
My Curia can not be so divine

"No one will dedicate themselves to gods for the sake of illusory beliefs. The Holy See is creating a thousand-year career. Whether it is conquering aliens or safeguarding faith, it is the heaven on earth that is shaped for survival..." And Fang Wensi suddenly thought of a game he once played, "To Win the Smile of the Gods." Pope Menoglio's voice stopped suddenly, and the clear candlelight reflected on his face, flickering brightly and dimly. Politics always uses various abstract doctrines to decorate itself, but who would have known that the original intention of the Holy See was just to seek hope for continuity with the help of gods.

Nicodeus · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Fantasy Dreamland (2)

"Hey, um, Uncle Ramsay, how do I get to the Senate Hall?"

"It's Sharp. Praise the light, you are getting more and more beautiful." Joshua told me that Uncle Ramsey was a blacksmith in Maple Town. Everyone respected him. In his early years, he went to the Kingdom of Cáceres alone. Studying in Bugima, a country of craftsmen, he was selected as an apprentice by the armor-casting master Bansuo with his perseverance. After completing his studies, he not only brought exquisite chain armor craftsmanship, but also inherited the unique simplicity and solidity of craftsmen.

"Really, thank you Uncle Ramsay", I enjoy this feeling very much, as if the withered flowers and plants have been favored by nature again.

"Is Little Sharp going to attend the kingdom meeting? Turn left in front of the city hall and go straight. There is a town guard guarding the door."

"No, no, I'm just going to take care of the housework. May the Holy Light bless you, Uncle Ramsay."

"Goodbye"...I could already hear the jingling of the bells not far away, used to signal the curfew. I didn't care to say goodbye, so I trotted all the way to the door of the Senate Hall.

"Sharp, why are you here? I just lied to Archon Achilles that you went to the bathroom."

"Hannah, I..."

"However, fortunately, the Archon did not pursue the matter. Please tidy up and let's go in." The girl in front of me was like a big sister, always with lessons and concern in her words.

The Senate Hall is very large. The gorgeous Suara floor tiles are covered with red tapir blankets with blue stripes used to welcome distinguished guests. On both sides of the welcome path are two long cedar tables filled with fruits and fruit wine. The tapir blankets At the end of the extension are three glass-carved stone chairs, with a semi-curved stone table in front of them. The sunlight shines through the mosaic glass wall behind the stone chairs and reflects into the hall, making it look particularly gorgeous. The warm-toned light source makes the atmosphere of the meeting very special. active,

While observing the scene in the Senate Hall, I recalled the housekeeping regulations that Sister Hannah repeatedly reminded me. The long table on the left is for the second class (nobles) participating in the Kingdom meeting. When pouring fruit wine, you must salute and greet, and put the fruit wine into the cup. Not more than half. The long table on the right is for the third class (bourgeois) who participate in the kingdom meeting. They need to pour ale and fir nuts for them and are not allowed to greet or talk to them. The three seats at the end of the welcome mat are...

"This is Bishop Fesgerald from the Diocesan Council of Carolai City. All the parishioners of Maple Town would like to offer their bright blessings."

"Blessed by the Holy Spirit, Archon Achilles is polite. The Donald family's devotion to the light is just like their loyalty to the royal family." I saw the instructions from Hannah's eyes. As usual, from the glazed stone chair on the left Archon Achilles walked around and poured wine one by one from the bishop's chair with his head lowered. "However, I recently heard that Marquis Clemenceau occasionally caught the cold and misses you very much."

"What the bishop taught me is that when I pray every day, I pray for light to protect my father, but I never expected that things are unpredictable."

"Uh..." Fisgerald's tone paused, "Your Excellency, as usual, should the kingdom meeting begin?" I could tell that this was a step back. Obviously, this After a round of verbal exchanges, the bishop fell into a weak position.

"Davis is engaged, please take your seat, Lord Bishop",

I quickly stepped back from the right side to make way for Davis, who was holding the leadership scepter.

"We Sodeman hold the sword, guard the faith, hold the scepter, and oversee the world. In the name of the supreme Saint Augustine, we strictly follow the teachings of the ancestor spirit of Alexian, and in Fisgerald Witnessed by the bishop, the meeting of the Kingdom of Palatinate-Karole-Fenglintilia opens."

This room was filled with feudalism and class politics. The treasurer reported the extraordinary achievements of Maple Town to the powerful, the warlord showed off the latest armaments of Maple Town, and the bourgeoisie told various anecdotes. The atmosphere was harmonious and superficial. The prosperity is becoming more and more active, but the bishop seems unmoved.

"The Golden Riverside is the pearl of the Holy River of Hildelia, and the prosperity of Maple Town is also undeniable, but I would rather have someone speak for our war, don't you know?"...

Fisgerald's sinister gaze swept across the hall, and his tone revealed provocation. Everyone in the Senate Hall subconsciously looked at Archon Achilles after hearing this. The tense atmosphere filled the hall for a moment, and the sound of burning charcoal came from the fireplace. The crackling sound was suppressed in everyone's hearts like clashing swords.

"Lord Archon, the Holy See hopes that the parishioners of the Palatinate will have a reasonable understanding of war, then",

Fisgerald stood up and drank the fruit wine in his glass. "Treasurer who just reported the tithe, what do you think?"

I rarely come into contact with Financial Officer Zaid, because no financial officer has dared to collect taxes from the Holy See. However, since he can become a financial officer, he must be a close relative or a trustworthy person.

"Your Excellency the Bishop, Zeid Jan Sko, the treasurer of Maple Town presents a message." I listened to the treasurer speak in the court language of the Kingdom of the Palatinate. The complicated rhetoric and exquisite word formation made me Recalling the Zhuo Fan epic told by my mother,

"We believe that Speaker Udis is eager to consolidate the position of the Holy See of Light in Hildria, and therefore is trying to marginalize the Northern Kingdom of Caceres. To achieve this goal, Cardinal Speaker established the Palatinate, Northernland, The Alliance of Halsingland, which was joined by the Three Kingdoms of Francia, and the current king of Cáceres, the Elector Emhyr I of the Golden Kingdom of Noboris, in order to break the diplomatic isolation caused by the Treaty of Halsingland, The Kingdom of the Palatinate, one of the allies, launched a surprise attack in an attempt to save face at the foreseeable negotiation table."

I could tell that the Treasurer's words contained a political sarcasm for the Holy See.

"It is undeniable that Emhyr himself has outstanding military talents and unique insights. When the knights of the Knights of Light were mounting troops at the Hohenzollern Fortress at the westernmost end of the spine of Astra, Cáceres' The mercenaries were already burning, killing and looting in the Sarun province on the northern border of the kingdom. Thanks to the blessing of the Holy Spirit, honor and victory favored the Falz as always, and Caceres became the one who knelt under the punishment pillar of the god Ulthuan. shame",

As the last word of Zeid disappeared, a slow and suppressed applause came from the bishop's chair, "Wonderful, the Jan-Sko family is worthy of being the eagle of the kingdom. Even if it is lonely, it still upholds the wisdom and wisdom of the ancient family. "Insight", Fisgerald's words were full of words, but he made just the right points, with both targeted attacks and reasonable concessions.

"I would like to hear more perspectives." Fisgerald scanned the hall again, like a hunting falcon, searching for his prey. I leaned against the wall behind the long table on the third level and learned. Hannah also lowered her head, trying to play the role of a good maid, but suddenly felt panicked. My intuition told me that a crisis was coming. I subconsciously raised my head, but found that this was an illusion. When I was confused,

"So, this maid, please tell me what you think."

"Me?" Fisgerald's playful voice brought me back to reality. All eyes in the hall were focused on me. The tension was suppressed. I slowly moved in front of the bishop. Every step was so... of hardship,

"Yes, don't be afraid, kid." Fisgerald's malicious tone made me feel a little at a loss.

"I...I", the buzzing in my ears got closer and closer, as if time had slowed down, I looked around helplessly, saw Hannah's worry, heard the noble's taunts, smelled By the smell of ale and the guilty look of the lord, everyone knew that I was about to become the victim of Fisgerald's establishment of his authority, "I don't... know",


With a majestic scolding, the wine glass in the bishop's hand hit me hard. The severe pain made me dizzy and I fell to my knees, "What are you calling...wait..." Citizen? Didn't your lord teach you how to answer questions?" I felt the bishop's voice seemed to be roaring, and the pain slowly became numb. I gradually heard his voice clearly,

I was scared, and even more scared to answer his questions,

"Master Bishop, she is just a new nun in Maple Town. I don't think a girl would have such a persistent interest in war." It was him, the nightmare-like demon who was excusing me,

Fisgerald was silent for a moment, then changed his tone, "Although I don't really appreciate your daring to interrupt a bishop's speech, I am still willing to hear what a clerk would think."

"Secretary of Maple Town, Lafayette would like to express his sincere words." A tall figure blocked the dazzling fire in front of me. The person who once sent me to a desperate situation now offends authority for me. If his answer I don't know what it feels like to not satisfy the Bishop. The hatred in my impression and the sudden worry are so intertwined that it's hard to describe.

"The arrival of the Age of Light marked the end of the bloody rule of the Alexian Empire. The holy pastors held Luojia and the Holy Scriptures to guide the people enslaved by the empire to create the human civilization of Hildelia. However, the attempt The old aristocratic forces that restored the Alexian Empire still exist, and our great King Faen Lesga, the staunch guardian of the Holy See of Light, and the devout believer chosen by God, helps the Holy See fight against the rebels and maintain order. New blood.

The Kingdom of Cáceres is the last lost paradise of the old slave nobles. The wise Cardinal Udis looked through the surface of time and space, and properly combined the power of the new bloodline to deal with the counterattack of the old nobles. As things turned out, the old nobles of the Kingdom of Cáceres took the lead in launching a war. , but the victory was written by wild goose quills and holy reliefs. The victory of the Harsingland Alliance is a glorious chapter of the new blood's victory over the old nobility. It is a major process of the Holy See of Light liberating human nature from materiality, and we are all for a member of the struggle."

It was like a performance by himself. Lafayette spoke like a wind. I never thought he had such grace until the continuous applause and praise covered my thoughts.

"Okay!...Okay!...Well said! Li Luo is really envious that Achilles Consul has such a secretary Xianzuo." Obviously, Lafayette's words made Fez Gerald was very satisfied, "The God of Light is just and merciful, but some people's sins cannot be forgiven. Just punish them by copying the Holy See's classics." The meeting was coming to an end. The lord and his wife took advantage of the opportunity to express their gratitude to the bishop. As your Excellency set off, Fisgerald passed between me and Clerk Lafayette like a proud peacock, leaving a cursory sentence, "Taught by Clerk Lafayette himself."

After the Kingdom Council, I stepped into the city hall again. I sat in front of him like a child who had made a mistake, copying the "Proverbs for Hunting Demons". This scene reminded me of my mother's teaching me to write. The quiet time of Verne's inscription,

"I've finished writing, Mr. Clerk." After Lafayette took the parchment manuscript I copied, he kept frowning. Then he slapped the parchment in front of me and yelled,

"Who taught you to write like this!"

"The order of writing should be from right to left, and the predicate should be placed after the subject..." Suddenly, a slow and unhurried knock on the door interrupted his words,


"Your Majesty the Secretary, Bishop Fisgerald invites you."

Until he hurriedly pushed the door open, I never thought that he would save me from the edge of despair and push me into another more cruel abyss.

Ding! Boom! Flow out of sync...

Switch cache heart chain...

Self-generated exorcism mission: Fantasy Dreamland...