
My Cultivation Augment System

Luckas was a young man with a promising future in the cybersecurity business, but, his life ended tragically while working. Due to unknown circumstances, he woke to a cultivation world, and there with help of his newly acquired system, he decided to live a full life and cherish all his new opportunities.

WrightWater · Fantasy
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76 Chs

Gargantuan Beast

Everyone was taken aback by the rapid change in the environment, especially Luckas, who was having trouble controlling the Qi sphere as the already turbulent Qi became even more aggressive.

Luckas clenched his teeth and concentrated; he knew he could re-stabilize the sphere because he had chosen the system's control branch.

Maven was thoughtful as he observed Lucka's struggle to regain control of the sphere. -" Hey Magnus!" Since entirely surpassing Magnus, it was the first time Maven addressed him by his given name." Something is wrong, there is a strange type of energy in the air."

- "Strange type of energy?" Magnus was perplexed; he surveyed the Qi surrounding him and, aside from its chaotic state, couldn't detect anything wrong with it; yet, he opted to trust Maven. "From where is this energy coming?"

-" Southeast, not that far from here." Maven looked tense as he gazed in the direction.

Magnus rested Elias's body on the floor and flew away, followed by Philips, who noticed that the direction Maven pointed was the same one that Jeffrey and the others directed.

" Something is going on with the treasure, and this bizarre energy is most certainly connected to it." Philips reached Magnus and informed him of his suspicions.

Magnus' eyes darkened as he immediately made the mental connections. -Did the Heigong send someone there as well? I didn't anticipate them to place such a high value on this treasure."

-"It's possible that the whole situation was just a cover-up while they got the treasure." Philips was the one who was frustrated the most since he expected to outwit the Heigong and the Eternal Sun Sect.

They were tense as they approached the center of the Qi turbulence; at first, they couldn't feel a strange energy that Maven had mentioned; however, as they got closer to the treasure's location, a foul aura began to revolve about them.

They immediately stopped their advances and formed a barrier to defend themselves while analyzing the purple aura. Philip's eyes gleamed since he was already familiar with it; after all, he had collected strands of it from corrupted wolves.

Philips immediately resumed his movement; he was concerned about Jeffrey and his group because they were too close to this energy. -"Be cautious with the energy; it has the capacity to corrupt beings from lower realms." Before leaving, Philips hastily added.

Magnus shifted his gaze to the direction in which Philips was heading and began to scan the energy around him. He could tell the energy was coming from beneath the river.

He headed in the direction of the river after a few moments of deliberation. If he was present, the chances of him obtaining the prize were extremely high, especially since Maven would be occupied. He felt a little embarrassed, but that didn't stop him. It seemed to him that obtaining the treasure and then negotiating with Maven was preferable to waiting on the sidelines.

Maven was aware of this, which is why he notified Magnus of the strange energy; Maven was dubious of the presence of other Heigong people there, so sending Magnus there was a reasonable decision; besides, Elias, Madeline, and Noah were still with them.

Maven closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. - "Unfortunately, we'll have to act rapidly." Maven spoke with a solemn tone. " I understand how difficult it is for you to control the Qi in this state, but delaying things here might be dangerous."

Luckas nodded as he patiently listened to Maven. He was confident in his ability to succeed; he knew that his system control branch gave him a significant advantage in QI control; all he needed to do now was keep calm and avoid making too many mistakes. The sphere was quickly returned to its tranquil state, facilitating the absorption of energy into Elias body, thanks to Luckas superb mastery of the Qi.

Madeline started to approach them carefully after Philips and Magnus had left. Her gaze was entirely fixed on Elias, who now had a more pleasant expression on his face, but it was evident that he had suffered significant damage.

Elias had previously been energetic, powerful, and physically fit. His body was feeble now, and even his hair had white streaks in it. Madeline took a seat next to Elias and watched as the energy began to permeate him.

Madeline admired Maven and Luckas because, despite the fact that Elias was unfamiliar to them, they worked tirelessly to save him. Throughout the ordeal, she was on the edge of crying, but she held it together until the last thread of energy entered Elias' body.

With tears in her eyes and uncontrollable crying, she began to thank Maven and Luckas. Elias was breathing normally again, and his formerly dark tattoo had turned fully yellow. Maven simply patted her head and turned to face the source of energy. While Luckas sat on the ground, tired.

He felt accomplished since his efforts had paid off, and he was glad that he had at least made a contribution during this ordeal. Byrth approached Luckas and sat next to him as he was relaxing his completely stiff body.

-" Good job there." Byrth offered tiny praise and stayed silent; he could tell Luckas was fatigued just by looking at the amount of sweat on his forehead.

Luckas nodded to Byrth and closed his eyes; he could still feel the upheaval in the Qi around him, but all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep for a few minutes so the incident didn't disturb his rest. Luckas eventually dozed asleep for a brief moment before being jolted awake by Maven's voice.

– "What the fuck is going on there? You've got to get out of here! I'm going to assist Magnus and Philips." Maven's tone was rushed and frantic, which surprised Luckas because he got the feeling that Maven never felt the stress of the situation.

However, Lucka's surprise was quickly replaced by terror when he sensed something completely obscuring the sun above him. Luckas was still laying down when he opened his eyes and saw the colossal beast blocking the sky above him.