
Chapter 48

Chapter 48


Sometimes Amidala and I seemed like a wild dream, but it’s a dream that came true. It’s almost unimaginable that I should find her, the one other person in this world who fits me so perfectly and completely, and she makes me so happy. At times when we’re together, I’ll look over to find her give me an impish smile. She’ll be doing something goofy-looking like scrunching up her nose or doing the funky chicken dance. And, when we’re around kids, she will do something playful like crossing her eyes with silly grins to make kids laugh. Those small gestures cause this surge in my heart. I still can’t believe I’m the person who gets to share these moments with her, these small, seemingly insignificant moments. I never thought this would be what my wildest dream would be like, but I’m so glad they’ve come true.