
Worried and Angst all Concealed

"Argh…" Yami sat up in a plaid, old blanket that was very large and heavy. She looked around to see a white room with white chairs, windows, and tables. It all pierced Yami's eyes as she strained from the sun which she had not seen in forever. "Where the heck am I?"

"You're in the Between Hospital," Said a sharp voice that came from a corner of this strange room. A shadow spread across the pristine floor, tall and lean. "Call me Tomoe. Tomoe Sasaki." A woman with deep red hair stepped out. She was averagely tall and had pale white skin that was not natural. Her eyes were as green as the grass, and she wore a revealing dress that was deep purple. Her heels were arched upward, and she had bracelets that hung off of every skin-revealing surface on the woman's arm. She wore deep red lipstick as dark as blood.

"Hi, Tomoe? Uh, what is the Between Hospital, exactly?" Yami asked, trying to get more comfortable. She shuffled her fingers a bit and waited for an answer. It was unbelievably quiet for at least five minutes until the woman answered.

"A hospital in between both Light and Dark Academias. Used when both hospitals from either school are unavailable. You understand?" Tomoe asked, sounding tired. She leaned against another hospital bee not far from Yami's. She didn't look at Yami straight in the eye yet it felt like it. "Are you feeling well?" She added, still not looking.

"I mean, I guess," Yami admitted, but then remembered the last experiences. Has she injured Rosa?! What had happened?! What would they do to her now?! "WHAT HAPPENED AFTER I BLACKED OUT?!" Yami bursted with anxiety. For once, Tomoe actually looked at the girl with a raised eyebrow, actually willing to answer.

"Long story short: Rosa is in the Dark hospital room," Tomoe stated as if it was a normal cause that a beginning-year 12 year old had injured the great Demigoddess Rosa!

"I feel terrible…" Yami whispered more to herself than intended. Tomoe sighed and looked away again, tapping her fingers on the bed she was leaning on. Her green eyes illuminated in the light.

"Don't feel that. It was Rosa's fault," Tomoe surprisingly said. "She didn't look close enough. Didn't know enough. Didn't notice your power. It's not your fault. You were…possessed," Yami's eyes widened in fear. Her power…was possessing her. Darkness was getting her. It was going to get worse. Wasn't it?

"Well, if you say so," Yami sighed and scooted into her bed more, un-eager to get out. She missed the natural light so much she didn't want to leave it. "Hey, uh, what's your ability, Tomoe?" The woman looked surprised, but then settled down and stepped towards Yami. She curled her fingers and created a black wind. It flew around Yami's hair and bristled her cheeks. She widened her eyes as she realized this Sasaki Tomoe was a "Terrible Magic" user as well. "Like me,"

Tomoe nodded and flicked her fingers to stop the black wind. "Yes, and you really should leave. Your friends, they're worrying about you," She stated, and flicked her finger again, causing an inter dimensional portal to open up. Just like the one Yami went through to get to her "Light Academia." "Get through, kid. You don't have forever,"

"And about friends? Which ones exactly are waiting for me?" Yami asked, hopeful. She was slightly hoping that Sachiko wasn't mad anymore, but after what just happened nothing felt like enough. Yami had obviously lied to her own best friend, and that was a huge distrust. In fact, Yami would understand if Sachiko didn't want to be friends anymore…

"Oh, I think I know," Tomoe tapped her chin and then nodded slowly. "A boy, like you in magical abilities, named Kirai. Another one like you; Katsu Hiko. And a girl named Sachiko? But I don't know if she's enthusiastically waiting or not. Well, get in while you still can!" She snapped, and Yami nodded, her heart only sinking a bit. She dashed into the portal and waved farewell to Tomoe Sasaki. They might meet again one day…

The pressure was extremely dominant in this portal. Yami's ears rung as she covered them, actually in pain. Her legs felt like they were ripping off pf her body, knees trembling. This was not satisfying, unlike the one Yami went through the few months ago. This was worse than the Torture Prison Trauma. Her eyes felt like they would pop out any second. She couldn't breathe. Her arms fe't like rubber. And finally, it was over…and Yami was standing in her dorm room.

The first thing she saw was Akuji's blonde hair. And Kirai's red eyes. Plus Katsu's burgundy hair. They all had worried expressions on their faces as she started to move.

"Yami! We were…worried about you!" Akuji cried out, and burst into tears as she hugged Yami. Yami felt surprised, but hugged back as the sweet scent of coconut filled the room. "Thank goodness you are okay!" Akuji finally let go and allowed Kirai to speak.

"Never scare me like that again, okay?" Kirai said, staring at the ground. In a few seconds, Katsu was giggling as Akuji also did as well. They both giggled for some strange reason. "What?" Kirai questioned.

"You—you said 'me' not 'us'!" Katsu laughed, and fell to the floor in a heap of giggled. Akuji remained more tame as she covered her mouth and side-eyed Kirai. "Haha—"

"Sorry! I meant, uh, us. Yeah, don't scare us like that again!" Kirai mumbled, and blushed. Katsu relaxed and laughed some more as his friend actually blushed. "Ugh, Katsu, shut up," Kirai added, and Katsu immediately stopped laughing.

Yami blushed but quickly brushed off the feeling. Her life here wasn't a romance movie. She didn't even like Kirai like that anyways. She had only known him a few months. Yami didn't care for romance. It wasn't important. Nothing like that was even important, especially now, when her goal was to create equality for both the Light and the Dark.

"Well, thanks guys. And why aren't you all scared of me after what I did to Rosa?" Yami asked, nervous. She didn't really know what they would say.

Katsu burst out in a heap of laughs once more. "You barely hurt her! Rosa can heal herself, duh! She's a Demigoddess! Can't underestimate her!" Yami sighed in relief but felt a tinge of hurt. She thought she was, you know, powerful…but maybe this was a good thing?

"Anyways. Professor Ersula told me you have to stay in your dorm for two days straight, with a few meals every now and then. You'll miss some training, but you'll probably catch up in no time," Kirai stated, and Yami looked down, disappointed. She actually was kind of starting to enjoy a few of her classes, like History of Evil and stuff. She was getting used to this life. And she was…accepting that.

"Dinner is almost starting!" Akuji cried out, and looking at Yami's sad face, she added on. "Well, you are allowed to eat! What did you think would happen?" Yami sighed and together the three opened the door to walk out.

They were a group. A gang. Akuji. Kirai. Katsu. And Yami herself. But what about Sachiko? Where was she? Avoiding this question, Yami and her friends walked through the halls. For some reason, all of the students around stared at them. It was weird…an extremely smart boy, a loud mouth, a strange Dark student, and an extremely literal girl. A weird mix. But they were unique. With all their powers, they could defeat the world. And was that a good thing? Nope!

Yami dug into her pocket, feeling something there. She pulled it out to find a little piece of paper. She continued walking with her friends but still inspected the strange slip. It was written with delicate cursive handwriting, spelling:

Tomoe Sasaki; Secret Mentor and Professional of the Dark Arts. Meet me at the top floor in the attic of this academy at 12:00, midnight every Wednesday. I will train you how to control your ability, so you won't create any destruction. Come now or you'll kill us all. ~Tomoe Sasaki

Yami quickly put the paper away and assessed this in her mind. Tomoe must have put this in her pocket before she had jumped in the portal. Clever, for sure. She continued walking normally as if nothing had happened.

"Ooo, they have dango today for a food choice!" Katsu rubbed his hands together greedily. "I am ready for this!" A few girls around rolled their eyes and stuck their tongues out. Being the insensitive boy he was, Katsu just continued going on with his day and picking up four dangos. One for each of them. "Here you go, here you go!" Katsu grinned and ate the dango in one bite. Akuji rolled her eyes like the other girls but continued to eat her own, delicately.

Yami looked at hers, but ending up throwing it in the trash. She didn't feel like eating anything after what had happened. First, she had found out she had psycho powers. Then, she found out that she had hurt Rosa. Now, Sachiko might not even be her friend anymore…her life was messed up.

"Why did you throw your food away?" Kirai asked Yami, and she stopped and froze. His eyes pierced into her soul. "It costs money to make them," He added, and Yami's face heated up, embarrassed.

"Uh, I don't feel like it!" She huffed and turned away, frowning. Kirai shrugged and went over to Katsu.

There were a lot more explanations on why she had thrown that away.

That dango was her life.

She would be thrown away soon enough, by everyone she cared for and loved for. That trash can was the empty pit she would soon fall into. Her life was too hard. It was enough already when she had transferred into this Academia. Now she had evil powers that she couldn't even use. Life couldn't get much worse.

At least that's what Yami believes.