yu will definitely take over Qianda Group and TT Group in the future.

Lin Yu is the only son in the family.

But Mother Lin felt that such a name was not good at all.

Protective umbrella?

It sounds weird no matter how you listen to it?

Who are you trying to protect? Or do you want to be someone's protective umbrella?

Most of the things like 'protective umbrella' cannot be described well.

But Lin Yu has his own understanding and ambition. He wants to build Umbrella into the kind of super company in "Resident Evil"!

"It's just a name, as long as my son likes it." Father Lin said nonchalantly: "I have already transferred your pocket money to you. You and Li Yun can discuss the company matters. In principle, as long as it is not a particularly stupid request, Li Yun Yun will not interfere."

After all, Li Yun is Lin Yu's personal assistant and bodyguard, and has a doctorate in business administration. It is no problem to manage a 'small' company.

"I see!"

Lin Yu was speechless. In the eyes of this cheap dad, did he look like someone who would do stupid things?

"Then let's go first!"

After saying goodbye to Lin's mother and Lin's father, Lin Yu and Li Yun left to find the company's office location.

In fact, he just didn't want to stay at home.

In the car!

Lin Yu sat in the back, holding an iPad in his hand to look up information.

There's something strange about this world.

In terms of technology, it is no worse than the Earth in 2018, or even ahead of it.

But in terms of culture and entertainment, there is a lot left behind, especially in terms of songs, games, novels, and comics.

The songs are equivalent to what the earth was like in 2000, or even worse, because piracy was rampant before, and technology was developing rapidly. Countless singers and lyricists changed careers and would starve to death if they continued.

The game has been around for a long time, but it's not classic enough; it's either a problem with the picture quality, or it's not very playable!

Novels are still in the era of martial arts and science fiction novels, but online novels have exploded. However, due to the problem of piracy in the past, they did not develop quickly. They have only slowly recovered in the past two years.

Needless to say, comics and animations, without the support of the upstream industry novels, these two industries are now very few.

After Lin Yu learned about the situation in the world, he decided to directly acquire a game company to make money.

This is the only one that makes money the fastest, and it has ready-made games.

In the future, we will build an entertainment company, a video website, a novel website, a publishing house, and a comic website;

Entertainment companies can release albums and movies for celebrities, and electronic versions of music can be posted on music websites; novel websites, as an upstream industry, provide high-quality novels that can be used to adapt various TV series, animations, comics, and even movies, and play them on video websites , the novel itself is then published by the publisher.

For TV adaptations and the like, you can also use your own company's artists.

This forms a perfect ecology!

In addition to these, Lin Yu discovered that there is no WeChat in this world, and TT has always been the dominant one.

And there's no 'Didi' either!

In the previous life, the valuation of WeChat was more than 100 billion US dollars!

Didi's valuation is more than 27 billion US dollars!

Just by combining these two, it seems that... becoming the richest man in the world is not that difficult.

However, after WeChat is launched, it still needs to be promoted. This may face an embarrassing situation... that is, it will be strangled or acquired by TT Group.

And TT Group is Lin Yu's father's company. No one knows how many shares Lin Yu's father holds in TT Group, because TT Group has not yet been listed, and Qianda Group has been delisted after being listed.

These need to be considered in the long term. With Lin Yu's current ability, he will definitely not be able to control this huge plan and the company. The best way is to find someone you trust to take care of it.

Or hire a think tank!

For example, Father Lin has a think tank. After the think tank discusses many things, they analyze and come up with countermeasures, how to implement them, and how many risks there are, so Father Lin's job is relatively easy.

"At this stage, we can't build such a big business. Let's fix the game company first..."

When an umbrella company is founded, it is easy to get involved if the company is spread too widely. There is no problem in leaving it to Li Yun in the early stage.

After a while, we arrived at Qianda Plaza.

Lin Yu got off the car and followed Li Yun into an office building.

A middle-aged man in a suit and glasses, about forty years old, was already waiting at the door.

When he saw Lin Yu and Li Yun approaching, he hurriedly greeted them: "Master Lin, Miss Li, I am Ren Taihua, the manager here. Lin Dong has already told me, please come with me!"

"Hello, Manager Ren!"

Lin Yu and Li Yun nodded and followed Manager Ren to the elevator to the 23rd floor.

The entire 1,000-square-meter area on the east side of the 23rd floor is reserved for Lin Yu. It will definitely be enough for the company in the early stage.

In the future, Lin Yu will definitely build a building belonging to an umbrella company. No matter how uneconomical it is to buy an office building, this place can only be used temporarily.

"Then let's do it. Sister Yun, please sign the contract with Manager Ren. How much will it cost? Dad said he won't help us!"

Lin Yu is very satisfied with this place.


As Lin Yu's personal assistant and bodyguard, she will obey Lin Yu's requests.

In principle, including a warm bed, but only if Lin Yu can defeat her.

But now that Lin Yu is starting a company, some investment projects require her consent, otherwise she will not execute them. This is the power given to her by Lin Yu.

After signing the contract, the next step is to prepare what the company needs and recruit talents.

"Sister Yun, the rest will be left to you. Now you are the manager of the umbrella company. I will give you 1% of the shares of the umbrella company and an annual salary of one million. You first complete the company's components. I will give you a list later. , look at acquiring a game company!"

Creating a company was troublesome and took a long time, so Lin Yu directly printed out the company he had searched for before and gave it to Li Yun for her to acquire.

"no problem!"

She saw that what Lin Yu handed her was information about game companies. There were several well-known game companies or studios.

All she has to do is acquire one of them.